
Has anyone out there tried Curves? I have one near my house and was interested in how effective it is and how it works?


  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Bump ... I am also interested
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Use the money you would spend on a membership to Curves and join a real gym or your local YMCA. You have more options and it wont become "Routine". Curves is good at first but you will tire of the circuits, and while it will help you lose weight, you wont get into tip top form just doing that.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I have to agree with the poster above me. Yeah, curves is good if you REALLY need low impact, and can't move as fast as you should be.... but it was very monotonous and I didn't feel like I even worked out.
  • charmainecurrie
    I have a two month membership
    what i like about it is that it's are in and out in 30mins
    more if you do the treadmill and stretch-which i recommond
    i take about 1 hour
    I find that there are a few younger people but mostly
    older clients...which for me is motivating...these woman are
    20 years older then better shape and pushing it harder...
    this make me want to try harder
    it's great that it's all woman's like a community
    in canada it's about $45 plus tax
    some of the gyms don't open till later...
    you can get a trial for a week
    good luck
    i love it...
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have been going to Curves since January and I love it. Curves with Zumba is my favorite. I really enjoy the ladies that are workout at my Curves. There is a variety of ages and body types. Everyone is so supportive.

    Here is the Zumba workout:

    Here is the regular Curves workout:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I LOVE curves. I have been a member since January. I love the fact that I'm in and out in a 1/2hr. the only down fall that I don't like about it is it doesn't have child care and so during the summer I don't have anyone to watch my kids while I workout.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I was a member for about three months. I worked out there everyday and did not lose one pound. My food choices were okay. Low impact workouts
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I used to work at a Curves, and it was wonderful for the clientele. We had a lot of older ladies: mostly ages 50 and over. Many of them had never really "worked out" before, but were looking for something because their doctors told them they needed exercise to combat osteoporosis or high cholesterol. For them, it was wonderful *because* it was so boring & routine. They didn't have a lot of complicated routines to keep track of, just did the same thing each time. And if they thought they needed a harder workout, they could either set the machines for more resistance or just do another round.

    If you just want something to keep you in shape, not something too high-impact or complicated, it's great. Especially if you have a group of friends who will join with you & do the workouts at about the same time; I heard a lot of great gossip when I worked there! ;-)
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I *LOVE* curves. I DID, in fact, get into tip top shape using only Curves about six years ago. Unfortunately (well, not unfortunately, but as circumstances have it), I had three babies after that and got way out of shape. I'm back at it, and I freaking love it.

    You *HAVE* to push yourself on each and every machine in order to get the full benefit, and you have to actually move on the circuit boards (I see some people use very little effort, and they look the same now as when they started several months ago). They are resistance machines, so the faster you go, the more resistance you build, and the more you are burning.

    Back in 04 when I went, I started at around 175 pounds and wearing a size 14 (not very comfortably). I started in October. By my January weigh/measure day, I was 135 pounds and in a size 6 comfortably, and had very nicely toned muscles. VERY NICE. I dream of looking like that again....

    I spend about a full 30 minutes on the circuit (if I feel really energetic, I'll go longer) and then about 5-7 minutes doing the stretches.

    Now, I am no longer in my 20's as I was then, and I no longer have a busy kind of job as I did back then, so I do cardio at another gym with my daughter (who can't go to Curves b/c of time restrictions) who desperately needs to be active... so I don't owe my weightloss only to curves this time, but all the toning I am getting is done there-I only do cardio at my other gym. My first month at Curves, though, with no other gym, had me down 16 inches and 6.5 pounds. :)

    I highly recommend Curves--but I highly recommend using it with real drive!
  • KK14
    KK14 Posts: 2
    I used to work at Curves. If you're looking for low impact and chatting with friends this is the place for you. I like to get in and work hard without people talking to me, so I hated working out there lol. But it's great for some people. I believe they have a trial period. I'd check it out and see if it's your style.
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    I have been using Curves all through my weightloss. I go Monday-Thursday, sometimes Friday. I have lost 79 pounds, and still going. I think Curves is an AMAZING tool to weightloss, I give 85% credit to Curves for helping me achieve my goal.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    The personal trainer I used to use said Curves is dangerous, and there's a high rate of people who get seriously injured on their machines. I don't know how true that is.

    That said, I'd NEVER give them a dollar of my money. Gary Haven, the founder, donates a considerable amount of money to some really shady things, and I don't want my money going there, even indirectly.
  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    I've been attending Curves since the middle of 2008 & in my honest opinion, Curves is great, but it only works if you do the work! I've visited many of times in the beginning just doing the bare minimum & it got me no where. However, now when I go, I push myself as hard as I can while I also incorporate my own exercises. For example; at Curves you do a circuit of machines with 'pads' in between them. Once you do the machine you move to the pad. I was always told to just jog in place or something. Basically whatever I want. Jogging in place didn't do much for me, so now I do jumping jacks & then push ups on the next one. I change things up also where I need to. But my point is, Curves (or any fitness center) only works for you, if you put out the effort! You have to work as hard as you can to see 'real' results!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Thank you Everyone for the great feedback! I am currently a member of cardinal fitness, plus a have a lot of exercise DVD's, hand weights, medicine ball and step at home. I'm always looking for ways to keep working out interesting and fun. I was considering joining Curves in addition to all of this (not dropping the cardinal fitness membership). I've been working out for a long time so I consider myself intermediate to advanced, and at this point I'm just concerned with maintaining my weight. Just from what I'm hearing in your posts about Curves I'm not sure if it's the right fit for me but I might try a trial might be a nice fun change of pace!

    Thanks again Everyone!!