"If I were XX pounds, I'd be HUGE"



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I agree with most of the previous sentiments. However I want to point out the obvious: if you feel good with yourself, why feel bad about an off-handed comment?

    I was just on vacation, on the beach with so many people wearing bikinis... maybe most who really shouldn't... but instead of feeling puerile and mean I thought to myself - how great that these people have the CONFIDENCE in themselves to celebrate their body and wear a bikini. The majority of the population doesn't look like a supermodel, or a top athlete so let's get over it and celebrate what we love about ourself.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    However, people are made up differently, bone density, MUSCLE (like you said) plays a big part in that, as well as some other things. Don't be upset. Check out this link my CrossFit coach showed me, it made me look at the number itself totally differently:


    That article is amazing!!! Thank you for sharing

    Another exampe of hurtful behavior... One of my former co-workers was quite skinny and after she at a heavy lunch she'd say something like I feel huge and puff up her cheeks and gesture around her body with her hand like she all of a sudden gained 50 pounds. At the beginning of my weigh loss journey, knowing I weighed over 100 pounds more than her, this was a painful thing to hear. If you feel huge, as skinny as you are - what does that make me? Gigantic? Enormous?
    People just don't think....

    This also reminded me of when I started out and was discussing my goals with Hubby. I told him I want to lose 100 pounds, which will get me to around 160. He said - why don't you shoot for more like 125? I just laughed, shook my head and said "hon, if I weighed 125, I'd be skin and bones and you'd be totally turned off, trust me!". I'm just not built like that! Some 5'7" girls might be able to pull off a low weight like that, but there's no way I could on my hefty frame.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    160 is not huge, and you look fantastic!!
    Dont let it bother you. I kinda feel like that when I read peoples post about how they used to weigh a "whopping" Xxx
    Their whopping is usually much less than I weigh :<
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the kind words yall - it's nice to have people who know what I'm going through. It's not the worst thing someone could say but it certainly makes you second guess a little.

    And that paleo link is fantastic - thank you for sharing :)
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Don't panic. What she said is about her, it's not about you. I'm sure she had no idea what she weighs or what you weigh. She probably was just expressing concern that she feels that she is putting on weight. I'm with the people who said that everyone carries weight differently.

    I'm 5ft 9.5" and my BMI of 25 point something means I'm overweight. People said I was fat and at risk of a heart attack at 14 stone. People said I didn't need to lose any weight at 13 stone. Now that I'm almost 12 stone people are saying I look a lot better, and I think they'll say that again when/if I ever reach 11 stone!!!

    I think what you have to focus on is reaching your own "happy weight" safely with sustainable, healthy eating habits. I think you've done really well on your journey so far and I think you'll find yourself fitter and stronger and losing more easily now that you're eating a bit more.

    In the meantime, vent away, it's what we're all here for!!!

  • lisamerida
    lisamerida Posts: 14 Member
    I too am 5'3 and I weigh 160 as of today. A few years ago I lost 88 pounds and reached a goal of 135 and was too thin. My face was sunk in and people were starting to get concerned. So I started eating again and gained back all my weight. This past February I started losing again and I have lost 50 pounds as of this morning. I don't plan on getting as low as I once did, I was thinking around the 145-150 mark. I feel good now about myself and can fit into my 12 year old daughters clothes. She is 5'5 and the same weight. Do what is right for you and makes you feel good.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great. In addition to muscle vs fat, remember that structure size also makes a difference. Some one who has a large frame can weigh the same, but have less over all fat than someone who has a small frame. I have an extra small frame. My bones are tiny. So 160 (I started at 167) looks a lot worse on me than it would on someone who has a medium or large frame. Which makes me totally jealous.

    You can determine your structure size by wrapping your fingers around your wrist. If your fingers overlap you have a small frame, touch is medium, don't touch is large. Something like that.

    Keep up the good work and remember that people come in all shapes and sizes. YOU just have be comfortable with YOU!