Down 10 pounds in 12 days? No way. Help.

Every breakfast : mixed berries, 100 calorie yoplait greek yogurt, and 1-2 hard boiled egg whites. Sometimes with coffee. Black.

Every lunch : romain salad with hard boiled egg whites, almonds, cut up chicken with honey mustard sauce.

Every dinner : grilled chicken breast with sauteed green, yellow, red peppers with Brussels sprouts. (Some times boiled green beans or asparagus)

As of now, I'm not working out. I do NOT track any walking or anything physical I do. So I only intake 1470 calories a day, but sometimes I eat 200-300 calories less than that just to be safe. Trying to get the eating down. Concerned on why the scale is saying I've lost 10 pounds in 12 days. I'm defintly convinced it's water weight. Which is fine. But I need some reassurance from people who know what they're talking about. Help!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Did you just start your plan? Quick water weight loss is really common when you're beginning. For many people, it gets more normal after that. If after a week or two you are still losing so quickly, you can add more calories.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If this is your first two weeks, yes it's mostly water weight. If not, then you probably need to change the scale's batteries.
  • machjas
    machjas Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not a doctor or an expert at all, but I've personally seen 5lbs of fluctuation within a couple days due to water weight, so 10lbs over the course of a couple weeks, especially considering what you would be losing normally doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility =)
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    @janejellyroll @malibu927 I've been on and off dieting for the last 2 months. BUT the last 2 weeks I've been super strict. I never thought about the battery! It's an aria scale and on my Fitbit app it says it's completely full.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    What is your calorie goal per MFP? Sounds like you may be undereating. 10 lbs in 12 days is a lot even for water weight.
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    @everher if you look in my orginal post, I state that I'm supposed to eat 1470 calories a day. But I usually leave 200-300 calories left.
  • Muana1005
    Muana1005 Posts: 172 Member
    Seems low carb. If your diet was high in processed carbs before, you would have lost water.

    You'll find weight will fluctuate now as your body tries to get used to a low carb diet. The minute you eat a slice of bread or rice you'll gain. It'll be harder to maintain long term too. It's why an all round calorie restriction is better than cutting out specific food groups.
  • kellyfeb78
    kellyfeb78 Posts: 65 Member
    When I started dieting I lost about the same then averaged out to 2lb a week now down to 1lb a week so don't panic
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    It's likely water weight, especially if you just started. Consider it your body's way of giving you a quick thank you for making your health a priority.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    @everher if you look in my orginal post, I state that I'm supposed to eat 1470 calories a day. But I usually leave 200-300 calories left.

    That doesn't answer the question that was asked.

    If your mfp goal is to lose 2 pounds a week that means MFP thinks that your sedentary neat is just about 2,500 calories.

    So you're potentially starting by eating 50% of your sedentary calories.

    Then you're walking but not tracking how much you walk and no indication if you're really are sedentary or not.

    It does sound like you're relatively low carb so a bunch of this could well be water weight loss that will come back as soon as you eat a more normal amount of carbs and you replenish.

    But if you're pulling 1500 a day deficits (Which is far from impossible giving eating a couple of hundred calories less than a thousand calories a day preset deficit plus a few hundred calories for extra activity you're not counting) five or six pounds can easily be actual fat with the rest split between low carb and measurement issues....
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    The fastest I've ever lost was 12 lbs in 3 days...water weight, of course. I was really bloated and it just came off all of a sudden. It sounds like there's no reason you couldn't have lost that amount quickly as a combination of fat and fluid. The first couple weeks, most people have quite a big loss, then it slows down to a normal pace.

    I'm concerned about your menu. Is it satisfying to you? Is that what you want to eat or is it just what you think you should eat to lose weight? I'd be both starving and unhappy with that, but your tastes may be different.
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    About any carb comments, I do eat low carb bread occasionally. Toast mainly. Or if I eat a turkey burger for dinner I'll have a bun if I have a lot of calories left. Does this help? Also, I put sedentary down for my activity level because I don't do anything, just walk whenever.

    As far as my food menu, I'm satfised with what I'm eating. Sick of the same berries every morning but that's about it. I love chicken and veggies.
  • JasmineDiver22
    JasmineDiver22 Posts: 148 Member
    I do have a food scale. I weight (now) 271. I am 23 and I'm 5'2. I want to lose 2 pounds a week. I am sedentary. So therefore it's allowing me to eat 1480 calories per day.

    I eat veggies fruits lean meats and low carbs. Try to stay high in protein. Hope this helps anyone with their questions.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I do have a food scale. I weight (now) 271. I am 23 and I'm 5'2. I want to lose 2 pounds a week. I am sedentary. So therefore it's allowing me to eat 1480 calories per day.

    I eat veggies fruits lean meats and low carbs. Try to stay high in protein. Hope this helps anyone with their questions. you need to be eating the full 1480 + exercise calories. If you're under-eating and wondering why you're losing too quickly, there's your sign.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    So your "every" breakfast, lunch, dinner is not really every single one, as you sometimes eat carb bread or a turkey burger with a bun. Log everything (food, drink and exercise) and see where you are in a couple of weeks.
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    water weight can make people look pudgy, like fat. keep up the good work