

I have been on MFP for a while - a long while really, but only just starting to see how useful it can be. I didn't even realize it had a forum until more recently.

Anyway, I have tried every diet under the sun - whether that is slimming world, weight watchers, slim fast, clean eating and atkins - and I haven't found one that I can really stick to.

I have used calorie counting before but i've always stuck to 1200 a day and been starving so this time round i am going to look into exactly how many calories i need to be eating to have a loss, but also make sure i am eating enough to fuel any exercise i will be doing.

If anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free, I dont bite ;)

Have a great Sunday xx


  • andyzee69
    andyzee69 Posts: 193 Member
    This is the only place I've found that us helping me lose weight and ice made some good friends along the way too. Add me if you like.