Decreasing hunger + staying motivated?!

Does anyone have any unique tips (other than guzzling lots of water) to suppress an appetite after daily calories have reached their limit? I get extra hungry at night!

Also, my bf loves to tempt with tons of high calorie and fattening foods because he insists that I don'need to lose any weigh. I personally want to for myself. Only around 10 pounds. Does anyone have any advice for this situation? How can I stay dedicated when my significant other tempts me 24/7 with pizza and ice cream? Lol

Thank you!


  • RachelPhilipp1
    RachelPhilipp1 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry, don't know why my typing got messed up in the middle of that post!
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    I've been doing this for months and I'm still hungry all the time, but I was hungry all the time when I ate whatever I wanted, too, so now I'm just hungry AND losing weight. I do reserve some calories for the evening because I can't go to sleep if I'm too hungry.
    Your BF needs to cut it out and be supportive. Awesome that he's not calling you the f-word, but he should still support your goals. Maybe you need to be more assertive about that and see if he's able to respect what you're trying to do. I wouldn't put up with it if my people did that.
    Good luck!
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Is it possible for you to save more calories for the night time? I don't like eating breakfast so coffee is it for me...and then I save most of my calories for night because I'm a night eater. Life changed for me drastically when I realized I didn't "need" to eat breakfast/early in the mornings to be "healthy". I always eat a larger dinner and tonight I saved calories for a couple cocktails and chips (my Achilles :D )