Looking for friends to loose the extra fluff while I keep gaining the muscles!

Very active mom of 4 kids 3 years old and under. I keep control of my busy life and keep my sanity training 5 times a week. I need my sweat time. I decided to crank up the heat on my diet just 2-3 weeks ago as my twins are letting go the breast. They are 20 months old. I ate all the good stuff already, just no portion control as I wanted to keep my milk supply up. I still lost a lot of weight since they were born. Probably around 15-20#. I leaned down a lot while gaining an impressive amount of muscle mass(for me!). Anyhow, 2-3 weeks ago I weighted 156#. Now around 146-147#. I think my ideal weight would be around 130-135 as I am quite muscular and 5'2. I think I am loosing weight too fast. Trying IIFYM, I think I def need to up my calories. It's hard to pinpoint. Started with 1430. Just upped to 1633 yesterday. I'll keep playing around that. Any advice?
I mostly do short HIITs that involve a lot of lifting using the Keelo app and I love it. Around 325 WOs done since last fall. I love running and do it sometimes, but I am too busy these days to run regularly. Other than that, I am a part time lawyer, par time SAHM. If you think we have common interest, add me!! I'm also on IG @momof4in24months


  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Four under three, kudos to you and congratulations on making it this far breastfeeding twins!
  • jaded082
    jaded082 Posts: 107 Member
    Adding you. We have similar goals, and height.
  • Pilatesgirl72
    Pilatesgirl72 Posts: 10 Member
    Adding you. I do iifym and weight trained well. You should reverse diet. You def can eat more if your lifting and doing HITT/cardio that much!!
  • udebear
    udebear Posts: 39 Member
    Hell yeah. Well done for feeding that long. Ive got 4 too, but 11, 7, 3 and 2.
    I started 8 weeks or so ago when i quit smoking, lost 6kgs on a 1200 calorie diet, have just upped the calories to 1590. I love my sweat time too.