HI I'm back! Anyone trying to lose weight through menopause?

If you're trying to lose weight through menopause let's encourage each other!


  • barbbj3
    barbbj3 Posts: 1 Member
    It seems impossible to do but I'm going to give it a try..
  • sarahdelrosso
    sarahdelrosso Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you to all of you for your responses. Oceandaisies I agree with you that fad diets are not the answer (so I have found). Really watching my portions!
  • hgoff73
    hgoff73 Posts: 1 Member
    I was thrown into menopause a couple years ago and I'm just now trying to get this back off again seems like everything goes straight to my belly area
  • boopster99
    boopster99 Posts: 48 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Well, I can lose a pound of sweat through menopause every night.

    I hear that, sista! I'm in the throws of all kinds of mental and body chaos, guess what's been actually quite good is the angry mood moments make for awesome (yes, sweaty) workouts! :s
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    I sent you a request. I'm in the early stages with lots of hot flashes and getting pissed off a lot, but am still fertile. :p
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    I started menopause when I was 42, I'm 63 now. I lost 40 pounds since last year june. It wasn't very hard but these last 15 lbs aren't budging much
  • sarahdelrosso
    sarahdelrosso Posts: 19 Member
    Evamutt--how did you lose your 40 lbs? That's amazing!
  • Fitoncemore
    Fitoncemore Posts: 8 Member
    I went thru menopause at 40 and have gain about 50 pounds since then (seven years ago).
  • CookiesAllowed
    CookiesAllowed Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for writing this post and all the very helpful replies..it certainly helps knowing your not alone with this very natural struggle
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited June 2017
    I've lost 40# so far, since last July and am 58. It can be done, and I'm not the only one who has. I've mostly just cut back on the amounts of food I eat to stay within my calories, and am much less likely to have a beer in the evening. Like a lot of other posters, I mostly eat meals cooked from scratch, but still have dessert, sticky buns, wings or pizza occasionally so that dieting doesn't suck. It's a new way of life, so feeling deprived shouldn't be part of it.
  • luluciola
    luluciola Posts: 1 Member
    The struggle is real! I'm 55, 10 years in menopause and it's so hard. Feel like I almost into a brick wall. I lose patience because I work hard at it and the weight doesn't come off! And I'm hungry all the time! I have 30+ pounds to lose and feel like I've tried everything!
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Not only am I struggling with full menopause, but I am a 2yr bone marrow transplant survivor (Hodgkin's Lymphoma) The combined has hit me hard in the weight gain area. Never had to worry or work so hard to lose a few pounds. Well, 20lbs gained and I am working hard to get this off. I have switched from my usual run it off attitude and am doing a crossfit type of workout. I am feeling great but after 4wks of hard exercise, NOTHING, not a darn lb lost. I feel great and hope I begin to look better soon. The struggle is REAL and I hate it!
  • jackiemae6
    jackiemae6 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, glad to know I am not going crazy!! These mood swings and fatigue are Insane! Have to say tho, working out helps tremendously, and I have motivated my sister to join in! Good luck guys and keep going!
  • Kfletch1959
    Kfletch1959 Posts: 21 Member
    So interesting to read all the issuea we have with menopause. I'm 57 and have gained about 20 lbs in the last 5-6 years. I was never thin but athletic. Now I have that middle that just won't go away. I have a terrible problem wiht no sleep. I've tried everything.
    Last year I lost 10 lbs (my husband did it with me so easier with him on board). I want to lose another 10 lbs but it's not easy. I do like a cocktail on the weekends. I think cutting out alcohol will help. But really counting calories with MFP really works. NO matter what the calories are. You/me just have to make up our mind to stay within the calorie allotment we are given with MFP. I go to spin 3 times a week (hard classes too), walk 4 miles once a week and hike on the weekends . I do a lot of yard work too. I am staying the same weight. I know if I log consistently I will lose. I've done it before...