Beach Body on Demand suggestions please...

Hi guys, I am a 5'3", 200 lbs girl who at one time was doing P90X and loved it. I was 160 pounds and going in the right direction at that time. Life got in the way, I stopped working out and put on 50 more pounds. I have lost 10 by cleaning out my diet. I want to get back to working out but feel a million times heavier with no energy to even walk two steps. Even ten minutes of a workout will kill me at this point and I am now very intimidated. Instead of buying new programs I was thinking of joining Beachbody on Demand. Can you please tell me yay or nay as well as which program to start with and which program you would find most effective for a once again newbie?
Thank you....hugs :)


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    From what I've seen, start with 21 day fix workouts or piyo. All programs have modifiers. Use them. If you can do only 10 min, then do 10 min. Next week 15, and so on until you can do the whole thing. We all started like that. (No affiliation with bb.}
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you lorrpb! I looked into those two. I think I'll start with the 21 day fix. Seems less crazy. Thank you for your guidance. :)
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    @BWadeRN you look awesome!! I tried messaging you but am getting errors. Will try again. :)
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member

    Hi there :) you look awesome! What programs did you use if you dont mind my asking? How difficult was it in the beginning? I am so intimidated when I never was before. I think I am also just frustrated and sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy. I let myself go too far :(
    Do the programs stream okay? I have a smartTV but I don't think they will stream on it from what I have read. I'll use my notepad I guess. From your experience is it worth the money or can one use the free YouTube videos like fitnesblender that people in the forum are talking about. I think I like having that group feeling that comes with these videos.
    Sorry for all the questions. I think I am ready to get fit again. I started keto a month back...lazy keto actually and have taken a few days off in between, including this weekend for I was getting really frustrated and upset.
    Any guidance will be appreciated.
    Best wishes,
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    @BWadeRN you look awesome!! I tried messaging you but am getting errors. Will try again. :)

    First, you don't need a "coach" (salesperson) which is what anyone trying to get you to message them privately probably is.

    The great thing about BB programs is they almost all have a modifier. Anyway I think 21 day fix is great. My fave is an oldie - Chalene Extreme. I still do it regularly, and started it when I was pretty out of shape. I've heard a lot of good things about P90X3 but I haven't done that one. Luckily with Demand you can try something for a couple of weeks and if you hate it you can switch.

    You might also want to try spreading whatever workout you choose out a little and on the in between days just take walks. Walking is a great place to start when you feel to out of shape for a program. Adding a 20 min walk every morning has really improved my fitness, and I already was working out :) Good luck!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    And just wanted to add, Fitness Blender is also great if you want to start out low risk (no $ lol). And getting your diet in line will have the biggest impact on weight loss, regardless of what type of exercise you do!
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    edited June 2017
    @kimny72 thank you so much for the guidance. I am going to take everything you said into account. A month back I cut out most sugar from my diet including carbs like rice, potatoes and bread. Basically I started following lazy keto. I upped my greens and vegetables which I had never done before. I took three or four days off from this low carb lifestyle based on a few occasions, but keeping in mind that if I eat clean 80% of the time I should be fine. I also learned a lot about macros and realized that before I was having a lot of carbs and sugar but no real fibre. I have lost ten pounds. I will do my best to keep my diet clean knowing 90% of it is in the kitchen. I will follow your guidance as far as the workouts are concerned too for what you said makes sense.
    I subscribed to fitnesblender today and checked out their videos. They have a lot. I do like the class/group feeling of BB. May BB can be my early birthday present to myself. Hehe
    Thank you again for all the help.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    P90X, P90X3, Insanity amd Turbofire are my faves.....
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    @mabearof6 I loved P90X. My goal is to get back to that fitness level. I should have never let my self go like this. I went from bad to worse. :(
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    @kimny72 thank you so much for the guidance. I am going to take everything you said into account. A month back I cut out most sugar from my diet including carbs like rice, potatoes and bread. Basically I started following lazy keto. I upped my greens and vegetables which I had never done before. I took three or four days off from this low carb lifestyle based on a few occasions, but keeping in mind that if I eat clean 80% of the time I should be fine. I also learned a lot about macros and realized that before I was having a lot of carbs and sugar but no real fibre. I have lost ten pounds. I will do my best to keep my diet clean knowing 90% of it is in the kitchen. I will follow your guidance as far as the workouts are concerned too for what you said makes sense.
    I subscribed to fitnesblender today and checked out their videos. They have a lot. I do like the class/group feeling of BB. May BB can be my early birthday present to myself. Hehe
    Thank you again for all the help.

    Congrats on the first 10! If you want to eat clean that's great, but honestly for weight loss calories are most important. Accurately and consistently logging made all the diff for me - I was eating so much more than I thought! I could never do keto I really thrive on a moderate carb diet, so I can't help you out there. When I do 21 Day Fix I find it's too much for me to do on her schedule so it takes me more like 30 days to do one cycle, and I do less intense stuff on the extra off days I give myself. Just be patient with yourself and keep on truckin.
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    @kimny72 thank you. You are right, calories mean everything. Everytime I go off MyFitnessPal I put on weight. I need to get to a point where I don't need to log Everytime....with clean eating and working out I may get there. Keto somehow cured me of my cravings for chocolates, cookies and most junk. It also made me realize how wrong I was going on about food in general. Even if I was controlling calories before I was having a lot of empty calories. I would fill my plate with rice and put a small piece of meat with literally iceberg lettuce and cucumers as my veg lol. I am probably never going to go full keto for that is too strict for me but yeah keeping my carbs moderately low is the way for me. I have been able to pass on cake, cookies and chips at work which I never had the determination to do before. Lol self control is what I need to work on.
  • BWadeRN
    BWadeRN Posts: 11 Member
    @babysteps2skinny I messaged you, hopefully it went through!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    edited June 2017
    I don't like to spend money until I've tried it and love it. I look for free videos on YouTube and borrow from the library. Some of my favorites are:
    The Firm -- Super cardio mix, 500 calorie workout
    Jillian Michaels-- 30 day shred, Ripped in 30, Yoga Inferno, Yoga Meltdown, 6 week 6 pack abs, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    Denise Austin-- 3 week boot camp, D.A. 37(YouTube), Power Zone
    Kendall Hogan exercise TV-- Peak performance cardio, boot camp, several others...
    Turbo Jam
    Shaun T.-- Rockin'Body, T25 Core focus
    Cathe Friedrich-- Cardio Core Circuit
    Jessica Smith on YouTube
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    I was just going through my Samsung TV looking for the Beachbody app and found an app for lesmills workouts. Same concept but free. I think I will give this a go first. Thank you so much guys. You have been awesome!!
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    Just realized lesmills is not free Haha!! Can't find the Beachbody app. Have to figure that before signing up.
  • tholden4
    tholden4 Posts: 72 Member
    You can join beach body for a free 30 trial. I do BB everyday on my ipad which is large enough. I would suggest PIYO to start for a couple of weeks then you will naturally want to try some new video's. You get quite the selection to choose from. If you decide after 30 days you can get the basic script for 99 bucks for the year. Like anything it's pure dedication on yourself. I am also eating 1200 calories a day and DO NOT eat back my exercise calories. This is working for me. Good luck it's all about wrapping you head into the game.
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you @tholden4 I just signed up for BB. I think I'll do the same watch what I eat and not eat back my calories. It is definitely a game of dedication. I know if I don't do it this time it will just become a lot harder down the road. I will have to use my Samsung S2. I think it is big enough. Would have loved using my TV but I couldn't find the app. Thank you for your reply. :)
    DAVEGETSLEAN Posts: 59 Member
    Hi. I've done T25 twice, Insanity Max:30 and Insanity. My wife has done most of them with me plus 21 Day Fix. T25 or 21 Day fix with the modifier is a great place to start. Good luck.
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you @DAVEGETSLEAN I have decided to start with the 21 Day Fix using the modifiers. I am actually anxious about this but every beginning is hard I guess. Can't wait for day 22 lol