Samsung Gear Fit 2

I recently purchased the Gear Fit 2 to track calories and steps. I have 2 issues

- the battery drains pretty quickly and this is just while I'm sitting at work. I took it off the charger at 6:40 this morning, drove to work and am now sitting at my desk and it is already down to 86% at 9am
- I cannot find a way to accurately track my calorie burn on the samsung activities. I do a lot of HIIT workouts and there is no way to track them. I should be burning 500 - 600 calories per my trainer and the watch will say 2-300 and that was the best calories I got after downloading the UA Record App and using the Intensity activity. I was doing cardio/strength circuits and was only burning 80 calories in 20 minutes. That's ridiculous

do you guys have any tips or suggestions?


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Check your notification settings, screen brightness, etc., to see if that helps the battery drain. I've been quite impressed with how long mine lasts.

    I turned off the activity/exercise sensor option. I just get a calorie adjustment for the day. However, don't be so quick to dismiss the calories burned as inaccurate. Most people don't burn as much through exercise as they think they should. The best way to judge is follow your results based on how much you're eating back, assuming food tracking is accurate.
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Check your notification settings, screen brightness, etc., to see if that helps the battery drain. I've been quite impressed with how long mine lasts.

    I turned off the activity/exercise sensor option. I just get a calorie adjustment for the day. However, don't be so quick to dismiss the calories burned as inaccurate. Most people don't burn as much through exercise as they think they should. The best way to judge is follow your results based on how much you're eating back, assuming food tracking is accurate.

    I had previously adjusted my brightness down to 2, and I have location off. Yesterday I turned wifi off as well. On tuesday I worked out with my trainer and had 70%, it was about 1.5 hours in training and my battery was down to 16% by the time I left. That is just unacceptable. I love the watch but I am so frustrated with it.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    edited May 2017
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Check your notification settings, screen brightness, etc., to see if that helps the battery drain. I've been quite impressed with how long mine lasts.

    I turned off the activity/exercise sensor option. I just get a calorie adjustment for the day. However, don't be so quick to dismiss the calories burned as inaccurate. Most people don't burn as much through exercise as they think they should. The best way to judge is follow your results based on how much you're eating back, assuming food tracking is accurate.

    I had previously adjusted my brightness down to 2, and I have location off. Yesterday I turned wifi off as well. On tuesday I worked out with my trainer and had 70%, it was about 1.5 hours in training and my battery was down to 16% by the time I left. That is just unacceptable. I love the watch but I am so frustrated with it.

    Hmmm...So for me, I had to return my first Fit 2; it acted up the first time I powered it on the charger, it just didn't seem "right," and would always completely power down for no reason...anyway, moot point but I returned it after talking to a Samsung rep (an actual real person!!!) and explaining what it was doing. I had purchased it on Amazon and had no problem returning it during the 14-day return window.

    Got a new one, and this one works. BUT, it did suck the battery the first time I tried it on a walk. What I found out really helps is to keep OFF, pretty much all the time, both the Wifi and the GPS. The GPS especially drains the battery, so I never use it unless I'm on a new hike and am curious as to the mileage, and I'll probably use it on an upcoming bike ride or two just out of curiosity. But, I never use Spotify, so I don't need the Wifi on at all.

    Second, I turn off the Bluetooth whenever I don't need it. Which honestly is most of the time. I use it to sync to my Health app to review my sleep in the morning, then maybe a time or two otherwise, but since I have my phone with me most of the time, the Bluetooth messaging capability it nice, but not needed.

    I also flip down the notification panel and shut notifications off, like you do when you go to sleep.

    So basically, I have my watch work for me only when I want to actually see the watch face or sync anything. With that, I get at least 3 days out of it no problem. Even when I do some basic exercise that I DO track, like elliptical, while listening to my workout music that I loaded onto it.

    What I've also done in the past is go to the Setup / Power Saving and just use that. It tracks my steps and that's basically it. It can last about a week that way.

    But yeah....having everything going at once will kill the battery. But it sounds like that's NOT what's going on with yours, so unless any of the above help, you may have a lemon. Samsung was really helpful on the phone, surprisingly, and confirmed I had a lemon. Hopefully you may have time under the warranty to get a new one if that's the case.

    I've found the actual calorie tracking is pretty spot on with a few caveats. I can't imagine doing true HIIT and burning 600-700 calories. Seems like if one was really truly doing HIIT, one would either pass out before hitting that calorie expenditure, or the real expenditure is much less; or you're not doing true HIIT (not saying you're not; this is a generic "you") and still not burning that much. When I actually select "elliptical," the calories are much less than the machine tells me, but I'm also quite aware that the machines usually exaggerate greatly the calories burnt. I go by the Fit 2 estimate, which gives me about 200 calories for a 30-minute elliptical period, maybe a touch more. That seems about right (if still not a tad high, because I really don't FEEL like I burned 200 calories even though I'm sweating and had a fairly rigorous workout).

    But some of the other exercises I select on the Fit and it actually times and tracks those specific exercises (like selecting the above elliptical), it may be a bit off. For example, I've experimented with even the "walking" and "hiking" exercise trackers on the Fit. I go on a daily walk on both a road and hiking trail, pretty much every morning. Over time and using all sorts of methods before getting the Fit 2, I've determined I burn about 40 calories per mile. When I leave my Fit on and don't select either "walking" or "hiking" and just let it track my steps, that's about what it gives me--40 cals per mile. When I select "walking" and it tracks an actual "walk" along the very same route I used before, it ups my calories to about 65 cals/mile. When I select "hiking", it gives me even more calories, even though I'm doing the exact same route. So, I just go with the 40 cals/mile.

    Bottom line, this is a tool that can be imperfect, as all trackers are. Most run on algorithms, not actual exact calories expended. You'll have to experiment and find out what works for you and this can really only be verified if you are also tracking everything, like your food intake, pretty closely--at least until you get into an understanding of what's really going on.

    It often is a truism that one burns far fewer calories than one thinks they do, and one underestimates their calorie intake at the same time...

    Weight lifting/circuit weigh machines also don't burn many calories; it's mostly an excellent exercise to maintain as much muscle mass as you can while losing weight, plus a ton of other benefits, moreso than a calorie-burner.
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Check your notification settings, screen brightness, etc., to see if that helps the battery drain. I've been quite impressed with how long mine lasts.

    I turned off the activity/exercise sensor option. I just get a calorie adjustment for the day. However, don't be so quick to dismiss the calories burned as inaccurate. Most people don't burn as much through exercise as they think they should. The best way to judge is follow your results based on how much you're eating back, assuming food tracking is accurate.

    I had previously adjusted my brightness down to 2, and I have location off. Yesterday I turned wifi off as well. On tuesday I worked out with my trainer and had 70%, it was about 1.5 hours in training and my battery was down to 16% by the time I left. That is just unacceptable. I love the watch but I am so frustrated with it.

    Hmmm...So for me, I had to return my first Fit 2; it acted up the first time I powered it on the charger, it just didn't seem "right," and would always completely power down for no reason...anyway, moot point but I returned it after talking to a Samsung rep (an actual real person!!!) and explaining what it was doing. I had purchased it on Amazon and had no problem returning it during the 14-day return window.

    Got a new one, and this one works. BUT, it did suck the battery the first time I tried it on a walk. What I found out really helps is to keep OFF, pretty much all the time, both the Wifi and the GPS. The GPS especially drains the battery, so I never use it unless I'm on a new hike and am curious as to the mileage, and I'll probably use it on an upcoming bike ride or two just out of curiosity. But, I never use Spotify, so I don't need the Wifi on at all.

    Second, I turn off the Bluetooth whenever I don't need it. Which honestly is most of the time. I use it to sync to my Health app to review my sleep in the morning, then maybe a time or two otherwise, but since I have my phone with me most of the time, the Bluetooth messaging capability it nice, but not needed.

    I also flip down the notification panel and shut notifications off, like you do when you go to sleep.

    So basically, I have my watch work for me only when I want to actually see the watch face or sync anything. With that, I get at least 3 days out of it no problem. Even when I do some basic exercise that I DO track, like elliptical, while listening to my workout music that I loaded onto it.

    What I've also done in the past is go to the Setup / Power Saving and just use that. It tracks my steps and that's basically it. It can last about a week that way.

    But yeah....having everything going at once will kill the battery. But it sounds like that's NOT what's going on with yours, so unless any of the above help, you may have a lemon. Samsung was really helpful on the phone, surprisingly, and confirmed I had a lemon. Hopefully you may have time under the warranty to get a new one if that's the case.

    I've found the actual calorie tracking is pretty spot on with a few caveats. I can't imagine doing true HIIT and burning 600-700 calories. Seems like if one was really truly doing HIIT, one would either pass out before hitting that calorie expenditure, or the real expenditure is much less; or you're not doing true HIIT (not saying you're not; this is a generic "you") and still not burning that much. When I actually select "elliptical," the calories are much less than the machine tells me, but I'm also quite aware that the machines usually exaggerate greatly the calories burnt. I go by the Fit 2 estimate, which gives me about 200 calories for a 30-minute elliptical period, maybe a touch more. That seems about right (if still not a tad high, because I really don't FEEL like I burned 200 calories even though I'm sweating and had a fairly rigorous workout).

    But some of the other exercises I select on the Fit and it actually times and tracks those specific exercises (like selecting the above elliptical), it may be a bit off. For example, I've experimented with even the "walking" and "hiking" exercise trackers on the Fit. I go on a daily walk on both a road and hiking trail, pretty much every morning. Over time and using all sorts of methods before getting the Fit 2, I've determined I burn about 40 calories per mile. When I leave my Fit on and don't select either "walking" or "hiking" and just let it track my steps, that's about what it gives me--40 cals per mile. When I select "walking" and it tracks an actual "walk" along the very same route I used before, it ups my calories to about 65 cals/mile. When I select "hiking", it gives me even more calories, even though I'm doing the exact same route. So, I just go with the 40 cals/mile.

    Bottom line, this is a tool that can be imperfect, as all trackers are. Most run on algorithms, not actual exact calories expended. You'll have to experiment and find out what works for you and this can really only be verified if you are also tracking everything, like your food intake, pretty closely--at least until you get into an understanding of what's really going on.

    It often is a truism that one burns far fewer calories than one thinks they do, and one underestimates their calorie intake at the same time...

    Weight lifting/circuit weigh machines also don't burn many calories; it's mostly an excellent exercise to maintain as much muscle mass as you can while losing weight, plus a ton of other benefits, moreso than a calorie-burner.

    Thank you for the tips and the input about the calorie burn. I wish they had created the battery to last with the watch being able to be used as it was created. It was silly for them to create something that you need to turn off all of the options which you actually purchased the watch for :(
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    edited May 2017
    @DailyGroomer yes, I agree! I guess then the battery would be huge and you'd have yourself another phone! Really does seem like something is off on yours though. I'd try a few of these battery saving things and if they don't work, get it exchanged. Despite all this, most watches will be similar and I do love my Fit.
  • eikalipse
    eikalipse Posts: 21 Member
    i have fit 2 and have no problems with battery drain. i got up this morning with 17% At 5am and when i got home from work, it was still alive at 2pm. i have no battery saving on , location on, auto workout tracking on. yesterday on similar % i did more than hour walk with location, wifi, bluetooth etc on and no probs. i put it on charge, when use shower and so far it done brilliantly. I had microsoft band before. I did like it. Had to charge it every day.
  • Superkwing83
    Superkwing83 Posts: 21 Member
    If you have the receipt, I'd check on a return/exchange policy as you may have a defective one. My battery holds up really well and I usually use the Bluetooth for music.
  • meiajs
    meiajs Posts: 8 Member
    i just recently switched from fitbit to samsung gear fit 2. i like how i can navigate b/t the phone and gear, however it doesn't accurately record my calories from activities. i do kangoo jumps, weight lifting and zumba along with HIIT and RIPPED programs. it only gives me the basic cals from kangoo because the gear fit doesn't accurately record so it'll give me like 325 calories burned for 60 minutes of kangoo jumping and i know that's incorrect. i've just been manually entering my data in.
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    meiajs wrote: »
    i just recently switched from fitbit to samsung gear fit 2. i like how i can navigate b/t the phone and gear, however it doesn't accurately record my calories from activities. i do kangoo jumps, weight lifting and zumba along with HIIT and RIPPED programs. it only gives me the basic cals from kangoo because the gear fit doesn't accurately record so it'll give me like 325 calories burned for 60 minutes of kangoo jumping and i know that's incorrect. i've just been manually entering my data in.

    How do you manually add the data? Now I'm having problems with it not counting my flights of stairs correctly. It only recorded 2 today.

    I use UA Record now for exercise and it seems a bit more accurate but still lacking
  • tammymccraw
    tammymccraw Posts: 5 Member
    Great topic!! I've been vey frustrated with my gear 2. When I don't lift weights, my go to exercise is walking. I've found that while it does track my steps, etc... fairly accurately, it does NOT track the time of the actual "workout" walks accurately.

    Let me clarify; if I'm walking on a 5 incline on the treadmill at speed of 5 for example (far greater energy expenditure than basic walking around work etc...), it takes about 10 minutes for the watch to "understand"that I've increased my energy expenditure, thus I'm losing 10 min worth of increased calories burned. It does NOT help me to choose "start workout", because that option stops & then permanently sits on pause every literal 20 seconds, massively frustrating.

    Also, the continuous hr tracking doesn't work for *kitten*.

    I use the thing to simply track my steps, my sleep, and as a basic watch, and otherwise, IMO, it's highly technical, useless junk in regard to what it's secondary function is, an exercise monitor, according to my personal experience with the thing.

    If anyone has overcome these specific issues effectively, I'd love to hear about how!!!
  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    Check you notification allowances, that is a HUGE battery burner. Also select a battery efficient face. As far as workouts, if I wanted a efficient count, I just used one of the settings that has the heart rate monitor on. It was spot on with my belted heart rate monitor. But, I don't use that anymore. I go solely on steps and any extra I get, I just get. I don't eat back exercise calories.