Stronglift 5x5

dalerst Posts: 174 Member
Just about to start a stronglift 5x5 program at home for the next 8 weeks to see how I get on with it, I've downloaded the app so I can keep a track on the progress.

I do have a question regarding the other muscle groups that arnt covered in the programme like biceps, triceps, Abs etc. Do i just fit them in around the programme or am I missing something.


  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Stronglifts is actually meant to be just for those lifts in the program. Once the weight gets heavy and challenging you will be pretty spent. its only time, so I'd recommend just running the program as it is for your 8 weeks then reaccess your results after the 8 weeks and see if you want to change it up or of you've been happy with the results. It does work the muscles you mentioned but its working them with others via the compound exercises.
  • ldwatene
    ldwatene Posts: 150 Member
    edited June 2017
    You'll work those muscles doing 5x5 indirectly anyway. Bench press works tris. Barbell row works bis. They all generally work your core.
  • dalerst
    dalerst Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for the advice, i'm going to change a few thing in the programme, like swap the bench press for barbell press as i don't have a bench press bench, also may struggle as the programme develops with the squats because I will be picking the bar of the floor.

    will see how I get on.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    dalerst wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice, i'm going to change a few thing in the programme, like swap the bench press for barbell press as i don't have a bench press bench, also may struggle as the programme develops with the squats because I will be picking the bar of the floor.

    will see how I get on.

    You will definitely need a squat rack once it gets heavier... maybe you should look into another program.
    Or, get a squat rack used for cheap. That's what I did!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    dalerst wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice, i'm going to change a few thing in the programme, like swap the bench press for barbell press as i don't have a bench press bench, also may struggle as the programme develops with the squats because I will be picking the bar of the floor.

    will see how I get on.

    You will definitely need a squat rack once it gets heavier... maybe you should look into another program.
    Or, get a squat rack used for cheap. That's what I did!


    This will happen QUICK
    I'm doing a slightly different program with less squatting and after two months no way I could still be cleaning the bar. I recently discovered Walmart sells a rack (with great reviews) for $150. Or there's always craigslist.

    Otherwise definitely pick a different program. There's plenty of good exercises you can do without back squatting 3x a week doing strong lifts. If you don't have a bench and don't have a rack, stronglifts is not for you.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited June 2017
    Get a used bench w/a rack in the very least. Many people are willing to sell cheap or free if you pick up on Craigslist or something.
    You wont be able to progress your weight properly if the bar is on the ground. Without the proper equipment it can defeat the purpose of the program. But maybe others who have modified the lifts can weigh in.

    There is accessory work in the app too that you can schedule and add to your A/B workouts. You can also create your own.
    Edit: as others have said this program is built around compound lifts and is sufficient to work many muscle groups together vs isolation. Thus the basis of its appeal. :)

    Its a good program...good luck!
  • dalerst
    dalerst Posts: 174 Member
    dalerst wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice, i'm going to change a few thing in the programme, like swap the bench press for barbell press as i don't have a bench press bench, also may struggle as the programme develops with the squats because I will be picking the bar of the floor.

    will see how I get on.

    You will definitely need a squat rack once it gets heavier... maybe you should look into another program.
    Or, get a squat rack used for cheap. That's what I did!

    I will plan on buying a squat rack in the next few weeks, just want to see how I get on with the programme first. will also invest in a bench press bench as well.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited June 2017
    All novices want to do more than what SL and other novice programs specify. .

    Resist the urge!

    The programs are good enough doing what is specified until you plateau which, if you are actually doing the program as specified, will take no longer than 4-6 months.

    Then you can move on to intermediate programs to break thru the plateau and/or do all of the isolation exercises you desire.
  • drawaimfire
    drawaimfire Posts: 83 Member
    Just fourthing or fifthing ;) the squat rack recommendations. Within the first 4 weeks, it became very apparent that I was not going to be getting that bar off the ground and up into position safely, solo, as the program progressed. I got kind of down on myself but then read some comments and realized it wasn't a bad thing, and finding a squat rack on a budget isn't too bad, I almost have enough saved and can't wait!

    Good luck and lift safe.