Weight Loss Buddies

jnshammond Posts: 5 Member
edited June 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone, I've been on here a million times trying to lose weight. But this time I'm reeeally gonna try. I'm currently 5'4" and 170 lbs and I'm looking to get down to 130-135 lbs. I know that i need a buddy. Someone to keep me in track, hold me accountable, and share this experience with. Im not here to judge. Anyone is welcome and I'll be there with whatever support you need. Just message me if toure interested or feel free to kik me @ dottedmyi. Thank you!!!


  • tazzle29
    tazzle29 Posts: 11 Member
    I am in the same boat. 5'4 trying to get to 135lbs
  • dobsonj2017
    dobsonj2017 Posts: 2 Member
    I need buddies too but don't know how to add people
  • JulieAnnJacobs
    JulieAnnJacobs Posts: 8 Member
    Me too....I'm 43, 5'1", 168. Want to get to 140. Was once 240 (20 years ago) and have been able to keep weight under 170 for two years now. VERY difficult for me to lose weight if I eat any more than 1200 calories a day..

    I need a buddy too!

  • tazzle29
    tazzle29 Posts: 11 Member
    How do we add friends? It seems like we are all trying to meet the same goals?
  • kbaronshaffer347
    kbaronshaffer347 Posts: 4 Member
    Me too...been on here for about a year now. Have lost 49 lbs since last July. Would like to take off a few more, but am stuck!
  • garsiamary
    garsiamary Posts: 9 Member
    Click on the username of the person you want to befriend, click their username a second time, that will take you to their profile and then on the upper right there is a little blue person with a plus sign, click that.
  • garsiamary
    garsiamary Posts: 9 Member
    I would def be interested in some motivational contact with people to help me as well. I put on 15lbs in the last year and want to get it back off, goal weight is 135-140lbs, I'm currently 154lbs.
  • Autumn_Row
    Autumn_Row Posts: 10 Member
    I am in the same boat!
    I'm very responsive via private messages versus kik.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • ciclamino1
    ciclamino1 Posts: 59 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, y'all!
  • vrgarza2012
    vrgarza2012 Posts: 2 Member
    I need a buddy as well. Please add me
  • bmsp1980
    bmsp1980 Posts: 1 Member
    Do you know how to add?
  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5'4 started at 180 and now at my lowest in years 154 but trying to get to 135-140 :) feel free to add me
  • kelly3m
    kelly3m Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all feel free to add me
  • danyel74
    danyel74 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too!
  • iamjennica35
    iamjennica35 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • mcafton
    mcafton Posts: 190 Member
    you can add me. I've had several half hearted attempts to get in shape and turning 40 in April really got me motivated to take this seriously. been at it now for 3 or so months with consistent exercise and over 3 weeks with calorie counting. was a chronic over eater. 5'8" 225.
  • JulieAnnJacobs
    JulieAnnJacobs Posts: 8 Member
    Autumn_Row wrote: »
    I am in the same boat!
    I'm very responsive via private messages versus kik.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)

    What's kik