Over 50. Easiest weight loss I've ever done!

Hi all. I've been counting calories for most of my life, with up and down results. Since the menopause I've been really struggling even when my calorie intake seemed ok. Until 2 months ago.
Now I lose a kilo a week, no exceptions. Easily.
Breakfast: 100g no fat Greek yoghurt with two handfuls of mixed nuts with dried fruit and fresh berries if I have them.
Lunch: either a bagel/wrap/2 slices bread or a pitta bread, full of ham and cheese and some salad.
Dinner: either a fillet of salmon or haddock or any kind of meat with a huge salad or big plate of mixed veg.
I have a glass or two of wine when I want to.
Once a week, big splurge dinner, but never carbs at dinner.
I walk sometimes, I work outdoors but that hasn't aided weightloss in the past.
Loving it!!


  • debow65
    debow65 Posts: 22 Member
    Well done, sounds like you are doing well :)