Stuck since Christmas.


I have been stuck at seven pounds over my usual weight since Christmas. I successfully used MFP after the birth of my children so have started again in the last few months.

The problem is I am able to lose two pounds but almost as soon as I do, within a couple of days, I put it back on again.

I realise there are some members who have more than this to lose and I am very respectful of that, I'm just so frustrated with gaining and losing and gaining and losing.

Any advice or ideas would be very gratefully received.

Thank you in advance as I'm feeling very demotivated.


  • Alexa11411
    Alexa11411 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello - thank you very much for replying so quickly. I'll go into my settings and open it up.
  • Alexa11411
    Alexa11411 Posts: 11 Member
    Gosh I've just looked at it and it's awful - embarrassing and incomplete. But it's open.
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member
    I am in the EXACT same boat. Put on 7lbs at Christmas and have not been able to shake it...AT ALL!!! It's really hard and depressing. Same as you, I go down 2, then up 3, then down 1, then up 2...It's a never ending battle. I've lost 20lbs on MFP, so I know the logistics of how it works. Something I'm trying right now (I've only been doing it for about a week) is IF. It's helping with my "grazing" at night. I think that's my biggest problem. I've seen the scale moving in the right direction, or at least not moving in the wrong, I'm going to keep this up for now, and hopefully it will help kick start something...

    Good luck...
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    Eat less calories
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You don't log your weight very often. Me either. I hate getting on the scale. Stick with the program through the fluctuations and then after 30 days, if you really have logged correctly, worked out, etc and you have your activity level correctly set, and still nothing's changing, then I'd go to the doctor and make sure there's nothing funny going on in your bloodwork that would be making things extra difficult.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    In general, accurate & honest food logging. If you've stayed the same more or less for 6 months, then you're averaging maintenance. Cut your calories slightly, and be consistent with your logging.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Alexa11411 wrote: »
    Thank you very much for your replies I had no idea I would get such support - thank you very much.

    If I'm honest I haven't been totally honest AT ALL with my logging. Having opened my diary up has made me realise that. And thank you for suggesting I have to be much more accurate with logging as I have half a stone and not more to go.

    And thank you for letting me know I am in the same boat with the seven pounds since Christmas nightmare.

    I can see I need to be more consistent.

    Also could I ask - what is IF?

    Thank you again - thanks a million. Please stay with me if you think of anything else. x

    IF is "intermittent fasting," a way to control calories by limiting the hours in the day in which one eats. For example, someone might fast for 16 hours and then limit their eating to an 8 hour window. Some people find this makes it easier to hit a calorie goal, especially people who aren't very hungry in the morning.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I agree with others, while it's not fun or glamorous, accurate logging WILL get you results. Guesstimating just doesn't cut it.

    It's simple but you need to keep yourself motivated! All you need to do is calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), eat less than that (a deficit of 500 calories per day will results in approx. 1 lbs lost per week) and log every bite that goes into your mouth. A digital kitchen scale is cheap and makes a world of difference.
  • spingirl605
    spingirl605 Posts: 181 Member

    Also could I ask - what is IF?

    It's intermittent fasting. It's not something I would normally condone, but it's really helping with my night time snacking. The theory behind it, is you fast for a certain amount of time, then you only eat during a specific window. I'm doing the 16:8. So I don't eat my first meal until 10am, and then I eat my last meal before 6. Nothing after that at all. But you have to get your calorie goal in that time frame. I'm aiming around 1400-1500 cals per day, but I'm not very tall at only 5'3". I'm actually liking it. The first day was tough, but I think my body is getting used to it now...

    Good luck!

  • Alexa11411
    Alexa11411 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you very much that is all really interesting and has made me feel more motivated.

    I don't usually eat first thing as I can't really stomach it so I think IF might suit me.

    Also I have just googled calculate my TDEE and I have that now too and have reset my calorie goal.

    I am going also to log every single thing.

    Thank you all very much. Hopefully I can break out of this debilitating 6 month/2 pound cycle.

    Thank you all so much. I will let you know how I get on. Thank you again. x
  • Stucktastic
    Stucktastic Posts: 23 Member
    I love the frank yet friendly non-judgemental and kind discussion here. Yes, logging every bite helps. I see saw, too. I was on another quality program. When I stopped logging the weight came right back on. Best wishes!
  • Alexa11411
    Alexa11411 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you it's really good to hear about a personal example of how important logging is. And also that I'm not the only one struggling with this!

    Thank you everyone I'm feeling more positive this morning with your support.

    Thank you for the good wishes. x
  • lilolilo920
    lilolilo920 Posts: 184 Member
    I love the frank yet friendly non-judgemental and kind discussion here. Yes, logging every bite helps. I see saw, too. I was on another quality program. When I stopped logging the weight came right back on. Best wishes!

    Same here!! Kudos to you, OP, because most people who post here tend to get offended at the littlest thing. OP, I don't have any more advice for you other than stick with it and remember that progress isn't linear! Some weeks you may see a gain, but it may be because of water weight or TOM. What's important is to not get caught up on the little things but to watch the overall trend.
  • Alexa11411
    Alexa11411 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello thank you very much for your message and for so much good will and encouragement.

    I really took to heart the help and advice offered to me yesterday when I was a bit low. So today I have found out and changed my TDEE, managed to create a deficit of at least 500 calories by cycling the school run and dog walking, and I'm trying IF. I didn't eat until 10am this morning and I ate last at just after 6pm.

    The day wasn't perfect and the cynic in me thinks here we go again on the two pond gain/lose cycle, but all the help and encouragement I have been given has really propelled me forward and I feel as if I have had a much better day.

    Genuinely, thank you a billion for all the responses, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. x
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Sounds like you're back on the right track OP, good luck!! Try not to focus on the daily weigh-ins - weight fluctuates quite a bit and it can be discouraging. Do follow the overall trend over months - not days or weeks - months! And then you will see how you're actually doing.

    I like using the Android app "Libra" to input my weight because it generates a trend-line that smooths out all the little daily fluctuations and shows you when you'll reach your goal weight. I believe the Apple equivalent is called "Happy Scale". :)