Over 60?



  • overl
    overl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 63 and have been doing MFP for over a year. Not very successfully but you only get out what you put in and I haven't been putting in the effort. Now following the NHS 12 week weight loss plan and have lost just over 3lb. I keep active by walking and aim at 12,000 steps a day.
  • jerrysail
    jerrysail Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm 69 and using MFP with a low carb diet. Wish me luck!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    Hi, turned 63 in March. Been on here a year & lost 40 lbs. 15more to go
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    I just joined today, and I'll be 66 in July. Seems they closed down the site I used to use, but a buddy from there (and also a FitBit buddy) told me about this site, and here I am! lol Hope to get to know y'all!
  • debraek
    debraek Posts: 4 Member
    How's everybody doing? For some reason I've been pretty motivated the last few days. Yay!!
  • spepper50
    spepper50 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 66. I've been on MFP for 89 days and have lost 41.8 pounds so far. My Oncologist suggested I go to see a bariatrics consultant about my weight. I had lost 50 pounds while on chemo but the weight had started inching back up - I had gained back 20+ pounds of it. (By the way, I'm 2 1/2 years cancer-free now!) Anyway, the consultant told me they had 3 options: bariatric surgery, medications or high protien/low carb diet. I told her surgery was out; my body had been through enough of that. Insurance wouldn't pay for meds and that would cost anywhere from $150 to $250 a month and I wasn't sure how they would interact with my other meds. So high protien/low carb won - and so did I! MFP helps keep me on track and I've been fortunate in that I don't miss sugary stuff at all! It also helps that my hubby is so supportive.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    I started HIIT at my gym last week. I went 3 times, every other day. It was hard but I did it! I surprised myself
  • oldyogi66
    oldyogi66 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 69 and have been on MFP for 151 days, daily logging and open diary. I have a great group of friends that log daily and offer tons of support.
  • Superlucia
    Superlucia Posts: 17 Member
    Okay, so I fell off the wagon with too much wine a week or so ago. But, I am now back on track and am down to 138.8 pounds. Now, MFP says I SHOULD weigh 135.
    I originally thought to get down to 130 but they think differently considering my age, I guess. Sooo, I'm not so far from my goal.

    I've been doing this new way of eating (trying not to say "dieting") since the beginning of March so I'm really happy to be so near 135. Yay!

    Actually, don't tell them but I'm gonna see what I look like at 135 and if I don't like it I'll continue with the lower calories.

  • Superlucia
    Superlucia Posts: 17 Member
    spepper50 wrote: »
    I'm 66. I've been on MFP for 89 days and have lost 41.8 pounds so far. My Oncologist suggested I go to see a bariatrics consultant about my weight. I had lost 50 pounds while on chemo but the weight had started inching back up - I had gained back 20+ pounds of it. (By the way, I'm 2 1/2 years cancer-free now!) Anyway, the consultant told me they had 3 options: bariatric surgery, medications or high protien/low carb diet. I told her surgery was out; my body had been through enough of that. Insurance wouldn't pay for meds and that would cost anywhere from $150 to $250 a month and I wasn't sure how they would interact with my other meds. So high protien/low carb won - and so did I! MFP helps keep me on track and I've been fortunate in that I don't miss sugary stuff at all! It also helps that my hubby is so supportive.

    Bravo to you dear! How wonderful!
  • Superlucia
    Superlucia Posts: 17 Member
    debraek wrote: »
    How's everybody doing? For some reason I've been pretty motivated the last few days. Yay!!

    Me too, by some miracle or other!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 67 and have been here for almost 4 years with a weight loss of a little over 60 lbs. Feeling stronger and healthier than ever!

    Anyone who wants to send me a Friend Request go ahead. I'm a good cheerleader for my friends and post my workouts and food diary every day. Right now I'm working on losing the very last few pounds after taking last year as a maintenance year due to two injuries.

    Good luck to all of you!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    congratulations Superlucia! spepper50, you are an inspiration, so glad your here, you can do it
  • Designer20698
    Designer20698 Posts: 23 Member
    62 here. And like many of you I have toggled back and forth with Weight Watchers. I just can't see me paying the dues anymore when I have everything here that I need. I think I've done better with MFP personally. I've played with the same 20 lbs for years. I'll loose it then find it again. Grrr!!! I've made a decision that the scale is no my only source of health. Am I eating the right foods in the right proportions? Am I moving enough to promote health? Can I get into my clothes without doing aerobic movements? If I can make it up a flight of stairs without doing the death rattle than it's a good day. This is my body...it's never going to look like it did when I was 20 so I have to get a new mind set. Just my humble opinion.
  • Superlucia
    Superlucia Posts: 17 Member
    Blast it! I went up 1.1 pounds! Damn! I DID fall off the grid with exercise this week. So, I suppose that makes the difference. Crud.
  • RichardM1047
    RichardM1047 Posts: 61 Member
    Superlucia wrote: »
    Hiya! Is anyone over 60 here. I'm 63 and looking to connect with people near my age.

    Hello and I am a 62 years young man, very active and in good health. My goal is to trim off some weight for my health in the coming years. I work on projects around my house, landscaping, garage projects, vintage street rods, health and safety volunteer community committees, activities with family and friends.
    Write me if you so desire to be a friend for support and health.
    Take care,
    Richard from Southern Nevada Desert
  • Superlucia
    Superlucia Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! How's everybody doing? Since I started dieting I have lost 10 kilos or 22 pounds. Hallelujah. Pants I haven't been able to wear are now too big! Ha ha ha ha. So, on my next trip to the U.S. clothes shopping I shall go!
  • soupsandwich209
    soupsandwich209 Posts: 7 Member
    72 year old plant-based eater trying to lose 20 pounds.
  • rdelonga
    rdelonga Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I'm 67 and this is my 2nd time doing this. I have survived breast cancer twice and a double mastectomy but I can't. Loose weight. I just dont know what to eat anymore.. suggestions would be appreciated.