Eating Organic

I have been resarching about eating all organic and I also just bought a book called The Organic Food Shopper's Guide, by Jeff Cox. I move into my new apartment August 13th and there is an Earthfare grocery store there (Organic) so I am strongly considering just eating all organic foods. I have been home all summer with my family so I haven't been doing any grocery shopping. I wondered if anyone has any input on this? Does anyone eat everything organic? I really don't eat very much haha so I wouldn't be spending over $60 a week anyways...


  • broganvc
    broganvc Posts: 21 Member
    I try to eat only organic and natural foods [an EarthFare shopper as well!], as well as locally grown produce and meats- and yeah, it will be expensive [and that's coming from a poor college student!] But I think the food tastes so much better and I feel a lot healthier than when I ate mostly processed foods!!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I usually get organic where it counts. Things like bananas and avocados, even onions don't need to be organic. There are a list of I think 15 or so things you should get organic and I make sure to get them.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    IMHO - we should eat organic whenever possible. I try to eat organic (especially) for fruit, vegi and meat. Per meat, if not organic, then def free range/cage free.

    I think with the amount of fruit you would def be the way to go.

    But to say 'everything' to be organic...not sure, as just because something is 'organic' it doesn't make it healthy. There are some very unhealthy 'organic' cereals, bars, crackers out there.

    My .02 is eat healthy first...and if there is an option to eat that healthy something as an organic option, then yes, organic is the way to go...but don't lose focus on healthy...just because we're blinded by 'organic'.

    Cheers Caroline!
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    I absolutely go organic as often as possible. My food budget beats out shopping for clothes and other fun things as I see it as a long-term investment in my overall health. I'd hate to wake up at 50 and have a food/diet-related illness. So, the cost to me is WORTH IT.
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member

    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    also factored in the resources that it takes to produce organic foods, as opposed to traditional methods, it's actually no help to the planet as well.

    "When you take the exact same strain of a plant and grow it in two different ways, its chemical and genetic makeup remain the same. One may be larger than the other if one growing method was more efficient, but its fundamental makeup and biochemical content is defined by its genes, not by the way it was grown. Consumer Reports found no consistent difference in appearance, flavor, or texture. A blanket statement like "organic cultivation results in a crop with superior nutritional value" has no logical or factual basis."
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    My husband and I eat all organic/all natural. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my health. Just one example, I was getting headaches almost everyday. Since I switched, I've only had one headache that was probably heat related. I think they may have been from preservatives and/or other additives. We started in Feb. of this year. It is more expensive, but we look at it as investing in our health. I personally don't think some people budget enough for food. I'd rather cut my budget in other areas and spend more on something as important as what I'm putting in my body. Just my opinion though!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I've switched over to organic meat, dairy and some locally grown veggies. I don't have enough in the budget to switch everything though.
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    My husband and I eat all organic/all natural. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my health. Just one example, I was getting headaches almost everyday. Since I switched, I've only had one headache that was probably heat related. I think they may have been from preservatives and/or other additives. We started in Feb. of this year. It is more expensive, but we look at it as investing in our health. I personally don't think some people budget enough for food. I'd rather cut my budget in other areas and spend more on something as important as what I'm putting in my body. Just my opinion though!

    Okay good to hear!! I am taking your advice...I always get headaches...I am taking nortriptyline for them. Thanks for the advice!!
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member
    My husband and I eat all organic/all natural. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my health. Just one example, I was getting headaches almost everyday. Since I switched, I've only had one headache that was probably heat related. I think they may have been from preservatives and/or other additives. We started in Feb. of this year. It is more expensive, but we look at it as investing in our health. I personally don't think some people budget enough for food. I'd rather cut my budget in other areas and spend more on something as important as what I'm putting in my body. Just my opinion though!

    i completely understand you motion toward a healthy life and applaud it, thats awesome, however I'd be wary of any "fad' diet that doesn't really have the science to back up its claims, perhaps your lack of headaches is due to the overall change in your eating habits. I suffer from chronic headaches and the thing that triggers my headache is also linked to food...basically me not eating. Perhaps your case is similar and can be attributed to a change in your eating routine rather than how your food is produced...

    There is absolutely zero (unbiased) scientific evidence that supports a claim that organic food is healthier for you and the thought process that conventional growing methods leave pesticides in food was debunked decades ago...

    this is said about organic foods.

    "In the United States, 2006 brought two major outbreaks of E. coli, both resulting in deaths and numerous illnesses, ultimately traced to organically grown spinach and lettuce. According to the Center for Global Food Issues, organic foods make up about 1% of all the food sold in the United States, but it accounts for 8% of E. coli cases. "
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    haha let's not argue over organic food and how it isnt proven to be better! :( I dont wanna have a debate! My mom makes fun of organic food and always calls me miss peace love and granola! ha so i get why you have an opinion. BUT i just wanted advice not a debate. PLease :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    I don't eat organic food because it is "healthier" (it isn't- same nutrients, calories, and fat). I eat it because it hasn't been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Science certainly supports that not eating toxic chemicals = a good thing.

    I buy organic where it counts- look for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists that have the 12 fruits and veg that really absorb the pesticides/chemicals (peaches are one of the worst offenders), and the 15 cleanest fruits and veg where it really doesn't pay to buy organic because they don't absorb the chemicals as well.
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    I don't eat organic food because it is "healthier" (it isn't- same nutrients, calories, and fat). I eat it because it hasn't been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Science certainly supports that not eating toxic chemicals = a good thing.

    I buy organic where it counts- look for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists that have the 12 fruits and veg that really absorb the pesticides/chemicals (peaches are one of the worst offenders), and the 15 cleanest fruits and veg where it really doesn't pay to buy organic because they don't absorb the chemicals as well.

    Like this a lot!! that makes very good sense :)
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member
    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    I don't eat organic food because it is "healthier" (it isn't- same nutrients, calories, and fat). I eat it because it hasn't been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Science certainly supports that not eating toxic chemicals = a good thing.

    I buy organic where it counts- look for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists that have the 12 fruits and veg that really absorb the pesticides/chemicals (peaches are one of the worst offenders), and the 15 cleanest fruits and veg where it really doesn't pay to buy organic because they don't absorb the chemicals as well.

    but science has also proven that there are no noticeable traces of pesticides in conventionally grown actually has proven that there is more health RISK in organic foods due to their growth.
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member
    and be careful about getting reports from special interest probably get more harm from the organisms that may get on your from rain water than you do from eating a traditionally grown apple..
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member
    i wasn't trying to debate i just like people to be fully informed before they shell out extra money.
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    in short there really is no science that supports that organic food is any more healthy for you than other.

    I don't eat organic food because it is "healthier" (it isn't- same nutrients, calories, and fat). I eat it because it hasn't been sprayed with toxic chemicals. Science certainly supports that not eating toxic chemicals = a good thing.

    I buy organic where it counts- look for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists that have the 12 fruits and veg that really absorb the pesticides/chemicals (peaches are one of the worst offenders), and the 15 cleanest fruits and veg where it really doesn't pay to buy organic because they don't absorb the chemicals as well.

    but science has also proven that there are no noticeable traces of pesticides in conventionally grown actually has proven that there is more health RISK in organic foods due to their growth.

    I don't know what your sources are but this is definitely not true. I took a biological conservation class at Auburn. Trust me you are wrong. There are pros and cons to both sides but that hasn't been proven or else people would run away from organic food.
  • Oliverseanj
    Oliverseanj Posts: 27 Member
    like you stated earlier i'm not trying to argue just sharing information, I'd also welcome any information I may not be aware of, I'm just into fitness so I research new cutting edge things perhaps I've overlooked a study that signifies the benefits, if so i apologize.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    i completely understand you motion toward a healthy life and applaud it, thats awesome, however I'd be wary of any "fad' diet that doesn't really have the science to back up its claims, perhaps your lack of headaches is due to the overall change in your eating habits. I suffer from chronic headaches and the thing that triggers my headache is also linked to food...basically me not eating. Perhaps your case is similar and can be attributed to a change in your eating routine rather than how your food is produced...

    Thank you for your opinion...sincerely. I should have made my original statement more clear. I think the lack of headaches is more attributed to eating all natural foods now with no additives. I'm allergic to many things, so I think that maybe I have an allergy or sensitivity to a preservative, food dye, etc. I didn't actually change my eating habits too much when I switched over. I had already been eating a balanced diet, so that is why I think it might be the additives.

    My husband has done most of the research on organic foods, so I won't offer any scientific evidence to the discussion. I just wanted to say that I have noticed a difference personally.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    like you stated earlier i'm not trying to argue just sharing information, I'd also welcome any information I may not be aware of, I'm just into fitness so I research new cutting edge things perhaps I've overlooked a study that signifies the benefits, if so i apologize.

    I think either side of the fence you're can find documentation/support around one's point of view that can backed up by documentation or websites. There ARE sites/documents which show proof that organic is 'better' and there are sites/documents which show organic as nothing more than higher priced food with no value.

    A quick google search (less than a minute) per 'pesticides found in food study', first hit was which indicate there are pesticides found in foods, thus why people chose organic.

    As to whether or not this will cause longterm affects, only time will tell...but for me and my family, why take the risk. We have medical insurace, car insurance for peace of mind and to protect us...why not take a bit of insurance and try to limit the foreign stuff we put into our bodies whenever possible...whether its proven to cause harm or not. Obviously with the current condition of the human race (obesity, cronic problems, etc), we're defnintely doing something wrong.