Brazillian Butt Lift Challange-Wanna join!

dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok got my brazillian butt lift dvd it targets butts, thighs, muffin top, saddlebags and abs.

it has customized 4 weeks plan for too flat or square butt, pear shaped butt, too big or heavy butt, or combo type

they have a pencil test prescribed, simply take the peencil and place it in the crease where your butt meets the top of the back of your your thigh. if the pencil stays, ur butt s lifted if it drops ur butt lacks the lift. people have lost weight and dropped couple of dress sizes in a month with this dvd.

so anybody wanna join me! i know it will be fun


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