Gym Time



  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    kwissten wrote: »
    Is exercising before work an option? I usually wake up around 5:15 AM so I can exercise before work.

    That said, you can lose weight on any amount of exercise providing you're eating at a deficit.

    I tried to get up a few times but honestly I felt like I got hit by a truck the rest of the day LOL. Im hoping I might start to get used to my new schedule and be able to wake up super early at some point. Im lucky enough that my workplace is right near a gym also! And yeah that is true. I am in a deficit, with not much more weight to lose, so I am hoping it wont be too hard to lose the rest!

    If you work near your gym why not hit the gym after work on your way home? That's what I do on the days I commute. My office is about an hour from my house and my gym is in between.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I don't have time to go to the gym. That's 15 minutes of driving extra each direction, plus time changing (min. 5 minutes), then on the other side a shower/change (10 minutes at the fastest), for a total of 45 minutes absolutely wasted.

    So I assessed what I *can* do. I began to walk.I do a walk in the morning before work, another when I get home, and frequently a last one the hour before bed. I can carve out 30 minutes here and there a lot easier than I can carve out 75 minutes to go to the gym (45 minutes for bs and 30 minutes to work out!) Takes nothing but a pair of sneakers and rarely requires a shower. In the very rare event the weather is simply too awful, I invested in an elliptical and some free weights.
  • cherylmckenzie2
    cherylmckenzie2 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2017
    I find it hard to fit in time to go to the gym consistently. I much prefer the morning but it's just not possible during the week so I try to go after work and my husband collects our daughter from nursery. On the other days I hope to go out running once she's in bed. It's very difficult to balance working all day, keeping on top of things at home, exercise and spending time with my family, and also having time to myself to pursue other interests and my husband being able to do the same. There just aren't enough hours! So I try to go to the gym on a Sunday morning, and a Tuesday and Thursday after work (I chose a gym halfway between work and home for that reason) and hopefully make it home in time for my daughters bedtime (sometimes I know I won't make it so sometimes the gym is sacrificed). I intend to run on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Honestly I feel Sunday morning is probably my 'best' at the gym but on the other hand I tend to sleep better on a Tuesday and Thursday when I've been to the gym in the evening.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    It's situations like this that make me wish more work places offered in-house workout rooms/gyms. I would love to be able to pop down to the weight room on my lunch break and get in a workout without having to waste time traveling somewhere else.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am a high school teacher and I have 4 busy kids. When the kids were younger and I stayed at home with them I found time to exercise by using the gym day care. Now they do not need constant supervision so I can work out anywhere. When I went back to teaching, the kids were busy but they all did the same activities and our schedules were manageable. Now, all 4 kids are in a few things each all in different directions from each other. I also now coach at the school where I teach. I still "can" train for marathons but it leaves me so tired that I do not marathon well. I have adjusted my goals to general wellness and health and not buying bigger clothes. I sometimes can make a 2 hour workout fit into my life but sometimes it is literally a 25 minutes HIIT session where I make the effort to make every minute count. I go for runs near my kids' soccer games and swim meets. I have climbed endless flights of stairs in a back hallway of a dance studio etc. I am healthy and fit. I wish I was 4-8 lbs less on a given day but overall I am healthy. I had to give up the notion of always seeking "gains" and sometimes be ok with "staying the same" but you can always find time for something even if that something is not the workout of a lifetime.
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    edited June 2017
    I end up setting up a home gym, Got a treadmill (I run out side most days though), bench, barbell, and dumbbell. I have 1 child. I rotate evening and morning workouts. M/W/W after work and T/Th before work from 45-60 minutes. Saturday and Sunday its more so family activities and meal prepping. Its a lot at times but if feels good once Saturday hit and I know i completed my workout for the week and I can enjoy the weekend with friends,family and some room for enjoying some good food.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2017
    Focus on diet as PP said. But if you want to college life/ have to join the 4/5am club or truck it to the gym at 6 after work with the rest of the world. Those are your options. You can do it! Be glad you don't have to make pit stops to daycare yet and count that in the mix ;)

    Ya, because it does indeed seem like "the rest of the world" goes after work I prefer a gym near my house and to go after dinner. It may take a lot of discipline to do this at first, but eventually becomes a habit.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2017
    kwissten wrote: »
    I was ALWAYS one of those people who never understood when people said they didn't have time to go to the gym. My first response was always "you have to make time"... now flash forward to actually graduating college and entering adult world having a 830-530 job with a 40min-1hr commute (each way), and I am quickly taking back that statement HAHA. What I have been doing is running to the gym during my hour long lunch breaks everyday (or atleast 3 times a week) and getting in a quick 20min cardio session and sometimes a few machines. Ive been having pretty active weekends (although I don't usually go to the gym on the weekends) doing things like hiking and walking a lot. Does anyone else make a living like this and still have success losing weight? It just kills me a bit inside not doing the amount of exercise I used to do because I know I am losing my endurance.

    Are you literally running to the gym? In that case, why do more cardio once you're there?
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Get up at 430-5, join a gym on that's located along your commute, workout, shower at the gym, finish commute, work, head home, prepare for next day in the PM. Problem solved.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Get up at 430-5, join a gym on that's located along your commute, workout, shower at the gym, finish commute, work, head home, prepare for next day in the PM. Problem solved.

    LOL! This is the gym life that I want to get back to...but you do know some people don't want to/can't/refuse to get up that early.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    Get up at 430-5, join a gym on that's located along your commute, workout, shower at the gym, finish commute, work, head home, prepare for next day in the PM. Problem solved.

    If you do this, be very careful about packing your work clothing. If you're the sort of person to habitually forget things like underwear, shoes, etc.

    Not that I would know anything about this.
  • jennifer907
    jennifer907 Posts: 84 Member
    I work 10 hour shifts, so after work, I'm completely wiped out. I'm not a morning person, at all, but I decided that if I want to be serious about this, I have to workout in the mornings. If I can do it, I think anyone can. The trick for me is that I wake up an hour before I have to leave for the gym, and the gym is a 5 minute drive from my work. I can't just roll out of bed and workout, but since I've started doing this, I feel good! I'm not competing for equipment, and I don't have the stress of knowing it's just one more thing I have to do when I'm tired after work.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    Get up at 430-5, join a gym on that's located along your commute, workout, shower at the gym, finish commute, work, head home, prepare for next day in the PM. Problem solved.

    If you do this, be very careful about packing your work clothing. If you're the sort of person to habitually forget things like underwear, shoes, etc.

    Not that I would know anything about this.

    My husband carries extra underwear and work pants in his truck...for this exact reason.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    Get up at 430-5, join a gym on that's located along your commute, workout, shower at the gym, finish commute, work, head home, prepare for next day in the PM. Problem solved.

    If you do this, be very careful about packing your work clothing. If you're the sort of person to habitually forget things like underwear, shoes, etc.

    Not that I would know anything about this.

    My husband carries extra underwear and work pants in his truck...for this exact reason.

    This makes a good deal of sense.