My calories for the day just dropped and I was already hangry. Normal?

So I'm 2 weeks into try to be better/lose weight. I've got my goals set to 2lbs a week expecting to lose about 1 1/2. I was at 1400 calories a day and honestly I was already spending a decent portion of the day resisting hunger ques and going to bed a bit hungry. It was annoying. I don't like being hangry. Today I weighed in and lost 1.2 lbs. yay! And then I saw my calories for day dropped by 100. It's disheartening. I already want more to eat and I'm worried that if this is the normal rate, I can only lose like 13 more lbs before I run out of calories all together. (I'm being dramatic here, I know I have to eat everyday. It's just kinda how I feel right now.) I work a full and a part time job so finding time to work out is really difficult. My jobs are at a bank and a gas station so the step count is low.

I don't really even know what I'm asking for here. I guess is what I'm feeling typical and how did y'all deal with it? I should be celebrating my small victory for last week, but I mostly am dreading getting to eat 1-2 less things...


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    What are your height and weight? Unless you are heavily overweight/obese, chances are that 2 lbs a week is just too much of a deficit for you. Losing weight does not require you to be uncomfortably hungry all of the time. If you set your deficit to a level where you feel comfortable most of the time, it makes the process much easier to tolerate.
  • mizkitty318
    mizkitty318 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 268.6 lbs as if this morning. So the really obese thing applies to me. I'm shooting for 2lbs knowing I'm probably not going to get there but so I'll still see some movement and not give up this time.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You can try setting to 1.5 lbs a week just so you don't get hungry. It is better to lose slower than to be hangry and set yourself up for failure. You can also carry sneakers with you so if you have a 15 minute break you can take a quick little walk.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    It is the curse of the 5'2 sedentary girl's... At (my) goal weight, 1450 kcals will be maintenance according to this app, so I try to not to get above that daily. I need to get used to that amount anyway if I want to stay hot, once I am there...
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    You're 2 weeks in and you've cut your calories by a HUGE amount. If you're struggling with hunger, you can increase your calories to maintenance and eat there for a week or 2. That's probably already less than you were eating before. Then cut a few calories, maybe 250 or so every week or 2 until you get to your desired deficit. Basically easing into your calorie deficit will give you a chance to adjust to the change. Yes, it will add a few weeks to your plan, but will greatly increase your chances of long term success.

    Best to you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Reduce your deficit to 1lb per week, so you're more likely to stick to it.

    Make sure you're getting enough fat and protein to help keep you full.

    Adding in some exercise will get you some more cals as well.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 268.6 lbs as if this morning. So the really obese thing applies to me. I'm shooting for 2lbs knowing I'm probably not going to get there but so I'll still see some movement and not give up this time.

    Yeah, I'd still reduce the deficit. A bigger deficit to start can be helpful for some people because you see the numbers flying by. But if it means being overly hungry, it's going to increase the odds of you quitting your diet. This is likely going to be a 3-4 year process for you. I'd just lower the deficit and settle in for a comfortable ride.
  • batters1964
    batters1964 Posts: 14 Member
    I started off by weighing quite a bit more than you, although I am a little taller. Ive aimed to lose 1 1/2 lbs a week, which currently gives me 1560 calories a day, I now weigh around 260 lbs, so not that different to you. I would love to lose weight more quickly but for me this has to be a change for life, so I am taking it slowly and surely.

    I've lost nearly 40 lbs since New Year so it's working for me. I would aim for a slower weight loss as others have said. And you can earn more calories through exercise - I walk a lot and probably eat around half of the extra calories I've earned.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • daniellelcordeau
    daniellelcordeau Posts: 8 Member
    Is it possible that to many of your calories are coming from carbs? They leave you hungrier. I say up your protein and water intake.
  • mizkitty318
    mizkitty318 Posts: 4 Member
    I appreciate all the input. I'll work on adjust my goals a bit. Long term is to lose quite a bit of weight. Short term is to not embarrass myself when I finally get to take my son to Disney in November. I haven't been to a theme park in about 8 years and was almost too big to ride a roller coaster there. But slow and steady, right? Thanks y'all.
  • SarzJWix
    SarzJWix Posts: 13 Member
    I'd go and have a look at a Basal Metabolic Rate calculator, which tells you how many calories your body uses just being alive. Then knock a couple of hundred calories off the figure it gives you, and go with that for your daily limit. Make sure you log any exercise you do, and eat about half of the calories you earn. You should find yourself with quite a few more available for the day, and still be losing.
    Importantly though, is to make best use of the calories you have. Eat more lean protein, more whole grains and oats, more eggs, more fruit and veg. Less of sugar and fast burning carbs like crisps/chips, white bread, candy, cakes, cookies etc. They might make you feel full as you eat them, but they don't last very long.

    My favourite breakfast at the mo is
    2 spring onions
    4 mushrooms
    2 smoked bacon medallions
    1 garlic clove
    2 eggs.
    1 tsp turmeric
    1 tsp butter
    Chop everything small, sauté in the butter with turmeric til soft, add the eggs and stir to scramble. Serve on half a wholemeal pitta bread. Comes to around 300 calories, and keeps me full for hours.
  • workin_onit
    workin_onit Posts: 102 Member
    SarzJWix wrote: »
    I'd go and have a look at a Basal Metabolic Rate calculator, which tells you how many calories your body uses just being alive. Then knock a couple of hundred calories off the figure it gives you, and go with that for your daily limit. Make sure you log any exercise you do, and eat about half of the calories you earn. You should find yourself with quite a few more available for the day, and still be losing.
    Importantly though, is to make best use of the calories you have. Eat more lean protein, more whole grains and oats, more eggs, more fruit and veg. Less of sugar and fast burning carbs like crisps/chips, white bread, candy, cakes, cookies etc. They might make you feel full as you eat them, but they don't last very long.

    My favourite breakfast at the mo is
    2 spring onions
    4 mushrooms
    2 smoked bacon medallions
    1 garlic clove
    2 eggs.
    1 tsp turmeric
    1 tsp butter
    Chop everything small, sauté in the butter with turmeric til soft, add the eggs and stir to scramble. Serve on half a wholemeal pitta bread. Comes to around 300 calories, and keeps me full for hours.

    OMG this sounds great (planning grocery shop for mushrooms tomorrow...!)