Intermittent Fasting

What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting? So far I have been doing the 16ht fast daily(except weekends) now thinking about the 5:2 option... 5 reg days with 2 days of 500 cal only... thoughts?!?


  • natashab61
    natashab61 Posts: 103 Member
    How did the 16 hours fasting days work for you?
  • Darcsoir
    Darcsoir Posts: 2 Member
    Great! I would just figure out when my last meal or glass of wine was and then eat 16 hrs later... I would have black coffee/tea no sugar and loads of water until my 16 hrs were up... first couple of days were hard, but it gets easier. Noticed a difference in my belly and what I like to call my saddle bags... I just want to try something different and was wondering if anyone has tried the 5:2
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    What are you expecting to get from it? If it's weight loss, I feel 5:2 is a great way to do so. I follow 16:8 just out of convenience, it's not specifically a weight loss format, but can help with adherence.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    i do 18:6 sometimes, but i haven't noticed that it helps with weight loss. it helps me with other things, like mental clarity, and to help keep within calorie goal. i have BPD so i did some research and found that to be of some help with depression.
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    I follow a 18:6 schedule for the most part. I do have a cup of coffee with 2T half and half a few hours after waking, which accounts for 35 cals, but other than that, nothing. I'm already lean with just a few vanity pounds to lose, so this schedule helps me to stick to it without feeling deprived. For me, 5:2 would be a struggle - I'd feel like I was sacrificing those fast days.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I've been skipping breakfast for a couple years, works great for me. My body is used to it now so I don't start getting hungry till around 11am (later on weekends because I sleep in later). So I just have lunch and dinner, with the occasional snack in-between.

    Sometimes I'll do only dinner on weekends. I like having a big dinner so it works out nicely.
  • Sassifrass76
    Sassifrass76 Posts: 21 Member
    I do every other day instead of 5/2. I follow the Johnson calculator and protocol, except my fast days are usually just calorie free liquids or a very small meal depending on activity level. Not much support for it here but I don't need outside support. It was really hard in the beginning but now it is just routine. Down 38 pounds in 110 days. I am really happy with the progress but I have a lot to lose. Mfp initially gave me 1200 a day and it just wasn't going to work, I love to eat and that is just enough to make me hangry and led to some binging. Happy to say adf has changed all that and I no longer am hungry at the end of the day. Is every fast day easy, No, but getting to eat normally the next day is so worth it, I can even fit resteraunts in if I want to.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    16:8 is my natural way of eating. I love it. Two larger meals fits my life perfectly and I can't see that changing, I"ve done it for many years.

    5:2 doesn't appeal to me, I don't even like fasting all day for a doctors' appt. I think we get used to whatever plan works for us, though.

    I still fit in restaurants every now and then. I still have big eating days (1000+ calories over) once or twice a week, every week. I've been maintaining my weight for years.
  • Joel_518
    Joel_518 Posts: 35 Member
    I switch things up constantly. For example, I knew I had a huge Father's Day feast so I fast 24ish hours on Friday, and today (Monday) did another 20 hour fast. I was good all day. Actually didn't even drink coffee just for the challenge. But on most days I'm in the 16/8 - 18/6 range.

    I've been doing this for sometime to lean down. The one draw back is if I fast too much, I do now a dip in I just eat. Usually pig out on fat like eggs, bacon, etc.

    I'm back to logging after a long break....please add me to your friends list. I need fasting friends. lol

  • Joel_518
    Joel_518 Posts: 35 Member
    Is every fast day easy, No, but getting to eat normally the next day is so worth it, I can even fit resteraunts in if I want to.

    So true, does keep things more balanced and seems like a longer term strategy.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    How is having eight hours to eat actually fasting? I call it "skipping breakfast". ;)

    that's why i do 6 hours of feasting. gives just a little extra push beyond skipping breakfast. :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    16:8 is just an eating pattern - not a calorie restriction. Although it may help you adhere to a calorie deficit easier....

    5:2 is a weekly calorie deficit plan.

    Try it - that's the only way you will know. I liked 5:2 for weight loss, but disliked 16:8 for weight maintenance. YMMV.
  • Smores_24
    Smores_24 Posts: 17 Member
    Does intermittent fasting help you significantly with weight loss? I'm on day 2 of 16/8 fasting, but have been sticking to 1200 cal per day.
    LegosRule wrote: »
    I switch things up constantly. For example, I knew I had a huge Father's Day feast so I fast 24ish hours on Friday, and today (Monday) did another 20 hour fast. I was good all day. Actually didn't even drink coffee just for the challenge. But on most days I'm in the 16/8 - 18/6 range.

    I've been doing this for sometime to lean down. The one draw back is if I fast too much, I do now a dip in I just eat. Usually pig out on fat like eggs, bacon, etc.

    I'm back to logging after a long break....please add me to your friends list. I need fasting friends. lol

  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    i do 16/8 intermittent fasting. i like a large dinner so this allows me to have one. i don't think the IF contributes to my weight loss, save for the fact that i have less time to go over my calorie allowance.
  • sbantonio
    sbantonio Posts: 161 Member
    It worked for me!!! In just 8 weeks I got this. See both pix. 70qzzmhgszdl.pngjm27g81gna3b.png

  • Hypsibius
    Hypsibius Posts: 207 Member
    Darcsoir wrote: »
    What are your thoughts on intermittent fasting? So far I have been doing the 16ht fast daily(except weekends) now thinking about the 5:2 option... 5 reg days with 2 days of 500 cal only... thoughts?!?

    I've been dabbling with intermittent fasting. A few sporadic 24-hour fasts... but in all honestly they're because I forget to eat breakfast -- work through lunch, and realize it's 3pm and say, "Oh hell, I'll just wait for dinner." I kind of like it though, it's like a hitting a reset button on diet and digestion and I've never had any ill effect from it.
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am liking the idea of the 16:8 fasting plan. But I workout at 5:30 every single morning (running and strength training) and I have always liked to eat a recovery meal or protein shake after, my breakfast. Is it ok to skip that recovery meal? Won’t that hurt muscle growth or is that a myth?
    Assuming I fast from 8pm to noon, which is the only way I think I could tackle it.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I skip breakfast daily but I eat well into the evening; sometimes while in bed. I really dislike having to adhere to a schedule someone else came up with.