Starting over...need to lose 90lbs

Hello everyone
I've been a member here for quite some time. In the past I was able to shed 60lbs and keep them off for 2 years. Then I began a new relationship where all we did was eat out and party and that was lots of fun but I started to gain some weight back. In a year I managed to gain back the 60lbs and then some. No matter what I did it would not go away. Two years later the relationship was over and I tried to start over with no luck. I would lose 20 lbs and then it would come back. I had given up. This was three years ago. I finally went to the doctor and had a whole physical only to find out that I developed hypothyroidism. So my metabolism is basically non existent. Right now we are working on it and hopefully I will get better. This has given me the confidence to try to start over and get healthy and get back to my old self. I need to lose about 90 lbs now. It's a big job and I know it's going to be hard and take time but I'm going to try. I'd like to find friends and support so we can help each other through this journey. I hope to hear from u soon.


  • Mommyof3ee
    Mommyof3ee Posts: 5 Member
    I have 76 pounds to lose, lets hold each other accountable.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Welcome back!

    First of all your metabolism is certainly existent and despite hypothyroidism you can lose weight and get back to where you want to be. There are several active members here with variations of thyroid disorders and other metabolic issues and achieving their goals.

    Your thyroid impacts your Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) by ~5% from clinical observation. This amounts to 80 kcals/day out of a 1600 kcal/day budget. What hypothyroidism will impact are your satiety triggers, so you may feel hungry all the time when you really are not. Since you've been diagnosed make sure you know your full thyroid panel - TSH, rT3, rT4, rT3 and take any and all medications as prescribed.

    I had a total thyroidectomy in 2000 and put on ~70lbs over the next 14 years. Note that this had nothing to do with my thyroid. I transitioned from a high active military career to a cushy civilian job in academia. My wife had used MFP to get back in shape after having our three kids and I started logging. I lost ~60lbs in the first year.

    Don't let this hold you back. There are several elite level athletes including Jillian Michaels with hypothyroidism.
  • missysuevest01
    missysuevest01 Posts: 5 Member
    I too developed hypothyroidism after losing 50 lbs and keeping it off over 2 yrs. The weight came back in me so fast but I was having a tough year (taking care of my terminally I'll grandma, two kids, a full time job) I just figured it was stress and not getting to the gym often enough. After 7 months and 55 lbs weight gain I finally got checked out, so the diagnosis was hypothyroidism, low testosterone, low vitamin d. Trying to get all that in check and starting over from scratch. Including recertifying for personal training.