looking for support to get re-focused...

Hi All,

Been on MFP for a while now, however; I have noticed in the past few weeks I am losing focus.

Looking for some new support groups to keep me motivated and focus on the "the task at hand".

A little a bit about me... 3 years ago I weighed 95.8Kg (sorry not sure on the conversion). Through diet, exercise, sweet, blood and tears i have am not fighting my last few kilos to reach my goal of 65kg ... however; these last few kilos are holding on for dear life....

If you wish to add me, please feel free too...

Bel ...


  • ejhayes
    ejhayes Posts: 44 Member
    Have you tried changing things up a bit, like the workouts? Also try new recipes that are healthy and listen to really upbeat music! These are the things that help me sometimes, not that I have lost that much weight to begin with, but it's just an idea. Good luck!!!
  • MakeItHappenAnt
    what's happenin' Bel811...i' a newbie & yesterday i celebrated my 15th day streak logging in. i'll be more than glad to add u as a friend. those last few kilos can't remain forever. keep your eyes on the prize...they'll eventually concede & go away. also, please feel free to add me as well. much success to u on your journey,

  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I think we all lose focus at times, but you have done a great job so far! I agree....... change things up a bit...... try different menus or different exercise. Sometimes that is enough to kick those stubborn lbs away. And be proud of yourself for how far you've come!
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Hi ejhayes

    I do a lot of different training, it's more the past few weeks there has been a lot of functions on in life and i've been a little more relaxed with my diet....

    Thanks for your advice, I am going to start to listen to upbeat music in the afternoon whens the chocolates start to calll my name...

    Great to have your support and words of encouragement.
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Hi MakeItHappen (awesome name)

    Congratulations on your 15th day streak! that's an awesome effort!!!!

    Please do add me as a friend.... i agree, they can not stay on forever (well I hope not anyways) ....

    It'll be great to have your support...