Why do I feel massive??????

Ive over indulged in the past year or so and gained about 15lb of weight, mostly just around my belly area only.

So I've decided to start exercising which I haven't really done me in years


When I try to run or do any kind of sport than involves running around like netball or tennis for example I feel really heavy like I'm 300lb and not 135lb, it feels like I'm carry tones of extra weight, like I'm obese when really it's not that much at all?

I feel really inflexible and sorta old too (I'm only 26) like it feel like ahhh bending to pick up the tennis balls like I'm 55 lol
How can I change this ????????


  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    How do you feel when not excercising? If you are feeling like walking underwater heavy or slow, or you get brainfog where you just feel sluggish or completly uncreative often, it may be that you have a more serious underlying condition going on.
    Otherwise, it's more likely that you need to stretch more and get blood flowing to your muscles before and after a workout. Try yoga, and some general flexing, stretching and range of motion excercises before cardio or weights.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    probably because you aren't capable of moving in a lithe manner- I know when I'm not well trained on something I feel far more awkward at it- simply b/c the movement is unfamiliar or stiff to me. Skills take time to develop. It's not just about being capable of catching or tossing or whatever.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Fitness is something that is built...you keep doing it and you get better at it...flexibility improves...strength improves, etc...it's something that is built over time.

    Exercising alone isn't going to default to losing weight. There are a lot of people who maintain their weight and exercise regularly...they maintain because they're eating at a calorie level that is commensurate with their total energy expenditure. To lose weight you need to make sure you're in a deficiency of energy...ie your calories coming in are less than your calories going out.

    It doesn't take a lot of weight to affect performance and make you feel heavy or sluggish...I usually put on about 10 Lbs every winter, and I most definitely feel it on my bike. I've cut that winter weight now and I'm cutting down further because I've recently gotten into climbing and I can feel the extra weight when I'm climbing. It doesn't take much.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited June 2017
    Sitting around getting fatter for a year takes a tremendous toll on both your body and your psyche. Joints get stiff, simple movements get harder, bending over a belly can get quite uncomfortable. These feelings are unfamiliar to you and so you are hyper aware of them and noticing them more.

    I've been through this myself. It's actually my primary motivator to stay in shape and stay within a certain weight range. I absolutely detest the feelings you are describing. Just keep going. The more you move and the more you lose-the better you will feel.
  • stang0423
    stang0423 Posts: 2 Member
    Chug water! If youre not already a big water drinker shoot for a gallon a day. Youd think thatd make you all bloated and feel like youre swimming, but after a couple of days youll tighten up. Increasing my water intake has played bout the most significant role in my weight loss - how i look/feel/my clothes fit. It does wonders for your metabolism, never believed it till i tried it myself.

    Do you cardio fasted a few days a week to tap into your stored fat. Lift HEAVY weight.

    I have no credentials but am speaking from what has shown to be beneifical for me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    stang0423 wrote: »
    Chug water! If youre not already a big water drinker shoot for a gallon a day. Youd think thatd make you all bloated and feel like youre swimming, but after a couple of days youll tighten up. Increasing my water intake has played bout the most significant role in my weight loss - how i look/feel/my clothes fit. It does wonders for your metabolism, never believed it till i tried it myself.

    Do you cardio fasted a few days a week to tap into your stored fat. Lift HEAVY weight.

    I have no credentials but am speaking from what has shown to be beneifical for me.

    That's great but drinking water won't change fact that op is out of shape and fasted cardio has no benefit over regular cardio
  • jono39
    jono39 Posts: 1 Member
    After working a desk job for many years, I discovered this program that really helped. Similar to you I was having difficulty in making all of the movements in my workouts, I guarantee it will help with your mobility and for me they were enjoyable. I did 2-3 times a week in my bedroom. Even 1 day a week I think would be beneficial.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    you don't specify what 'running around' means, but both netball and tennis are full of stop-and-go movements and direction changes that put a lot of demand even on 'healthy' people whose bodies aren't used to it.

    i'd start with walking or something a bit less dramatci. or look into beginner-runner things like couch to 5k. me, i'd rather drink paint than run, but my gateway activity was cycling.

  • marleycarla
    marleycarla Posts: 5 Member
    Try taking a fitness class that isn't really competitive. Our local rec center offers free classes with a gym membership. They are really fun and motivating.

    I find that keeping my attention on something else distracts from how *kitten* I feel sometimes while exercising.
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    You're out of shape so everything is difficult, including moving your body through space. It will get better if you train consistently.

    Best comment here so far, so true :D
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Ive over indulged in the past year or so and gained about 15lb of weight, mostly just around my belly area only.

    So I've decided to start exercising which I haven't really done me in years


    When I try to run or do any kind of sport than involves running around like netball or tennis for example I feel really heavy like I'm 300lb and not 135lb, it feels like I'm carry tones of extra weight, like I'm obese when really it's not that much at all?

    I feel really inflexible and sorta old too (I'm only 26) like it feel like ahhh bending to pick up the tennis balls like I'm 55 lol
    How can I change this ????????
    Unless you've actually carried 300lbs or have been 55 years old and out of shape, you can't have any idea how it actually feels.

    The plain old fact of matter is...................you're unfit. And it takes repetition and consistency to get back into being fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member
    @ninerbuff in OP defense

    Im sure she is just exaggerating about being 300lbs and feeling 55 years old. However I still agree with you.