First Step

kwilks62 Posts: 2 Member
I'm 54, profoundly overweight and haven't worked out in over a year. I'm taking my first step to stop hiding and turn my life around. I'm heading to the YMCA to swim laps. I don't know why I feel so scared.


  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    You're stepping way outside your comfort zone -- wearing a bathing suit, not the clothing we profoundly overweight people wear as armor -- and probably feeling vulnerable. I won't say "don't be scared" because that never helps, but you're brave and stronger than you know for even thinking about it. Go forth and face your dragon! And let us know how it went when you come home.
  • elizabeth090786
    elizabeth090786 Posts: 7 Member
    It's something new, proud of you for taking the first step... You got this :)<3