Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Is it too late to be a hot mom? =(
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I want to be a hot mama too! I started this mfp in jan 2011. I had my 3rd baby on christmas day. I also have a 10 yr old and 3 yr old. I have lost all my baby weight since joining. I'm now looking to tone and maintain. I've completed 30 day shred and am now doing p90x with my hubby. I have also done various jillian workouts before starting p90x. Hope to be a part of this group;-) power to da mamas!!
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    sorry for the post - just realized this group is closed. =)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Just the chart for now, been a busy morning, will post my thoughts and updates in a bit~
    OH! and great job checking in right away everyone !

  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    How depressing. I was the only one with a gain! I am working extra hard today. I will make this work...Water, exercise, log repeat!

    Congrats to all of you great results this week!!!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    How depressing. I was the only one with a gain! I am working extra hard today. I will make this work...Water, exercise, log repeat!

    Congrats to all of you great results this week!!!

    Don't sweat it, Deb! The week before, I was at 196.4, only to weigh in at 199.0 on Day 1 of this challenge. With a 23-week challenge, I can GUARANTEE you that we will probably all have a week where we gain. Just remember, as a group, we lost 16.5 pounds!! I wonder if any of the other groups can beat that.

    I'm so glad everyone checked in! I was in another challenge where 172 people signed up, and only 75 checked in on the first weekly weigh in. It must be our group captains that are keeping us in check. Thanks, Daisy and Marcia!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Helen. I appreciate the good words. I have to admit that I was really bad at logging last week. I am already fixing that. I keep trying to fool myself that I don't need to log. Truth is that you forget if you dont write it down. I have always been a lot better if I make a plan. So every night I am plannIng my meals for the next day.

    What do you do to keep yourself on track?
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday. Husband decided to skip work, and that always throws my whole day off.
    I have to say that I started the same way. I was 196.8 the week before and started the challenge at 199.8, so I really felt like I was catching back up to myself. The good thing is that the challenge group is doing what it's supposed to ~ keeping us accountable :P
    You had a gain, so now you are even more motivated to keep on track!
    I usually make my meal plan for the day each morning... but I am working on a tentative weekly meal plan. what I mean is, I'm trying to buy only stuff I plan to make and less of the snacks that fill our tummies all day. For that I get fruit and yogurt and the kids haven't complained yet. They have also been eating more at meals....
    I sure know how to get off on a tangent.
    Sometimes, I'll have the whole day planned out, then my husband comes home and says he don't want spaghetti or we have a last minute run to the city that ruins my time management attempts. So, he is the reason for alot of my last minute changes. Like last night, I was going to make goulash and ended up at Mcalister's for potatos. At least I was able to stay under calories and get my grocery shopping done. Of course, I am the only one to blame for my late night poor choices~
    Anyway Deb, I bet you have the biggest loss next week.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Favorite videos~ I like just about every Crunch workout on NetFlix instant play, but they won't be available much longer I guess.
    I like Jillian's 30 day shred, though I haven't finished the whole thing yet. Most likely where I will head when Crunch disappears. ($10 @ Walmart)
    I have Bob Harper's CardioMax, which just kicks my butt and I feel like I'm still a smoker! (also $10 at Walmart)
    If you like to switch it up alot like I do, I found a box with 10 discs at BedBath&Beyond called the 90 Day Supreme Workout. It comes with a workout plan calendar and uses a balance ball and weights. I started it the same time I tried to run though, so I didnt get past day 2 lol, but the reviews are awesome and I have all intentions of doing the whole thing.... excuse? maybe I better do it today!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I'm checking in my weight----195.4.

    Now, I did one juice- apple carrot beet... not bad but I can't see doing it for 7 days. three maybe, MAYBE! lol good luck with your teeth situation... gotta suck!!

    On a side note... i did manage to drink 6 glasses of water-pure water -aside from the juice and chamomile teas...and I didn't feel like throwing up.. I hate water but I guess it's getting better!

    See ya ladies!

    I don't think I have ever actually ate a beet! How are you feeling energy wise?
    I drink all my water through a straw, keep the cup with me all day, and every time I feel a little hungry I fill it up again. That really helps me get all my water in, and then some. The straw idea came about when I quit smoking as a means of meeting that oral fixation addiction. Of course my husband had other ideas :P As it turns out though, the cup empties before ya know it through a straw... kinda like a fountain drink soda, ya know. However ya get it down, it's awesome that you are! Own it~
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have a mug that I drink my water out of. It is amazing how much easier it is with a straw!! Day two down and under cals. All is well!!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hey all you hotties;). We did great last week! I just got back from camping and can say that I am scared to weigh tomorrow. Did not do well in the food department:(. On a happier note, I kicked butt in the exercise- I worked out extra hard the morning we left, then that afternoon the group of us rented four man tubes and floated the river stretch about seven or eight times. I was the one mom who packed that sucker out of the river, up to the trucks, and down to the river several times. It felt so awesome to be strong enough to do that. The next morning I took myself on a three mile walk/jog down a side highway before the others woke up. Love the mountains. That day we spent seven hours at the swim park climbing the flipping stairs to slide down huge watersides. The kids had a blast and so did we! So I am sure I gained a pound or two, but it was so worth the hard work these past months to feel so confident walking around in my tankini and not worrying about it flipping up over my fat roll, or how awful my legs looked.

    Let's keep working hard girls! Nothing feels better than confidence!!!!!
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    The straw idea came about when I quit smoking as a means of meeting that oral fixation addiction. Of course my husband had other ideas :P

    LOL... I spit out my water reading that. I :heart: your husband Daisy! LOL
    I absolutely love beets... my dad got me hooked to them. I haven't done the juice thing all day but I am adding A juice per day... kinda experimenting with it.. I did do a strawberry/apple/pineapple lemonade one... so delish...It's on my diary and I posted it under the recipes-Jalapeno's Homemade freshly juiced strawberry/apple/pineapple lemonade ...LOL

    Great job ladies on the weight loss.... a weight gain is ok too!! keep your body confused... can't wait to see results of next week!!!

    R.I.P. fat cells!! bwahahahahaha << insert evil laugh>>
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    THis heat wave need to end!! I want to go walking again and start Couch to 5k over! Which I have to start C25k Monday no matter what!! I have a 5k I am running in September and I an nowhere near running!

    Satan Called He wants his Heat back!
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    Favorite videos~ I like just about every Crunch workout on NetFlix instant play, but they won't be available much longer I guess.
    I like Jillian's 30 day shred, though I haven't finished the whole thing yet. Most likely where I will head when Crunch disappears. ($10 @ Walmart)
    I have Bob Harper's CardioMax, which just kicks my butt and I feel like I'm still a smoker! (also $10 at Walmart)
    If you like to switch it up alot like I do, I found a box with 10 discs at BedBath&Beyond called the 90 Day Supreme Workout. It comes with a workout plan calendar and uses a balance ball and weights. I started it the same time I tried to run though, so I didnt get past day 2 lol, but the reviews are awesome and I have all intentions of doing the whole thing.... excuse? maybe I better do it today!!

    DUH!!! I didn't even think about looking to see what was on Netflix! Thanks for mentioning that! I did try out the 30DS, it was awhile ago and I didn't last long....maybe I should pick that up again?

    I think my problem is that I don't really know what I want or like as far as a video goes.....I suppose my best bet is to start trying them out and see what clicks for me!
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    Good morning!

    My weigh-in today is 195.8. Yay!

    Here are my favorite videos right now --

    1. Bob Harper Inside Out Method -- Pure Burn, Cardio Conditioning, and Yoga for the Warrior
    2. Jillian Michaels -- No More Trouble Zones
    3. Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders -- Body Slimming Yoga
    4. Butt Bible

    I've tried the first three at my local library, and I still check them out regularly. I just tried Butt Bible using On Demand on cable, and I loved it! The Swedish lady is SO funny that she had me laughing out loud! I love, love, love that I can try new workouts On Demand or from my library's DVD collection without paying a single cent.

    The Butt Bible sounds like it would crack me up! Also, have never though about the library...you ladies are filled with all kinds of awesome advice!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hey all you hotties;). We did great last week! I just got back from camping and can say that I am scared to weigh tomorrow. Did not do well in the food department:(. On a happier note, I kicked butt in the exercise- I worked out extra hard the morning we left, then that afternoon the group of us rented four man tubes and floated the river stretch about seven or eight times. I was the one mom who packed that sucker out of the river, up to the trucks, and down to the river several times. It felt so awesome to be strong enough to do that. The next morning I took myself on a three mile walk/jog down a side highway before the others woke up. Love the mountains. That day we spent seven hours at the swim park climbing the flipping stairs to slide down huge watersides. The kids had a blast and so did we! So I am sure I gained a pound or two, but it was so worth the hard work these past months to feel so confident walking around in my tankini and not worrying about it flipping up over my fat roll, or how awful my legs looked.

    Let's keep working hard girls! Nothing feels better than confidence!!!!!

    Awesome!! I can't wait until I feel that way. Confidence is on my list of advantages of losing weight. I started checking out on demand exercises today. One reason I like cable. I found 30 DS there the first time I ever did it. I found butt bible on there today and will have to try it out. I got fresh raspberries yesterday and have been enjoying them with every meal. MMMMMM!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    @Amanda ~ just keep trying a variety until you find something that is fun. If fitness is fun, we want to do it, right? I'm looking right now for a fun bellydancing video. Used to watch "Shimmy" on FitTV before I got pregnant with my son, but we ditched cable and I can't find anything useful on Netflix or Hulu.

    @Sugar ~ have you tried walking after dark? I say that like everyone lives in a town of 200.... um, is it safe for you to walk/run after the sun sets? That C25K is a 9 week program iirc....you best get started! Might even be able to train with one of those DVDs in the house, walk/run in place to build your endurance. All the inside walking tracks around here are membership only :mad:

    @Jalapenos ~ I love him too! He keeps me laughing, even when I should be disgusted or upset, so that's good. I like the idea of juicing to make sure ya get all those macronutrients more than the idea of living off juice. Less of a fad that way, ya know. That lemonade sounds yummy. (I'm allergic to strawberries, but looooove them!)

    @Mussmom ~ so glad you had a good time. With all the playing, I bet you will be surprised on the scale. The more we move, the more we can eat! I bet them other moms are home right now searching for the right strength workout to catch up to ya too!

    As for me, yesterday sucked and I let it go way further than it should have. It started with a very impulsive purchase of that bag of mixed donuts on the counter at the store. I realized what I had done once I was back in the car, and tried to tell myself I could handle it. But 7 donuts between me and the kids??? They each ate one, and I somehow stopped myself after 4 and managed to throw the last one away before I went back for it. Then I planned dinner and saw that I was only 500 over on calories. The thought crossed my mind that I could still fix this!!! Naptime came, and my son never took a nap. He instead kept coming out of his room, turning on the light, screaming, whatever he could do to get me to come back in there.... So, there went my first window for a workout. Well, once I ruin a day, I just can't stop. To make this long story short, sugar crash came and I went straight back to my sugar filled bad eating ways. I ended up with 2 bowls of cereals, some cookies and milk, leftover mac&cheese, and no workout.

    It's ok though! Today is a new chance! My head hurts and I'm congested (prolly from my poor choices yesterday), so I've spent naptime typing this. And of course, fighting my 2 year old to go to sleep once again. I am hoping that he will fall asleep about the same time my Excederin kicks in so I can workout. Eating wise, I had a wonderful lunch and dinner is planned and yogurt for a snack and early to bed tonight. Late nights kill me, even on good days, so I just have to make sure that don't happen today. And it will all even out....

    Well, there it is. I owned it, not proud, but it was all me. This is what I have to change. Maybe this should have been a blog? I keep thinking if I had posted my major screw up on the donuts when it happened, I may have done better the rest of the day...But, hey thats history, just gotta learn from it. No more going to the store at lunchtime!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mama you sound just like me!! That's why I started the Beck Diet Solution I found myself feeling really out of control!

    I have not been the best today, but I did exercise, I stayed on my calories. Nothing was as I had planned today, but that makes it all the more interesting! My husband brought some hot dog flavored chips home, they are really good--try and eat just one. :devil:

    Lets make tomorrow a great day! Take care everyone!:happy:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Hot dog flavored chips?? that actually doesn't sound good to me at all. But then hotdogs arent my favorite either.
    I managed to keep it under control today, but I did eat more than intended while I stayed up later than I had hoped. I might have to check out that book.

    Good night ladies! Each day that is better than the last is progress~