The Period/Water Retention Question.

So I'm still relatively new to being around in the community and I'm sure this has been talked about enough but I'm still going to ask. So I weigh myself on Sundays only. I weighed myself last Sunday and I lost weight. I started my period Monday night and it went until Friday. Now it's Sunday again and I weigh myself and I'm up in weight. Not by much but it annoyed me still cause I did my exercises this week and my diet was about the same as last week, if not better. I don't get cravings on my period ever, so I didn't break down and eat something I wasn't supposed to. I read that it's water retention, but does it take time for that to go away even after you're off your monthly? Just wondering what you ladies have experienced with this. I don't want to make excuses and say it's my period, but I know I did everything I was supposed to last week lol


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    weight loss isnt linear... its water, just keep doing what you're doing.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Don't give so much power to your scale and a number. If it's 5 pounds or less, I just don't even flinch.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Your weight is never going to just consistently go down every week. Even when you reach goal, your weight will go up and down within a range.

    Your body has lots of other stuff in it than fat, and that stuff is moving around and getting broken down and repaired. Water weight esp for women is unpredictable and doesn't follow specific rules. You are looking for the trend over time, not week to week. Some people find it actually helps to weigh every day to see what a roller-coaster ride their weight really is, so they don't get discouraged by that one week every once in awhile. I've always weighed weekly and just don't worry unless I see the trend continue upper rather than settle back down.
  • OfBloodandRank
    OfBloodandRank Posts: 10 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Your weight is never going to just consistently go down every week. Even when you reach goal, your weight will go up and down within a range.

    Your body has lots of other stuff in it than fat, and that stuff is moving around and getting broken down and repaired. Water weight esp for women is unpredictable and doesn't follow specific rules. You are looking for the trend over time, not week to week. Some people find it actually helps to weigh every day to see what a roller-coaster ride their weight really is, so they don't get discouraged by that one week every once in awhile. I've always weighed weekly and just don't worry unless I see the trend continue upper rather than settle back down.

    I might actually do that. I've heard people say that they weigh daily just to see the fluctuations, so that might help me. I know it's not a big deal, it was just a bit frustrating after having such a great workout week :p
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I weigh myself every day and I also keep track of my calories burned/eaten in a spreadsheet. I have calculations set up to show the total number of calories I've "lost" over the course of the month, and I use that to determine if I need to change anything. If the numbers say I should be losing, but the scale isn't showing it, the most I'll do is tighten up my logging/drink more water and keep waiting it out.

    Also, another user mentioned that she compares her weight today to her weight 4 weeks ago - so comparing weeks within her menstrual cycle, rather than week to week.

  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    As for when you gain and lose water weight from menstruation, it varies for every woman. Weighing daily for a couple of moths at least to know what your fluctuations are is really helpful.