Elliptical Recommendations

I want to purchase an elliptical machine. But, there are so many makes and models to choose from, and such a wide range of prices, I am quickly getting flustered!
Can anyone recommend one, or on the other hand, steer me away from a poor choice?


  • krush
    krush Posts: 16 Member
    I want to purchase an elliptical machine. But, there are so many makes and models to choose from, and such a wide range of prices, I am quickly getting flustered!
    Can anyone recommend one, or on the other hand, steer me away from a poor choice?
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    Pick a price range you are comfortable with then compare the ellipticals. Its impossible to compare ones that are in completely different price range.

    Good luck finding something! :drinker:
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    I purchase one this week from BJ's. Great price of $399. very good constructions for the money. I have heard many good things about the ellptical but do have one suggestion for someone looking to purchase one. I find that because I am short the span that is between you and the handle bars is a little far for some one of my height. therefore you are slighlty leaning forward and this causes lower fatigue. I think everyone should try one out for at least 10-15 minutes before you actually purchase it. Its definately a good workout.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I like the one they have the gym I would go to.

    the Precor it is really nice machine but not sure on the pricing though.
  • wannabeflaca
    I have a Precor EFX 5.17i. I bought this about 4 years ago. It's an excellent machine, hasn't needed any repairs.
    Before making my investment I made sure to try every single one out there making sure it is well constructed since it is an investment in addition to being ergonomically correct.
    My suggestion to you is to figure out your budget beforehand then try out as many as possible.
    The good ones are expensive but you have to look at it as an investment to your health. Eliptical machines are excellent choice. They burn as many calories as running/jogging on the treadmill without all the impact to you body.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I went to SEARS and tried out all the floor models.
    I selected one that was very sturdy, had the settings options I wanted, a heart rate monitor (although it does work as well as the one I wear) and it was light enough for me to move around (it has wheels on the front section, that only come in contact with the ground when the machine is tilted up). It cost $449 Canadian, 2 years ago. The only maintenance we've done, is a bit of WD40 here and there. It's used very often by a variety of our family members.