#30 day shred how heavy are your weights?



  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Side note- Quick question for everyone doing this... I was steadily loosing weight prior to starting 30DS and now the scale isn't budging. I was really consistent in my weight loss before and I know I am toning my muscles but since I failed to take measurements prior to starting, it seems like I am idling. lol Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

    I also have not lost even one ounce since starting. I just finished my 6th day last night. We started just over a week ago on the 18th. But my clothes are all falling off, so something is definitely happening. My hubby and I are doing this together. We took measurements when we started and are going to measure again about halfway through. Can't wait to see those numbers!! :happy:
  • diamondigrl
    I am on day 8 of L1 and I use 3.3lbs. I agree with some that the chest flies I could go up to my 6lbs but all of the other exercises even 3.3 kills me. lol I am so scared to start L2.

    Side note- Quick question for everyone doing this... I was steadily loosing weight prior to starting 30DS and now the scale isn't budging. I was really consistent in my weight loss before and I know I am toning my muscles but since I failed to take measurements prior to starting, it seems like I am idling. lol Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

    I'm noticing the same thing could it be because we are gaining muscle???
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I am on day 8 of L1 and I use 3.3lbs. I agree with some that the chest flies I could go up to my 6lbs but all of the other exercises even 3.3 kills me. lol I am so scared to start L2.

    Side note- Quick question for everyone doing this... I was steadily loosing weight prior to starting 30DS and now the scale isn't budging. I was really consistent in my weight loss before and I know I am toning my muscles but since I failed to take measurements prior to starting, it seems like I am idling. lol Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

    I'm noticing the same thing could it be because you gain muscle???

    I sure hope so and I kick myself in the a** every day for not taking measurements before I started. And yes, the kicking is in addition to the butt kicks in L1. lol
  • rococo11
    rococo11 Posts: 49 Member
    I use 15lbs for some (chest fly, curls,and rows) and 7 lbs for the others, but I'm not doing it consistently, more like once or twice a quick workout when I don't have time. Oh and I do level 1
  • diamondigrl
    I used 5lb weights. what day and level are you on?

    I'm on day 5 level 1, I was so sore the first three days, I took measurement at the beginning and plan to take them again on friday to see if there is any difference. But there has been no change in my weigh either!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I've done 30DS and Ripped in 30. I use 3, 5 or 8 depending on the exercise. More for biceps, tris, back, less for shoulders/chest.
  • LovinME247
    I'm with the one who uses 3lbs...dang girl! 8?! I need to step it up!