Healthy weight: My definition or theirs



  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    Paschen81 wrote: »
    I agree... I don't think BMI takes unto consideration for chest size. According to BMI I should be between 150 and 170 but when I didn't eat but maybe 400 calories a day and you could see my ribs and hip bones quite clearly I weighed 180... So how could I get down to anything lower without looking like a walking corpse?

    That's what I worry about, not everyone carries 140lb the same way. I never desired to be that weight but I'm being told I need to be, to be considered "healthy"
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Neither, really. I'm still a couple pounds above BMI 25, which was my initial arbitrary goal. I'm happy with my appearance at this weight, but have a medical issue that might improve with additional fat loss, so I'm going to slowly lose additional fat to see if it does. My personal preference goals at this point are all fitness related. I'd like to be able to run and swim farther and faster, to lift heavier weights, and to maintain flexibility. I'm not yet to the point where those three goals start to become mutually exclusive, and all of them are compatible with gradual fat loss. My body fat percentage is high enough that I'll lose weight along the way, but weight loss is not my primary goal, if that makes sense.
  • Paschen81
    Paschen81 Posts: 150 Member

    At some point the fat loss would have evened out. I doubt that it would've gone so far as the bolded, but I do understand that during the weight loss process it can be difficult when the fat isn't coming off where you want it to.

    This was when I was in high school and not fat by any means... No... I wish I could that small again... Ok maybe not quite that small maybe 4 years later from that when I could afford to eat regularly and had a job where I was heavily active pushing and pulling 500 pound carts for 8 hrs per day and running stairs for another 3 hrs per day. I was 220 and looked amazing and strong... Yeah that's my goal to get to... Even if I stay a I/J chest

  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited June 2017
    BMI calculators actually give you a lot of leeway for extra weight. The only time someone would possibly be higher than the recommendation BMI and still be in a healthy range would be if they were an extreme muscle builder. That describes a tiny fraction of people.

    If you're not tall and have neither broad shoulders nor long torso, this is the case. People who "belong" in the lower half of the BMI range have a lot of leeway for extra weight. Unfortunately, they tend to assume that's true for everyone else and it isn't.

    Height matters because of a flaw in how BMI is calculated. It divides mass (which is a function of volume which is a function of height cubed) by height squared. Well, when you divide height cubed by height squared, the number gets bigger as height gets bigger. There is *nothing* that can be done to change that; it's just plain math.

    The numbers chosen as categories for "healthy" were the numbers for men of average height - mostly in the 5'6 to 5'10 range. People shorter than that can expect lower BMIs just because of their height. They even extended the bottom of the healthy range downward from 20 to 18.5 to accommodate short women. People significantly taller than that can expect higher BMIs just because of their height. If they're fine boned and don't have much muscle mass, they'll still be in the "healthy range". But many tall men who are reasonably active find themselves at healthy bodyfat percentages several "points" into the "overweight" range and would be underweight in the lower half of the "healthy" range. So, no, those men don't have any leeway for extra weight.

    The range is a range for a reason. There's not one "best weight" for everyone with leeway built in to allow everyone to be a bit heavier and still fit into the normal category. Instead, there's a range within which most people's "best weight" falls. But if your "best weight" falls near the top, you have ZERO leeway. Which wouldn't matter if insurance companies weren't so hung up on relatively meaningless numbers. (Bodyfat percentage would be a more meaningful number for them to use, but would cost more for them to obtain. The only reason they prefer BMI is because it's cheap and easy.)

  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    OP, I suspect that you've simply been obese for so long that you can't picture yourself at a "healthy" weight. So yes, of course that 140 is going to look small to you -- it's quite literally half your size. But don't discount it as not being a reasonable end goal when you're currently at the other end of the spectrum.

    I'm only an inch shorter than you, and your "goal" is more than 20 pounds than I was at my heaviest. Just because you don't like the idea of the work involved getting to 140 (or even 149 -- the highest "normal" weight for 5'5") doesn't mean that it's not reasonable. For me, being "super obese" wouldn't be reasonable.

    BMI has its issues, but are you seriously that muscular that you could justify being another 30 pounds overweight? Have you had body fat percentages done to know that you're that highly muscular?

    Which "unreasonable" would you rather have?

    I never said I didn't want to do the work or that is was unreasonable. I have lost 75lbs already on my own with no problems. The thing is why goes that have to be my goal. My desire is not to be 140lb. If that's what I wanted i would go for it an achieve however there are people who want to lose weight who don t necessarily want to get down to the low or high end of their target healthy BMI spectrum. My question simply ask who did you choose your personal goal
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited June 2017
    I chose my goal weight of 160 lb because it was in the middle of the "healthy" BMI for a man of my height. I most recently had that weight 44 years ago. At the time of that choosing, I weighed 272.4, and had held near that weight for 15 years after losing from somewhere above 300 in Y2K. Today, nearly 17 months later, I weigh 170.2. I'm wearing 'Medium' garments, 34" pants and 14.5" shirts. I'm still trying to get to 160. My torso/belly is still saggy and seems to have remaining subcutaneous fat. My body fat ratio was measured hydrostatically a few days ago at 14.3%. I figure that if I lose another 10 lb I'll be close to 10% body fat and that'll be ok with me. My goal range is probably going to be 150-170 lb just because it's so darned easy for me to gain 8 pounds in a day and almost as easy to drop them in 4 days. We're all a work in progress and our opinions of our satisfaction with ourselves are perpetually subject to change.

    OP, would you mind telling us what your definition of 'Healthy weight' is?
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    LotusCass wrote: »
    i'm 5'5" and 155 (just a couple of hairs into the overweight category), and honestly when i see that i'm 139.9, i'll be happy, haha.

    i've worked with a personal trainer once who wanted me down to 118. i don't think i could have sustained that, even in high school!

    You're the same height & weight as me with the same aim. I'll be so thrilled when I get below 140.

    Me too, I'm also 5'5" and my first goal is to get below 140lb (I'm currently hovering around the 144-146 mark). After that l would love to get to 133, but I haven't seen that number since high school so it won't be easy!
  • Paschen81
    Paschen81 Posts: 150 Member
    edited June 2017
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    If you're looking at a couple of years of eating 1200 Calories, yeah, I can see where you might crack

    1200 to 1400 has been my average for 3 years now... Before that I was on the NS program but didn't do well... Blood sugar kept going into the low 50s. Great concepts I need to reapply some of them and get back on track again.... Depression can be a killer for weight loss with me
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    kamarismom wrote: »
    OP, I suspect that you've simply been obese for so long that you can't picture yourself at a "healthy" weight. So yes, of course that 140 is going to look small to you -- it's quite literally half your size. But don't discount it as not being a reasonable end goal when you're currently at the other end of the spectrum.

    I'm only an inch shorter than you, and your "goal" is more than 20 pounds than I was at my heaviest. Just because you don't like the idea of the work involved getting to 140 (or even 149 -- the highest "normal" weight for 5'5") doesn't mean that it's not reasonable. For me, being "super obese" wouldn't be reasonable.

    BMI has its issues, but are you seriously that muscular that you could justify being another 30 pounds overweight? Have you had body fat percentages done to know that you're that highly muscular?

    Which "unreasonable" would you rather have?

    I never said I didn't want to do the work or that is was unreasonable. I have lost 75lbs already on my own with no problems. The thing is why goes that have to be my goal. My desire is not to be 140lb. If that's what I wanted i would go for it an achieve however there are people who want to lose weight who don t necessarily want to get down to the low or high end of their target healthy BMI spectrum. My question simply ask who did you choose your personal goal

    I chose my goal based on past experiences at certain weights. I was low 100's in college being a competitive athlete. As far as I can tell, I have no intention of reaching that level again. Now I'll be happy with 135-140 range. Being lower will be too much work to maintain. I'm muscular and 5'4", so 135-140 will be just about right. I'll still be able to go out to eat and drink alcohol. Without having to kill myself at the gym.

    You are thinking the right way, in regards to what will be sustainable for you, but you might change your mind as you lose weight. You don't HAVE to do anything, at the end of the day, do what's best for you. Definitely, work with your doctor when you get closer to 180 and re-evaluate.

    Congrats on the 75 pound loss! That's impressive!

    Yes I agree, I will work with my doctor once I get closer to my goal. I also believe I will change my find. I believe when I love what I see and how I feel then I will know that I have reached my goal and thank you.