I've exercised over 300 hours since April and lost only 1 Lb

So I was looking at the history in my HRM and realized I have only lost 1 lbs since April, but I have worked out over 300 hours, 98 sessions and burned 33,000 + Calories. Why havent I lost more weight? Also, its not inches because I measure too. Grrrr.. so frustrating! I have had my calories set at 1450. 1 gram of protein per body weight. Under 150 grams of carbs. I eat clean. Limit alcohol. What the heck!?


  • Are those your b/a pictures in your profile?

    If you so, it looks like you are losing inches and you look great!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Can't see your diary so no way for us to know for sure. Are you eating the extra calories you burn from your workouts in addition to the 1450?
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I'm having the SAME problem. I workout everyday, and watch what I eat (most of the time), and haven't lost anything! I'm soooo frustrated I feel like throwing the towel. I eat tons of fiber and protien and lots of water with NO results. I feel like i'm at a dead end. I'll be reading this thread to see what others have to say!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Oh that stinks! Sorry to hear it.

    Check the first post in this thread and see if it applies to you:


    I actually was stuck for more than a year yo- yoing until I read that. I hope it helps.

  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    it really is all what you put in your mouth.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Not sure how long you've been on your journey, but maybe you need to switch some things up and shock your body! Try out some new exercises!
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    What I've gathered is that each of your workouts is about 3 hours.. and you only burn 300 calories per work out (this is going by average) ... Does that really make any sense? <________________<
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    It would help a little more if I could see your food diary. I'm not a doctor or anything like that so it would only be suggestions from being on the weight loss yo-yo for most of my adult life.
  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    Sounds like you are in starvation mode...You are eating your base cals but burning a hell of a lot more and not eating any back...Try upping your carbs..helps the body think it has fuel to burn and kick starts the metabolism..maybe a switch up will help...
    (I also speak from experience I am not a professional )
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    I have the same type of issues too. I've been told to make sure

    1). I get enough water (tons of water) which is pretty tough for me..,
    2). limit sugars
    3). mix up the workout routines and make sure to give yourself rest days
    4). some say to make sure to eat back all your workout calories.

    Hope that helps.. Don't give up, I know I've wanted to but anything we do is better than nothing. I'm sure if you are working out like that you are getting more toned. Have you taken any pictures to compare?
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    If you have burned more calories than you have taken in then there is no way you only lost one pound. Do a re-check on everything, somethings out of wack.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're already at a pretty healthy weight for your height, so those last few pounds don't give up without a fight!

    Is all your exercising cardio based, or do you build in some strength work?
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    My calories intake was set at 1360....I worked out.....I did lose a few inches, but with eating exercise calories back (or some/most), I gained a few pounds. When I don't eat my exercise calories (unless I need them), then I start to lose again (2pds a week). Other than that, I don't know! It may be a good idea to make sure your HRM and calories burned are accurate, and that your diary is accurate.....ect. You may want to go see a doctor and a nutritionist, there may be something that you don't know about that's throwing your body off???? Maybe try switching things up, if you do cardio videos....try jogging and biking with some mixed strength and weight training.
    Yikes, hope this helps any!?
  • brookesready
    brookesready Posts: 52 Member
    No I do not eat back my exercise calories. I eat about 90% clean. I work out about 4-6x a week. I weight train about 4 of those days. I really only burn about 200-300 calories each session. I have been on this Journey since Feb. 1st. My before pictures are from January. I will open up my diary to the public. Dont judge me on this last weekend though lol. It was my first cheat weekend in months and I went to a wedding.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member

    You're eating too much food.
  • And the after pictures are now? i think you look great! especially your tummy!

    Perhaps, you should just work on toning/strength- not so much losing weight?
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Here's my opinion - whether you want it or not:

    1 - you look fantastic. I wouldn't sweat it too much.

    2 - If you have burned over 33,000 calories since April you are either:
    A) taking in more calories than you are burning.
    B) not taking in ENOUGH calories and your body has started hoarding what's left of the fat incase it never eats again.
    C) Gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. From you photos I think this might be the case.
    D) not so good at math.

    Like I said, you look great. I know it is frustrating - especially the last couple pounds - but you have done an awesome job!
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    What I've gathered is that each of your workouts is about 3 hours.. and you only burn 300 calories per work out (this is going by average) ... Does that really make any sense? <________________<

    I was thinking the same thing, in 3 hours I would burn around 2100 calories give or take, (if I was still alive!!!) I know a male and female burn calories differentley, but that seems awful low to me. Just a suggestion, because it could be a number of different things, but maybe try a different hrm, and switch up your routine. I don't know many folks that workout for 3 hours at a time, you should be able to get an efficent workout in in 30min. to an hour.
  • needhams
    needhams Posts: 16
    step back look at what you are doing and change something, what I dont know[ soory not much help] it is simply maths eat less lose weight simply , good luck and keep chin up
    All the best from England
    Needhams aka Dave:smile:
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    it really is all what you put in your mouth.

    ditto. I lost my first 120lbs without working out. and you will never work out enough to make up for overeating so my guess would be that somewhere you are missing something in your calorie counts. Either underestimating, not having the correct calorie count etc. And that is not me judging you, that is just my only idea for you. If you work out enough and your diet is clean and you don't lose and you don't have a medical reason for it then somewhere one of your numbers you are plugging into the equation is faulty.