please help me im hopeless :(



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    ive been gaining weight like crazy i just keep gaining and gaining. im up to 303lbs and im so scared to get bigger... im literally crying right now! i try to watch what i eat but its so hard i give up so easily. idk what to do anymore i started to go for daily walks for a month now and havent lost a single pound :( i eat so badly that wallking doesnt even help. in 7 years i went from 160 to 303 :(
    Go see a professional. The habitual eating may be compensating for a problem you haven't addressed.

    As for eating, it's up to YOU to get it under control. Stay out of the kitchen as much as possible. Trust when I tell you that if you don't start handling it now, it's going to be a really life threatening issue soon.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ksz1104
    ksz1104 Posts: 260 Member
    ive been gaining weight like crazy i just keep gaining and gaining. im up to 303lbs and im so scared to get bigger... im literally crying right now! i try to watch what i eat but its so hard i give up so easily. idk what to do anymore i started to go for daily walks for a month now and havent lost a single pound :( i eat so badly that wallking doesnt even help. in 7 years i went from 160 to 303 :(

    Please remember that once you do start to change, you won't see results right away. Some of us started out and worked out for a week and got discouraged. It takes much longer than that to see progress and results. Take one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you need a break but get back up and dust yourself off and keep going. You can do this.
  • Moici
    Moici Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat and I've just recently begun my weight loss journey.
    An easy first step for me was choosing to not drink my sugar. I'm a sugar addict but I found I didn't mind giving up sweetened drinks.
    And like everyone says, log EVERYTHING you consume!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Tons of good advice and I'll add a bit more.

    1. You can do this. We all started somewhere and many of us started where you are now. Just take a deep breath and start.

    2. Something that helps me that hasn't been mentioned - preplan what you are going to eat and prelog if you have to. It's much harder for me to wake up and try to figure out what to eat versus already having decided on Sunday all week I'm going to have x for breakfast and so forth. It makes life easier and takes some of the stress out of decided what to eat.

    3. Don't go too extreme at first. Baby steps. I would log everything I eat accurately and honestly for two weeks or so first and then go about trying to reduce your calories to MFP's recommended calories for your rate of loss. This also gives you information and you can see where and how you can change things.

    4. Just take it a day at a time. Sometimes we all have bad days, but thankfully one day can't ruin weeks of effort.
  • daciamatthew
    daciamatthew Posts: 8 Member
    So much great advice here! I just want to encourage you to keep on going. Weight loss always has it's ups and downs, but if you keep on going in the right direction you'll eventually get there. :)
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 402 Member
    When I started, first thing I did was buy a food scale after reading the forums here.

    Then I spent the first two weeks simply getting used to accurately logging all of my food and drinks here on MFP without making any changes to what I was actually consuming.

    Those two weeks gave me a wonderful baseline of information from which to begin making changes. It was a real eye-opener to honestly look at the caloric cost of everything I was consuming.

    I then started to make small changes - ones that I knew I could live with. Those started added up in a positive way, which encouraged me to make other changes. As the weight started coming off, I added more activity to my day in the form of walking. When I started, I could barely lap the couch. ;) After a few weeks I could walk around the block. Then I could walk around two blocks. Then three.

    I can honestly say I never had to cut out any of the foods I love while I lost the weight I needed to. I just ate way less of them. This works for some people but not for others. Some find it best to eliminate trigger foods from their environment entirely until such time as they feel they can reintroduce them without bingeing on them.

    Start slow. Every small step you make is a step forward. :)

    This. Best advice and I'd say the only advice most people need. I wish it was printed as a leaflet and handed out to every individual who ever tried to lose weight.

  • rach__b
    rach__b Posts: 34 Member
    First things first.... Don't panic! You sound extremely anxious. A little bit of stress is good as it motivates you to make changes. But if you keep over stressing it's extremely detrimental and gets you into a hopeless thinking mode. It's like 'learned helplessness'

    Congratulate yourself on being brave and admitting you're not happy in your current situation. Use this anxiety and channel it into making positive life changes. I love the quote 'do something today that your future self will thank you for'

    Make a long term goal, but make small daily ones too. For instance keep up your walking. Go to new places, make it more exciting. And start logging your calorie intake everyday.

    For me, I love the mentality of fitness. It's extremely positive and encouraging. It's all about setting goals and smashing them! This will in turn give you more confidence and will give you more momentum. You'll be unstoppable!

    I'm not overweight. However, I do suffer with extremely bad depression/anxiety and exercise helps tremendously. It's increased my mood and given me more self esteem when I realise I do have the power and control to achieve my goals.

    More importantly though, Don't give up and have patience. Envision yourself with the body you want and think about it everyday, make it an imprint in your mind. Think of how healthier and happier you'll be and take small steps to achieve it. Don't lose sight of it.

    I wish you all the luck in the world :)
  • hoffman2300
    hoffman2300 Posts: 104 Member
    So many wise responses so far - I'm not sure I can add much other than support (and I'll add you as a friend). There were a few people who mentioned logging what you're eating before even making changes so you have a sense of where you are calorie-wise now - that's so smart (and I wish I'd started doing that!). You can do this!