New and not starting out so well : /

So, I started with this program yesterday and on the very first day I went over my calorie intake by 387!! Yikes!! I'm hoping today will be a better day with that. Anyone out there with some tips to help me out, please feel free to share :)


  • cairney4698
    cairney4698 Posts: 237
    Don't fret it does get easier. You just need to work your way in to a routine and you will get much better at "budgeting" your calories. That, I find, is the best way to look at it that your calories per day is a budget you have to spend and like in all things in life you have to find the best way to make your budget stretch.

    Sure you will be hitting your calorie target very soon. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    You can browse some users food diaries and see what they do to stay under calorie. Most people go over at the low levels (like trying to stick with a 1200 diet) and try and make it up with exercise :) Good luck!
  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    Better days will follow as long as you try to discipline yourself.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I started in January, and I think on my first two or three days I went way over calories - partly because I was trying out how it all worked while eating up Christmas chocolates! I agree with the PP though, it's a case of learning what is good 'value' for calories...what will fill you up without 'costing' too much.

    My diary is open to friends, feel free to add me if you want to look!
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Agree, it does get easier..

    As you get more into the journey, you'll start to change your life style and way of thinking about food.

    Don't stress, it's all about learning and understanding .... a good idea is to check out other peoples food diaries for ideas.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Don't get nervous. It took me a good 2-3 weeks to get really in gear last time and then I had an injury that sort of took me out of the game for awhile. I am in the process of getting back on track and I would say it has taken me about 2 weeks this time to get back on the wagon. I think the most important thing at the beginning is to make the decision to do this and then understand that many people can't change overnight. It has to be gradual or you won't stick with it. So take a deep breath and remember why you decided to join MFP and keep plugging along. Believe it or not at some point it will just click! Good Luck - you can do it:flowerforyou:
  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    It helps me to log my food BEFORE I eat it! it does require some work to plan ahead like that, but that makes a huge difference for me! Don't beat yourself up....keep going, it does get easier! Good luck!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I actually took the first week on here to see HOW MUCH i was eating. The second week I decided to start making better choices. Then the third week I decided it was time to try staying under. By the fourth week I was doing alright.

    This is a drastic change in your eating habits (well for most) so don't worry about the first couple days.... there is a learning curve :wink:
  • pinksoldier
    i went over my calorie intake on my first 3-days. i used those 3-days as my baseline to see exactly how much i was eating normally, without watching calories closely. Once i logged for 3-days i went back and saw where i needed to swap out foods to healther choices and smaller portions and even eliminate foods to make it work for my goals.
    it'll get easier......especially when you start to feel the results!! good luck to you!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    It is trial and error. I think the first week or so is basically you getting to see what you eat and how it affects your body so do not be discouraged. You are not g gonna change overnight and there might be some rough days ahead. :) Keep going!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi Celeste, and welcome to MFP! Don't worry, you'll get there - everyone has days when they go over. If I am over, I either do more exercise to burn off the calories, or just tell myself that tomorrow is a new day, then make sure I stick within my calorie range! Do you have your calories set too low? I keep my goal at 1 pound a week. Sometimes I lose more, sometimes less, but it tends to balance out for me. i have tried setting my goal higher, but just can't stay within the recommended calories. Another way to stay motivated on MFP is to make friends with people - the support here is awesome - add me if you want (we are close in age). Also, it's fun and motivating to join different challenges - just go on the community tab and search challenges for one that appeals to you. Good luck!
  • BeccaStearns
    As many have already said, it does get easier. Dont be too hard on yourself.... We didnt get this way overnight.
    Also, they say it takes 30 days to make something a habit. You will do great!!!!!!!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    i plan all my dinners ahead of time. then i enter them in my diary in the am or the day before. that way i can plan my breakfast and lucnch around my most calorie filled meal.
  • cubbieblue10
    cubbieblue10 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with the others. It definitely gets easier as you learn more about what you eat and how to plan the food for your day. Personally, I had to stop snacking between meals, especially while at my desk.

    Good luck!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    For my entire first week, I just logged what I ate, not really trying to make any changes. I wanted to get an accurate picture of what I was eating before I could come up with a game plan. Then after I could see the trends, I started to change what I was eating -- choosing healthier options, smaller portions, more protein, more fiber. It's not going to happen overnight, and honestly, it's better if it's a gradual change because then it's not such a shock to you. I've found it easier to keep up the healthier eating because I've changed my diet slowly instead of all at once.

    So don't sweat your first day. Don't sweat your first week. And when you get into the groove and start doing well with your eating regularly, don't sweat it if you have an off day then either. It's a learning process, and you'll get there. Don't beat yourself up, especially not right now when you're just starting out. :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd be surprised if there's anyone on here who never had a day when they went over on calories!

    Look at your diary - was there one thing that tipped you over? (A slice of birthday cake, say, not likely to happen every day) Or is one meal particularly high in cals (look for alternatives) or is it just all over (try reducing portion size)

    Keep logging!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    It does get easier. You learn what you can and can't eat. You also learn to exercise more on days when your calories are getting high. I went over the first few days as wel. This is a life style change and change doesn't happen over night!!!! Welcome to the MFP family!!!
  • Lillyzar
    Lillyzar Posts: 46 Member
    It does get easier and if you really think about it you probably still ate a whole lot less than you normally do because you are concious about what you are putting in your mouth. It's a start and you will continue to have some days like that every once in a while.

    BTW Welcome :)
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    It's a journey, not a destination. :) What I mean is... if you want to get fit and stay fit, it has to be a lifestyle change... one in which you are always teaching yourself healthier habits and occasionally making mistakes (or intentionally - having a cheat dinner). It takes time and discipline but if you continue to be focused on eating well, you will find yourself staying under cals soon. Don't let going over 387 cals discourage you. Give it another solid try today... and tomorrow and the next.
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    Don't beat yourself up about it. As everyone has said, the first couple of weeks are hard. For me, the hard part was the honesty, holding myself accountable. Actually logging everything I ate, not just the "good" stuff. Then I would rather not eat the junk, just so I wouldn't have to log it! I am now at the point where I log everything for the day ahead of time so I know exactly what I am dealing with. It also helps me plan my exercise.

    MFP is fantastic. Use the community and their expertise. Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you like.