Looking for Christian Friends



  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited March 2017
    MissyK222 wrote: »
    LonsyBoy wrote: »
    tad confused why a religion is focused on with losing weight, not trying to instigate but curious if its a spiritual way to help lose weight/tone up
    5.5kgs is an easy goal with the right motivation, so best of luck!

    The bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Many believers (including myself) believe that keeping the "temple" healthy so one is fully able to be used by God (not limited by sluggishness, ill health, etc) is very important. Probably, those that aren't Christians would either have difficulty understanding this aspect or be adverse to discussing how it relates to weight loss. I know for me, the state of my walk with God is often mirrored in how I'm eating. Probably hard to explain the aspect of fellowship with other believers that are going through the same thing, but here's a piece of it, anyway. :) BTW, it's a good and fair question for you to ask.

    ronjsteele1..yes!! By taking care of our temples we are honoring God. I have noticed throughout years that I eat when I feel sad, anxious, mad and so on.... By doing this I was putting (junk) Food above God since I would grab that cookie, or ice cream or cake when I should be grabbing my bible (or praying) when I have troubles instead of food that is just going to hurt my health in the long run. If you haven't read Made to Crave I highly recommend it! :smile:

    ^^^^Dead on.^^^^ I haven't read that book but will look at getting it. This past week the Lord has really illuminated my need to shore up my walk with Him a bit. It's easy to get complacent after being saved a long time. :#
  • rambo1687
    rambo1687 Posts: 16 Member
    Fellow brother in Christ here! Rely on him and there is nothing you can't do.. it's all in gods plan not ours
  • LonsyBoy wrote: »
    but isnt that an isolation point? plenty of people with experience and knowledge here but pulling away only to a certain direction based on a specific idea or title just doesn't make much sense to myself.
    We all have a goal much alike the AA here and saying " such and such ONLY" restricted to someones race/religion or idea of life.
    I have no issues with people wanting to stick to their own in a sense but its a wasted resource and segregating again

    It is an isolation point. This is not something I have ever thought should matter in relation to any one who comes in looking for one certain type of friend. I understand the reasons but I don't do that myself. On the other hand I figure if somehow isolating a certain group and sticking within that group is what helps a person achieve their goals the so be it.
  • mrstrod1
    mrstrod1 Posts: 17 Member
    Cag_a_taY wrote: »
    Any religion, if you read their holy books (not just the Bible but also the others) tells you to be a "good person". Ways to be that good person is described differently but it all sums up to the same outcome.

    What you need is not just Christians, but good people even if they're a different religion, who are willing to help you, motivate you and carry you to your goals when you don't feel strong enough.

    I'm not a Christian, but I believe in the same power you do..You call it God, I call it Allah. So if you don't mind a non christian willing to help you out, you can always add me.

    I completely agree! I would consider myself to be a very good and moral person. I try to always speak kindly - or at least think carefully before saying anything that is unkind. I believe that how you treat others will come back and haunt you sooner or later - some call that Karma, I call that justice. I try to take care of people and do for people who cant do for themselves. I teach my children to live morally, honestly, and respectfully, to work hard and to accountability for their actions.

    But I am not Christian, I am Jewish. And I don't believe that makes me any less of a good person compared to a Christian or Muslim or any other religion (or lack there of). I believe that we are supposed to build bridges where ever we can, so that when we come to a crossing that is very difficult, we can use our bridge building experience to get across. Hope that's not too deep for y'all.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    I would appreciate some spiritual friends. I'm a Christian. I'm 33, In the UK ..recovering from breast cancer. I'm a mum of 2 amazing kids. I'm not angry about getting cancer... I feel blessed I survived. I wanna take better care of the amazing body God gave me. It's been through so much. Xx
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    mrstrod1 wrote: »
    Cag_a_taY wrote: »
    Any religion, if you read their holy books (not just the Bible but also the others) tells you to be a "good person". Ways to be that good person is described differently but it all sums up to the same outcome.

    What you need is not just Christians, but good people even if they're a different religion, who are willing to help you, motivate you and carry you to your goals when you don't feel strong enough.

    I'm not a Christian, but I believe in the same power you do..You call it God, I call it Allah. So if you don't mind a non christian willing to help you out, you can always add me.

    I completely agree! I would consider myself to be a very good and moral person. I try to always speak kindly - or at least think carefully before saying anything that is unkind. I believe that how you treat others will come back and haunt you sooner or later - some call that Karma, I call that justice. I try to take care of people and do for people who cant do for themselves. I teach my children to live morally, honestly, and respectfully, to work hard and to accountability for their actions.

    But I am not Christian, I am Jewish. And I don't believe that makes me any less of a good person compared to a Christian or Muslim or any other religion (or lack there of). I believe that we are supposed to build bridges where ever we can, so that when we come to a crossing that is very difficult, we can use our bridge building experience to get across. Hope that's not too deep for y'all.

    Anyone can add me if they wish. Just wanted to say that this is spot-on. I do not believe that a good person is determined by being Christian or not. Am I Christian? Yes. However, I think that "good" is determined by how you live your life and treat others; it is not determined by what you call God (or even if you believe in one).
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    LonsyBoy wrote: »
    tad confused why a religion is focused on with losing weight, not trying to instigate but curious if its a spiritual way to help lose weight/tone up
    5.5kgs is an easy goal with the right motivation, so best of luck!

    The bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Many believers (including myself) believe that keeping the "temple" healthy so one is fully able to be used by God (not limited by sluggishness, ill health, etc) is very important. Probably, those that aren't Christians would either have difficulty understanding this aspect or be adverse to discussing how it relates to weight loss. I know for me, the state of my walk with God is often mirrored in how I'm eating. Probably hard to explain the aspect of fellowship with other believers that are going through the same thing, but here's a piece of it, anyway. :) BTW, it's a good and fair question for you to ask.

    YES! ^
  • 23_cmac_23
    23_cmac_23 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm new here and a Christian looking for some support from other Christians! Feel free to add me!!
  • newlark01
    newlark01 Posts: 474 Member
    Another Christian - new to MFP in the last couple of weeks
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Is there a board for non-Christians? Like a Heathen Board because I need to be on that one.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    God gives us strength, why is that so hard for some to understand....
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    MindyG150 wrote: »
    God gives us strength, why is that so hard for some to understand....

    Some probably think that's not unique to Christians. (I am Christian, although Catholic, so maybe that doesn't count in some eyes, and I don't think it's unique to Christians.)
  • MommyLosingIt
    MommyLosingIt Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Christian mom of five here! Looking to get in shape after having the last of the babies haha
  • Tarek_81
    Tarek_81 Posts: 9 Member
    lol, looking for sun worshipers friends (Just kidding)
    People form all religions and ethnicities are free to add me as friends.I don't judge.