LID Diet

Hello to whoever reads this! I am going to be undergoing RAI therapy for thyroid cancer in Sept and I have to be on a low iodine diet for 2 weeks prior to receiving the radiotherapy. Does anyone have any tips for keeping on track for this? I read that fresh fruit and veggies are ok which I can handle, I mostly eat fruit during the day anyways, but I am not allowed dairy at all during that time and I love milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream.... I did search the boards for this topic and didn't see anything come up so I figured I would ask, thank you in advance!


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited June 2017
    Soya yogurt, coconut based cheeses. I'm UK and the violife brand are good.

    Good luck with your treatment x

    Edit as not suitable
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think we have violife here in the states and I can honestly say I have never seen a coconut based cheese but I would definitely try it! Thank you!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    @janejellyroll is a vegan. She might have some recommendations for good products.

    Do you have any other restrictions?

    Best of luck with your treatment!
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll I don't have any other restrictions as of yet, I meet with my endocrinologist in August. I will reach out to her thank you!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited June 2017
    I don't think we have violife here in the states and I can honestly say I have never seen a coconut based cheese but I would definitely try it! Thank you!

    Do you live by a Whole Foods? You should be able to find a whole wide variety of dairy-free options for cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and milk there, based on almond, coconut, cashews, soy, or other plants. My favorite brands are Miyoko's Creamery and So Delicious. If you have a Trader Joe's, they also have options (not as many as Whole Foods, but everything I have tried has been tasty).

    Note: I don't know the iodine content of these plant-based items. I actually take an iodine supplement because a vegan diet can tend to be low in iodine if one doesn't use iodized salt or regularly eat sea vegetables.

    Good luck with your treatment -- I hope you find some options that make this time easier for you!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    *kitten*, just read soy yogurt wouldn't be any good to you.

    Coconut and cashew based cheeses would be fine though.
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    haha @janejellyroll i just sent you a PM! I think the closest Whole Foods or Trader Joe's are in Cleveland and Pittsburgh area... both of which are over an hour from me.

    And what id *kitten* i just started seeing this today and I don't know what it means
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    haha @janejellyroll i just sent you a PM! I think the closest Whole Foods or Trader Joe's are in Cleveland and Pittsburgh area... both of which are over an hour from me.

    And what id *kitten* i just started seeing this today and I don't know what it means

    "Kitten" is a filter that is substituted when you type certain "naughty" words.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Do you own an ice cream maker? I have some recipes for dairy-free sorbets, as well as a coconut-ginger ice cream (made with coconut milk).

    Tofutti makes a decent imitation cream cheese and sour cream (as well as Tofutti cutie 'ice cream' sandwiches)

    Daiya makes... something like an imitation cheese. Melted with other stuff, it's okay. Just okay.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    haha @janejellyroll i just sent you a PM! I think the closest Whole Foods or Trader Joe's are in Cleveland and Pittsburgh area... both of which are over an hour from me.

    And what id *kitten* i just started seeing this today and I don't know what it means

    Yikes on the distance. Maybe you could make a special trip one day? Not sure what stores you have in your area, but where I live (Minnesota), I'm seeing more and more substitutes popping up in my regular grocery store. For example: Ben and Jerry's makes 4-6 vegan flavors now (with almond milk) and I see those at my regular grocery store. Silk has their cashew and coconut milk available most places. Yogurt you probably won't find as easily (at least I don't). Daiya cheese is available at some grocery stores, but that's soy based (and many non-vegans absolutely hate it anyway).

    Do you like cooking? For things like sauces, raw cashews can be blended with water to make a pretty decent cream substitute for things like pasta and soups. Just Google "cashew cream" for proportions. Pinterest is a great source for recipes -- when you're craving something, you may try typing "vegan [x]" and seeing if there are recipes for it (for example, there are tons of make-at-home ice cream recipes). Of course, you don't have to go the "full vegan," you can add back whatever is still okay.

    If you're just looking for the fatty richness that cheese often provides, try experimenting with coconut milk (canned), peanut sauces, and hummus. When I first gave up dairy, I found that one of these three could often kick a cheese craving. Tahini sauce is another one that is good for that. If you put a rich sauce on something, you often won't miss the cheese (or miss it as much :D ).
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    My heart goes out to you. I did this many years ago in prep for RAI. To be honest, it was a while ago and the options were just not out there. I did without all that stuff. It was just easier. I ate organic chicken, lots of fresh veggies and fruit, and dealt with the boredom. It was 2 weeks. I did lose 6 lbs.

    Have you been to the website? I believe they have a lot of information on the diet and you can probably get some suggestions on one of their support listservs.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    My wife had to do this also. It was a difficult diet, but as in your situation, she had good reasons to stick with it.

    One of the complications is you need to avoid many commercially processed foods, because many times they add salt, and that salt is...iodized. When you cook you need to make sure to use kosher salt, which doesn't have added iodine.

    It's been many years since she had to do it, so I don't remember most of what we ate. I do remember THYCA being especially helpful. Try this link:

    Good luck!