Starting over... again



  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Sounds so very familiar! I have recently recovered from a broken ankle and am relosing some gained weight while I was injured and cooped up in my apartment for 2 months. I am currently working on a C210K program and have lost about 13 pounds since April. Feel free to add me if you are going be here regularly and interact often.
  • cajordan1960
    cajordan1960 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! Boy can I relate to some if not all these posts! Let's all do this! For me its 40lbs gained during the wonderful 50's!! It has gone on to long and it does start to affect every aspect of our lives! Being healthy is the #1 priority now as I approach 60! UGH!! LOL Would like to lose at least 10 by vacation time with my family!
  • HipHipAway
    HipHipAway Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello! I can so very much relate! I lost 70 pounds over the course of a year using Weight Watchers and switched to calorie counting when their program was changed at the end of 2015. From there I was able to maintain, maybe lose a little more and then the weight started creeping up. I have now gained back 40 of those 70 pounds. Something's gotta give and I don't want it to be my pants any longer! I would love to have some friends along the way, so please feel free to add me. I'm sure we have plenty of insights to inspire each other. :)
  • stormimdow
    stormimdow Posts: 9 Member
    I am also continuously restarting. I am 43 and have thyroid issue. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't use it as an excuse. However, no matter how much I kayak, belly dance, hike, walk and bike ride, the scale did not budge! My body weight shifted around nicely. But the scale did not. I do understand inches vs. pounds. But, not seeing progress was very disheartening. In October, I stopped. There is not one reason. But, a combination of reasons. Stress Anxiety Tiredness Laziness. I have been clawing my way back to a good mindset. I miss me!
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in the same boat as you, OP. Just started a calorie deficit and working out this week. Always happy to have more friends!
  • rosson
    rosson Posts: 29 Member
    My story is the same as yours. Maybe we can motivate one another. I look forward to seeing your progress. We can do it!
  • zoester766
    zoester766 Posts: 2 Member
    I can relate, I lost 40 pounds last year using this app. I was only 10 away from my goal weight and then I had a miscarriage and directly after that got pregnant again. Now I am 197(130 is my goal weight) I am trying hard to get motivated and loose some weight again. Why is it so hard.
  • Lancer97
    Lancer97 Posts: 39 Member
    This is my 2nd retry (3rd time total) .. I have 125lbs total to lose and 118 to go still. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Sheil813
    Sheil813 Posts: 3 Member
    Ive been using MFP for 32 days in a row and haven't done very well - I am in an office with folks that are constantly eating chips and candy... I travel also so I have found it hard to stay away from sodium - this is my first time finding others who are in the same boat as I am !! Yay team - we can do this!!
  • heather4life4
    heather4life4 Posts: 37 Member
    Completely understand how you are feeling! But what a good choice you've made to get back here! Feel free to add me, this will be a great journey for you!
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Im back at it again, too. I got down to 135 lbs, and as you, a series of events caused me to lose myself and i gained all my weight back. I'm at 162 pounds yet again :( it scares me, i worked so hard and am almost at an "obese" bmi - that was my wake up call before and once again a wake up call. I need to get in a better mind place, as well, as a physical space.

    I sent you a request, and others feel free to add me
  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    Check this out I recommend, it is silly but it is simple to do it, it just take 1 minute and free
  • lulalee
    lulalee Posts: 16 Member
    When I read this I felt like I was reading part of my own story. This is 3rd time lucky for me too. I have over the past 4 years managed to have a range in my weight of about 30lbs but always seem to slip back and things then get even worse. I attempted a charity walk last weekend (26.4 miles) and could not complete it which was fundamentally down to me being too heavy to walk that far. I saw the photographs last night and wanted to cry as the person I saw was not who I feel I am. So today is day 1... time to start again. Can I please ask for as many as possible of you to "friend" me as support from others always helps me make this journey easier. You (we) can all do this together. X
  • Mom2Maika
    Mom2Maika Posts: 34 Member
    I can relate to the work environment filled with junk food. There seems to be a never ending supply of donuts, chocolate and sweets everywhere you walk. It's almost impossible to get away from. I find it frustrating at times when the sugar cravings have not yet subsided and I'm trying to white knuckle it through my shift. At home we have control over our environment usually but at work, not so much. I often do wonderfully at home, only to be temped and fail 2 days later. :-( I have trouble getting back on track once I indulge. My all or nothing mentally tells me to start again tomorrow since today is already a bust. This morning I'm starting again. I'm really concerned how all this sugar I'm consuming is causing me anxiety, depression and emotional upheaval. It's comforting to read everyone's messages.