I'm just about DONE with this site!!!



  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    It's free, so I deserve what I get. The site unstable from time to time - as is the app. Need to get used to it or don't use it.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    The website or you phone app? This might be related to your operating system updating. I have experienced no issues with MFP.

    ...Except for double posting...

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    OK, bye!
  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,861 MFP Staff
    edited March 2017
    @LindieM49 If you or anyone else is having issues with potential data loss during the recent downtime please contact support by clicking on this link: http://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/emails/new or send an email to support@myfitnesspal.com with your device information, and exact problem and our support team will investigate.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    The website or you phone app? This might be related to your operating system updating. I have experienced no issues with MFP.

    ...Except for double posting...


    LOL - I think that's my first issue! Still going to blame my outdated browser.
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    edited March 2017
    A very rare occurrence.
    Patience. Don't give up. You know what you have done for 3 days, if you stayed within your goals, no big deal. Carry on from here.
    I have never looked back at my previous days food, or exercise. Been on here since 12/26/16 and I am losing steadily.
    It will be ok, you'll see.
  • LindieM49
    LindieM49 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, everyone (almost everyone) for your suggestions and info re this site. Yes, it is free, but that doesn't mean I should lose data and as far as maintenance goes, ita, but it would be nice to know somehow that it wasn't just an errant message I received when trying to log onto my food diary, esp when other parts of this site were still working. I can't begin to think how frustrating it would be to spend a month on here tracking on a food diary only to have it disappear one day...that was my fear. I'm using my computer, which is absolutely up to date and reliable, so I didn't understand why I would be having issues with this site.

    I'll try again from today on and see what happens in the next few days; I agree it's a helpful site and all your responses just confirms how active the boards are here and how (mostly) helpful you all are. There's always one who seems to want to be negative, unfortunately.

    Thank you again for your helpful responses....I shall persevere! :)
  • LindieM49
    LindieM49 Posts: 5 Member
    In response to NEEDTOBEFIT.....obviously we've never met so I don't know how you can form such a fast opinion of my motives. I'm 67 years old and have dieted before, very successfully! Don't presume to know whether it's the site I'm frustrated with OR my diet.
    If anything can to persuade me to drop off these boards it's rude comments such as yours, itsthehumitidy and jennifer_471.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    becky10rp wrote: »
    This is not unusual. Under Armour bought MFP awhile ago. Since then, there have been a lot of issues. I've been on MFP for almost 4 years. Since UA has been 'in control' - there's been problems. I've logged tickets multiple times with Tech Support. They are not helpful. All I can say is - it's free - therefore I use it.

    Even after the acquisition, MFP still has had control of the forums. What you are noticing (probably) is when they switched base platforms to Vanilla, since the old platform was unable to be maintained.
  • gailsheehan7
    gailsheehan7 Posts: 35 Member
    I can understand your frustration and quite frankly I would be Pi###d as well. May I suggest swear at the site, walk away have a coffee and come back later, it's only a diary you might say but to some, it's our recognition of putting the effort in to see results so losing it upsets us
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I don't mind about maintenance so long as they fix the bugs making the app crash all year.
  • LynnMoore2
    LynnMoore2 Posts: 4 Member
    I can understand your frustration and quite frankly I would be Pi###d as well. May I suggest swear at the site, walk away have a coffee and come back later, it's only a diary you might say but to some, it's our recognition of putting the effort in to see results so losing it upsets us

    Thank you Gail, and yes you're absolutely right....one finds a place to land, expects a site such as this to work as it should, then the disappointment. I know I came on strong, but dang it, it's so frustrating to find yet another site that has 'issues' and isn't as smoothly run as one might have expected.

    It seems things are running smoothly now and I hope it continues that way.
    Thank you for understanding the frustration.
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    Also, if your logging on your phone app and expect to see it on your desktop it doesn't always works that way. You may have logged it on your phone but the phone may not have connected instantly and is waiting for a better connection to update. Not saying that's what happen to you but things like this happen.

    Exactly this has happened to me before.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    LynnMoore2 wrote: »
    I can understand your frustration and quite frankly I would be Pi###d as well. May I suggest swear at the site, walk away have a coffee and come back later, it's only a diary you might say but to some, it's our recognition of putting the effort in to see results so losing it upsets us

    Thank you Gail, and yes you're absolutely right....one finds a place to land, expects a site such as this to work as it should, then the disappointment. I know I came on strong, but dang it, it's so frustrating to find yet another site that has 'issues' and isn't as smoothly run as one might have expected.

    It seems things are running smoothly now and I hope it continues that way.
    Thank you for understanding the frustration.

    Do you have multiple accounts? If so, that could be why you don't see the other data.

    Because the username in the OP is not the same as what you just posted from.

    Good catch!!! I've been on this site multiple times every day for three years (90 pounds lost) and have rarely encountered problems. Maybe i've been lucky?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    fitin50s2 wrote: »
    It's free, so I deserve what I get. The site unstable from time to time - as is the app. Need to get used to it or don't use it.

    lol. i bet the people who pay for the site deserve what they get too.
  • bob8300
    bob8300 Posts: 1 Member
    EVERYTHING in my daily log for the past 3 days is gone even though I log daily! My 160 plus day streak is gone and I am required to start over. So frustrating as this happened last year as well.

    I have noticed over the last couple of months the log from the day before is missing ever though I log daily but MFP kept the streak going and I would then relog in the preceding day's meals. Yes it's free and when it works, I am very satisfied. I will be looking for another free app similar to MFP.