Serial starters

Hi all, I've been doing WE on and off about 10 years. I reached my goal weight and have slowly been gaining. Very frustrated knowing I did it once so why didn't I just keep it there. I've been using MFP lately. It's helping but I'm a snacker and finding it so difficult. Struggling....


  • VickyLEden
    VickyLEden Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry, WW
  • andyzee69
    andyzee69 Posts: 193 Member
    If you've been doing WW for 10 years, perhaps it's time to try something else. What kind of things do you snack on? Message me if you like
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    It's been my experience, after many years of yo-yo dieting, that anytime I set a "goal weight" I would reach it and then ultimately gain it all back. For me, I did not see a sustained maintenance until I changed the way I viewed my health and fitness.

    I really do not focus on a goal weight but just doing the things I need to do on a daily basis that I know will get me to a point where I am happy with my body. I think until you can change the way you approach weight loss and health and make it more about eating right and exercising to feel good as opposed to just losing weight, it could be difficult to maintain in the long term. Goodluck!