Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred - Support needed



  • TMRichter
    TMRichter Posts: 3
    My Goal is Sept 15th so I'm in - just started Jillian today. Wasn't too bad but I keep up with two young boys all day and run up and down stairs. I'm also on the SMASH eating plan (so can't be called a diet yet it is). Looking forward to support!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I would be happy to do it with you starting next week.

    This will be my second round. I finished my first round the 6th of July, with excellent results.
  • glasgowgirl101
    glasgowgirl101 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, count me in too. Ordered it 2 days ago so hopefully it'll be here in the morning. I'm a bit of a stranger to exercise so this will be a challenge!! lol. Looking forward to doing it as part of a group :smile:
  • BerryFruit
    BerryFruit Posts: 57
    Hi! I'm getting married in September too. My DVD just arrived today and I had a go - wow! I can't remember the last time I glowed so much :)

    Looking forward to seeing some results soon, particularly around my stomach and thighs.

    Congratulations.. We can work on this together. Nothing like being a bride to whoop you into gear. When in September do you get married? I'm getting married on the 9th in a tiny little English country hotel in the Yorkshire dales.
  • BerryFruit
    BerryFruit Posts: 57
    Still waiting for my DVD.. I keep pouncing on the postman when he arrives. He must think I am mad. :laugh:
  • xxamzxxx
    xxamzxxx Posts: 23
    lol cant wait to start it mine came yesterday, but i will start the same time as you and everyone else x
  • BerryFruit
    BerryFruit Posts: 57
    Whooop IT'S HERE! Got my DVD through this morning taken a look at level 1 looks simple enough not saying easy just yet but the moves are well explained. I think I may have to add a little extra warm up & cool down stretching though.. as that short stretch after just is not enough I will be in pain the next day.

    I am going to be doing my Zumba along slide the 30 day shred and I am going to keep up with my yoga to by adding it onto the cool downs at the end.

    All in all I am very very excited to start this together. I have taken before photos so I have something to go against when I finish.

  • Ive just completed day 1! Yay! Postie handed it to me and it went straight into DVD player! Loved it. It feels like Ive had a workout compared to other DVDs I have. I am sweating and my muscles feel worked!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Congratulations.. We can work on this together. Nothing like being a bride to whoop you into gear. When in September do you get married? I'm getting married on the 9th in a tiny little English country hotel in the Yorkshire dales.

    I'm getting married on the 15th in Tuscany! So we both have countryside weddings - so exciting!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone - I've just completed day 4 of 30 day shred. It felt a lot easier today than the first two days! My shoulders are really sore in the mornings I've been going a little easier with the weights, but in fairness, I was using 3kg weights when the average seems to be 1kg, so I may have overdone it a bit.

    Straight after the 30 day shred, I move on to 6 week abs. Now that is a killer!! My HRM tells me I'm burning more fat with this DVD and I definitely feel it during and afterwards.

    I'm really enjoying both DVDs though and feel pumped after my workout. Can't wait to start seeing some results on my hips and abs where all the jiggly bits are.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I've just had a look at mine, and I am quite excited. It looks challenging, def, but not too awful! May make a start tonight ;)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    *phew* just did it. That was a bit of a challenge, but I find her really good and inspirational so I kept on pushing!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Day 5 complete! I had to reduce the size of my hand weights because my shoulders have been really sore the last couple of days - to the point where I had to do a couple of the strength exercises without weights. As a result, I've been burning less calories according to my HRM, but better to be safe than sorry.

    I'm a bit gutted though. I just couldn't get through the 6 week 6 pack DVD today. Only managed 15 minutes before collapsing on the floor. I'm putting it down to the rare heat in London today.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!
  • BerryFruit
    BerryFruit Posts: 57
    Congratulations.. We can work on this together. Nothing like being a bride to whoop you into gear. When in September do you get married? I'm getting married on the 9th in a tiny little English country hotel in the Yorkshire dales.

    I'm getting married on the 15th in Tuscany! So we both have countryside weddings - so exciting!

    Just left a message on your wall asking.. ooh thats where we are going on Honeymoon. I hope you have a wonderful time.
  • glasgowgirl101
    glasgowgirl101 Posts: 24 Member
    Just finished Day 4, Level 1 and I can definately feel a difference in my body. Day 1 and 2 were hard going and Day 3 seemed worse...I could really feel my upper arms and thighs burning yesterday. Today was much better so maybe I've broken through the pain barrier now!! lol. I like the fact that its only 20 minutes and I think that in itself its motivation to keep going.....when I'm huffing and puffing my way through the exercises I keep thinking ''I can do this...not much longer to go now''. Good luck to everyone starting tomorrow. Can't wait to compare our results at the end of the month! :-) x
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Gah!! I have gained a whole kg in a week! I read somewhere that people tend to gain weight in the first few days due to water retention. I hope this is only short term as it is so disheartening. I watch and log every calorie and have stuck to exercising religiously so it's horrible to see this much gain. Have vowed not to look at the scales until the end of the shred. It's too depressing :(
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I am really need this motivation i've had the dvd for over a month and all its done is collect dust. I am going to start tomorrow on the 1st !
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Just did day 2. Wow that was harder. Getting the boy to rub some anti-flamme all over tonight as can't be too sore for kickboxing tomorrow!
  • Whoop so done day 1 level 1 got hubby to be involved with me too.. he is naturally slim and not one for working out so I am super pleased. It was good and a fab way to start my day. I am doing this on top of my usual workouts as I want to be white dress ready by September 9th.. soo I have added a little more to the cool down. Help prevent any stiffness and pain. I have a 1hr Zumba class to teach this evening so want to be ok for that.

    Also how should I record this on MFP ? Not sure what to put in under exercise what is everyone else putting?

    Someone mentioned gaining weight .. I did try to quote but it kept bringing up the wrong post so doing this way.....

    Sounds crazy but to prevent water retention drink more water.. and watch your salt intake. It will soon come off.. and remember your building lean muscle. Lean muscle weighs more but takes less space.. as you tone your weight may stay the same or even go up a little but its how your clothes feel thats the main.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    i'm putting it as circuit training.