New friends and support needed

Newer to the app and the community. I've used other apps but first real time using MFP. I'm an ongoing yoyo-er, was doing great last year but got a suprise, along came baby. So now I'm​ trying to get back on track and want to lose 40lbs. I know I can but this time around feels harder mentally. Im lacking the support system I use to have and the free time!! So I am here. Hoping to make new friends to support each other and stay on track. Especially through the days when all I want is a bacon cheeseburger and banana splits! Please feel free to reach out if you can help or relate. Thanks!


  • yumesoraki
    yumesoraki Posts: 4,859 Member
    edited June 2017
    Support systems can definitely help @bralbrmc
    There's a few good ones you should look into over in the challenges section (Amazing Race, Ilvermorny, GoT, etc).

    I'm a pretty good support friend if you want one though ^.^
  • Mika1221
    Mika1221 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been trying to lose 40lbs for the last couple years, so I feel your pain. I'm also six months post baby and finally feeling like I'm making headway
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    Add me. I'm very active here, log daily, workout daily......lets do this!