
So I'm 100% sure I've finally had my "revelation" that I HAVE to keep on track and start losing! Last night as I was looking at Kayaks with my husband I had to pretend I just HAD to have the Pink Kayak that was $40.00 more than the one that was on sale. I was to embarrased to tell him that I had to have that one because of the posted weight limit ( I was 6lbs above the weight limit for the one on sale mind you my husband has a very active job as UPS driver so he's in pretty good shape.) I was recently diagnosed with PCOS so losing will be a bit harder BUT I'm determined to do it, I REFUSE to be held back by my weight anymore!!!!

So I guess my question is to everyone what what your turning point to when you knew it was time?? I'd love to hear other's stories and what your doing now to keep on track!! I'm always up for some pointers!!


  • HatFullOfCrazy
    HatFullOfCrazy Posts: 22 Member
    My turning point (at least the most recent one, I've had several) was the fear of diabetes. My mom is Diabetic & half her siblings are also. I'm in my mid-30's and 255lbs and I'm getting needle like pains in my feet. A harbinger of periferal neuropathy (nerve damage common in diabetics). I'm praying I'm not too late to turn the tide!

    Rather than call this a "diet" which always makes me feel a little sick & depressed, I decided to take up Running, and I found that I really love it. I actually CRAVE it which I never thought I would say. It's been 2 weeks and I'm down 2lbs. Not too shabby so far. Best of luck to you!
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    My 5 year old's classmates told her "your mommy is the fat one" - - - - While this didn't seem to bother her, it stabbed me in the heart.