
I had done awesome for two years...eating right, exercising, and losing weight slowly but surely but over the past 7 months I have let things slide a bit with eating. Two months ago I realized I was gaining weight slowly and when I checked had put on 10lbs. I immediately began cutting back and tracking my calories. Even so...I have continued to gain weight. I have now gained almost 18lbs! I'm trying hard, I'm watching what I eat and tracking amounts and calories. I'm exercising 5 out of 7 days and average over 10,000 steps a day. The only difference between now and what I was doing a couple years ago is the attitude. I was determined and pumped up with excitement about getting healthy. Right now I'm feeling the pressure and the fear of gaining back everything I've lost. I won't give up but I need to see some success!


  • Parisalexis
    Parisalexis Posts: 7 Member
    Stress never helps try taking walks in really scenic places and doing calming exercise like yoga to get your spirits up. Best of luck to you.