Need to get serious

I'm always like a yoyo... going up and down between 155-170. I'm 5', 1" and I'm considered to be obese. My weight is supposed to be 132lbs so that I'm considered to be at a NORMAL weight, although, I feel comfortable at 150lbs.
I am going to try to move more. Lately I've been pretty sedentary... with 8hrs of desk work and after work relaxing to cool off in this heat... :tired_face:
Hopefully I can reach my goal of 150lbs for now... and maybe later setting a lower weight goal so that I'm considered normal :smile:


  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    what have you been doing so far?
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Go to where you feel comfortable. .. weigh your food and stay in your small deficit (no more Than -500)
  • barbamorrison40
    barbamorrison40 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi my name Barbara Morrison