

  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Working toward 350,500 @ average of 11,683 daily
    June 1: 14,194
    June 2: 8,438
    June 3: 13,220
    June 4: 12,607
    June 5: 12,329
    June 6: 12,510
    June 7: 12,159
    June 8: 10,899
    June 9: 10,296
    June 10: 13,955
    Total 120,615/350,500 thus far
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I have the Accupedo app on my cell phone. I've been using it to work my way up to that 10000 steps goal. Some days I get there, most days I don't, but the process is working with the daily count on a continuous rise, going from a commitment of 4000 steps a day 8 weeks ago to 6000 steps a day after the recent holiday weekend. I hope the public accountability factor of recording my steps here will help motivate me to push on every day until 10000 steps a day becomes automatic. It will be great if I can get to 300K steps in June.

    June 01: 8,136 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 02: 15,555 steps. Yes! That'll get the job done. :)
    June 03: 9,770 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 04: 10,702 steps. That makes up for what I was short yesterday.
    June 05: 10,920 steps.
    June 06: 4,227 steps. A blown day due to work issues. I will make up the shortfall ASAP.
    June 07: 10,114 steps. Back on track. One week in I am only 576 steps behind my target.
    June 08: 5,650 steps. A lot of driving and not enough walking. A guesstimate based on prior walks and time. My Accupedo app was off on my phone. I will make up an accumulating shortfall over the next few days.
    June 09: 11,801 steps. Back on track. I missed a day posting here.
    June 10: 13,005 steps. Definitely in the hunt for 300K steps in June.

    June total: 99,880/300K
  • vdemnyan
    vdemnyan Posts: 80 Member
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    I'm in! My goal will be to beat last months steps which was 385,093:
    6/1 - 24,603 =24,603
    6/2 - 16,486 = 41,089
    6/3 - 19,170 = 60,259
    6/4 - 9,340 = 69,599
    6/5 - 19,040 = 88,639
    6/6 - 16,670 = 105,309
    6/7 - 24,195 = 129,504
    6/8 - 13,522 = 143,026
    6/9 - 12,096 = 155,122
    6/10 - 14,419 = 169,541
  • cherbert20
    cherbert20 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in
  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    I'll join. Starting today 6/4.

    June Goal: 220,000

    6/4 12,367/207,633

    6/5 10,981/196,652

    6/6 14,019/182,633

    6/7 11,404/171,229

    6/8 12,479/158,750

    6/9 17,503/141,247

    6/10 13,880/127,367
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'm in for 300,00 steps in June.

    06/01 - 16,075
    06/02 - 5,854
    06/03 - 16,338
    06/04 - 18,010
    06/05 - 15,924
    06/08 - 18,560
    06/09 - 3,945
    06/10 - 7,201...101,907 steps so far.
    06/11 -

  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Working toward 350,500 @ average of 11,683 daily
    June 1: 14,194
    June 2: 8,438
    June 3: 13,220
    June 4: 12,607
    June 5: 12,329
    June 6: 12,510
    June 7: 12,159
    June 8: 10,899
    June 9: 10,296
    June 10: 13,955
    June 11: 9,336
    Total 129,951/350,500 thus far
    Little short today, but hope to do better tomorrow.
  • kpasalis458
    kpasalis458 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in how do we track our steps in this challenge I am using a Fitbit.
  • heatherduff792
    heatherduff792 Posts: 3 Member
    Trying for 11,000/day (330,000 for the month) but work travel sometimes makes it tough

    So far this month at 102,520. So averaging 9320/day. Better get moving!!
  • astronaught
    astronaught Posts: 103 Member
    I'm trying to average 13,000 per day with a minimum of 10,000. So far so good.

    June 1 - 12,749
    June 2 - 17,227
    June 3 - 11,503
    June 4 - 13,427
    June 5 - 15,790
    June 6 - 13,339
    June 7 - 13,604
    June 8 - 13,429
    June 9 - 16,803
    June 10 - 14,383
    June 11 - 17,739
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    My goal is 7500 steps, as I have a sedentary job and do some biking for exercise.

    June 1 -- 6205
    June 2 -- 7679
    June 3 -- 4572
    June 4 -- 4030
    June 5 -- 3231
    June 6 -- 3326
    June 7 -- 2686
    June 8 -- 11,577
    June 9 -- 4656
    June 10 -- 4038
    June 11 -- 2627 (traveling in car and sitting all day at an asssembly)
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    You are all very inspiring...I love to see all of these large step amounts!!
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I have the Accupedo app on my cell phone. I've been using it to work my way up to that 10000 steps goal. Some days I get there, most days I don't, but the process is working with the daily count on a continuous rise, going from a commitment of 4000 steps a day 8 weeks ago to 6000 steps a day after the recent holiday weekend. I hope the public accountability factor of recording my steps here will help motivate me to push on every day until 10000 steps a day becomes automatic. It will be great if I can get to 300K steps in June.

    June 01: 8,136 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 02: 15,555 steps. Yes! That'll get the job done. :)
    June 03: 9,770 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 04: 10,702 steps. That makes up for what I was short yesterday.
    June 05: 10,920 steps.
    June 06: 4,227 steps. A blown day due to work issues. I will make up the shortfall ASAP.
    June 07: 10,114 steps. Back on track. One week in I am only 576 steps behind my target.
    June 08: 5,650 steps. A lot of driving and not enough walking. A guesstimate based on prior walks and time. My Accupedo app was off on my phone. I will make up an accumulating shortfall over the next few days.
    June 09: 11,801 steps. Back on track. I missed a day posting here.
    June 10: 13,005 steps. Definitely in the hunt for 300K steps in June.
    June 11: 5,551 steps. Meh...a blown day.

    June total: 105,431/300K (should be at 110,000)
  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Working toward 350,500 @ average of 11,683 daily
    June 1: 14,194
    June 2: 8,438
    June 3: 13,220
    June 4: 12,607
    June 5: 12,329
    June 6: 12,510
    June 7: 12,159
    June 8: 10,899
    June 9: 10,296
    June 10: 13,955
    June 11: 9,336
    June 12: 13,429
    Total 143,380/350,500 thus far
    Doing good today on steps, but not so good eating.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    June goal - 375,000

    06/01 - 11,768
    06/02 - 14,931
    06/03 - 16,707
    06/04 - 7,817
    06/05 - 14,533
    06/06 - 18,793
    06/07 - 12,689
    06/08 - 12,998
    06/09 - 20,641
    06/10 - 12,332
    06/11 - 11,492
    06/12 - 15,813

    Total - 170,514
    To go - 204,486

  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    June 1 - 12230/12000
    June 2 - 15643/12000
    June 3 - 14095/12000
    June 4 - 18407/12000
    June 5 - 14628/12000
    June 6 - 16405/12000
    June 7 - 12146/12000
    June 8 - 12042/12000
    June 9 - 5406/12000 (yea, the knees killed me)
    June 10 - 12737/12000
    June 11 - 13487/12000
    June 12 - 12253/12000

    total: 159,479/144000

    average s/d: 13289
  • vdemnyan
    vdemnyan Posts: 80 Member
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    vdemnyan wrote: »
    I'm in! My goal will be to beat last months steps which was 385,093:
    6/1 - 24,603 =24,603
    6/2 - 16,486 = 41,089
    6/3 - 19,170 = 60,259
    6/4 - 9,340 = 69,599
    6/5 - 19,040 = 88,639
    6/6 - 16,670 = 105,309
    6/7 - 24,195 = 129,504
    6/8 - 13,522 = 143,026
    6/9 - 12,096 = 155,122
    6/10 - 14,419 = 169,541
    6/11 - 16,239 = 185,780
    6/12 - 12,439 = 198,219
  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    I'll join. Starting today 6/4.

    June Goal: 220,000

    6/4 12,367/207,633
    6/5 10,981/196,652
    6/6 14,019/182,633
    6/7 11,404/171,229
    6/8 12,479/158,750
    6/9 17,503/141,247
    6/10 13,880/127,367
    6/11 4,489/122,878
    6/12 13,180/109,598
    6/13 12,000/97,698
  • Allyanne1
    Allyanne1 Posts: 229 Member
    Working toward 350,500 @ average of 11,683 daily
    June 1: 14,194
    June 2: 8,438
    June 3: 13,220
    June 4: 12,607
    June 5: 12,329
    June 6: 12,510
    June 7: 12,159
    June 8: 10,899
    June 9: 10,296
    June 10: 13,955
    June 11: 9,336
    June 12: 13,429
    June 13: 9,525
    Total 152,905/350,500 thus far
    Birthday week is killer!!!!
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    June 1 - 12230/12000
    June 2 - 15643/12000
    June 3 - 14095/12000
    June 4 - 18407/12000
    June 5 - 14628/12000
    June 6 - 16405/12000
    June 7 - 12146/12000
    June 8 - 12042/12000
    June 9 - 5406/12000 (yea, the knees killed me)
    June 10 - 12737/12000
    June 11 - 13487/12000
    June 12 - 12253/12000
    June 13 - 13642/12000

    total: 173121/156000

    average s/d: 13317