Weight Watchers vs. FPal?



  • labblb86
    labblb86 Posts: 28 Member
    I lost 60 pounds on WW last year, have kept it off. But WW is not good for maintenance, esp if you add in exercise. I am now double tracking WW smart points (since I am a Lifetime free member) and MFP calories to get a more accurate assessment.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I like some of the WW recipes. But MFP is less expensive. Cost wins for me.
  • inkpoisonedsoul
    inkpoisonedsoul Posts: 17 Member
    I started WW a couple months ago and have since quit. The number of points I started out with translated to barely 1000 calories (I refuse to eat low fat) and I was punished with inflated point values for eating out. I am finding mfp to be a much more sustainable system since it actually allows me to eat what I want within my calorie limit (1900). Why pay to starve yourself?