How's it going Day 2+ Shredders?



  • losingtheselbs
    losingtheselbs Posts: 27 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 complete! I'm shaking and my calves are burning... but I kinda like it! Apparently the 4th Day is the hardest so I hope I can make it *fingers crossed*
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    Hey guys, thought I'd drop in a word of encouragement:

    I am almost done with the Shred. Today I finished Day 5 of Level 3 - so five more days to go.

    I was extremely out of shape (well, I'm still somewhat out of shape) when I began the Shred and thought I'd die, but I began to actually look forward to it as day 3 and 4 came around. Going up to a new level is always challenging but I think it's worth it not only in terms of physical changes but also in terms of realizing what you are capable of.

    Good luck! <3
  • catalame
    catalame Posts: 40
    I'm trying to do 1wk on L1, 1wk (and odd days) L2 and 2 wk L3. Days like today and yesterday when I'm teaching fitness classess all day it's hard but meh this is my ME time goddam it lol.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi guys, I walked my dogs 30 mins before starting and first round I gave it more, second round cardio my calf pinger I AM SO UNHAPPY I modified from thereonin but I need to get back to running fitness and I just took a painful step backwards, hate my calves, hate injuries. I'm off to shower not to prevent being smelly and sulky, better luck to you guys! Debbie.
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I struggled through 4 or 5 days of it but my feet are causing problems and I need to go see my doctor. meanwhile, I'm laying off the jumping jacks and other high impact and doing some yard wor at home until I can get some comfy shoes and inserts for some arch...... my arches have been crushed over the years and I didnt realize why I wanted to sit all day until now
  • losingtheselbs
    losingtheselbs Posts: 27 Member
    day 4 complete, although i wish i didn't have a day off of it yesterday... i feel like i'd taken one step backwards in terms of my strength and energy. i think it's best to keep going every day, well that's working for me!