You're over your calorie limit after lunch - what do YOU do?

Bratsche Posts: 34 Member
Hi all - a scenario for you

I went out for lunch today, not something I do often (daughter home from college for a few days this week). I'm now OVER my calorie limit for the day, which means....what?

Its no help telling me what I "should" have done, because its

What do YOU do in this situation?
Eat a modest dinner and REALLY blow calories?
Go work out till you drop and hope you've worked out enough that you can have a salad (sans dressing) before you go to bed?
Drink water and hope you manage till tomorrow?

I'm looking forward to your answers on this one! :wink:


  • nmclaurin
    nmclaurin Posts: 43
    At WW they told us to have a HUGE salad filled with all types of veggies. Lots of food for very little calories. Do you mind opening up your food diary?
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    i would work out to compensate (and so i could eat dinner) and drink a lot of water.
  • azimisp1
    azimisp1 Posts: 4
    Have a normal dinner - nothing huge, just what you would normally have :) Like you said, what's done is done. The best thing you can do is get back on track with your next meal. One splurge meal with your daughter won't throw you off track. As far as exercise goes, just keep on with your normal schedule.

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  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    Don't let it get you down too much! It's only one day! Work out a little extra if you have time, drink plenty of water, and start again tomorrow!
  • dclove0912
    dclove0912 Posts: 13 Member
    Eat a modest dinner. Make it something that is high in veggies and fruits so you really fill up on it without all the calories and fat (like a salad, light on the lettuce and heavy on the onions, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, apples, etc!) Drink lots of water to purge the salt from your system, too, or you'll feel cruddy tomorrow. One day this week won't kill your plan!
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    If I'm being totally honest here, which I am, I would still have a sensible, small dinner and chalk it up as a "cheat" meal. It's a special occasion, your daughter was in town.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Have a normal dinner - nothing huge, just what you would normally have :) Like you said, what's done is done. The best thing you can do is get back on track with your next meal. One splurge meal with your daughter won't throw you off track. As far as exercise goes, just keep on with your normal schedule.

    exactly this
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Just remember that this is only one meal. Get right back on track to whatever you have been doing that is working for you.
  • Shawna0101
    Shawna0101 Posts: 76 Member
    Eat if you are hungry, keep it healthy of course and start fresh tomorrow. Blowing your calories for one day is no big deal, I have done it a few times and I am still losing.
  • Chrissy2627
    Get in your regular exercise then eat a light supper and make sure to drink plenty of water. Its okay to go over calories occasionally, just don't get into a habit of it. For future out to eat trips, it often helps to check out the online nutritional guides of the restaurant that you are going to so that you can prepare what you would like to have. That is what I usually do. I have been on vacation for the past several days, eating out about twice a day, but haven't gone over my 1460 daily cal limit yet. Good luck to you! I just wouldn't skip supper if I were you, I think that you will get overly hungry and then have difficulty not overeating tomorrow.
  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
    I have done this. How far are you over? I would have vegis and healthy protein for dinner so you aren't starving, and not worry about working out. You won't blow it on one lunch and having a healthy dinner won't add many more calories. I know it's frustrating though. Sometimes in these situations I end up binging because I get so frustrated, but really in reality, I don't think one day of too many calories over will make a difference. Good luck! I hope others may have some good ideas.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    I'd go to the gym to minimize the damage and then eat veggies (salad) for dinner with water. If I'm still over, oh well, it's only one day and I can start fresh tomorrow.

    Remember, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon.
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Agree with things already written - have a regular dinner, perhaps lighter than usual, drink lots of water, and enjoy the time with your daughter! Don't let the concern over calories override the great time you had with her!
  • snakegoddess_3
    I agree with everyone else. Definately eat because you'll probably get hungry. Don't over do it but don't punish yourself for a cheat meal and hop back on tomorrow. You can cheat now and then
  • OtakuEngineer
    First i wouldn't panic over it... what I would do is eat a dinner that is sensible since I spent your calories elsewhere for the day, if I can fit in a little workout to help work some of those lunchtime calories off I would, but I also wouldn't overwork myself to point of collapse, drink a lot of water, and just don't worry about it. If this isn't an everyday occurrence one day really shouldn't matter every now and then.

    You already said yourself it's not something you do often, just compensate the best you can without killing yourself over it, eat to not be hungry but not full either, and make tomorrow a better day.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'd eat dinner as normal, and treat tomorrow as a new day! treat this as a lifestyle and not as some sort of extreme regime and roll with the punches :-) as long as you eat sensibly for the most part, nothing bad will happen!
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Get in a workout - even just 30 minutes and eat a modest dinner including some protein. One day will not hurt you!! Don't skip, it could just make you want to eat a lot tomorrow morning!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Hahahaha well the devil on my shoulder would eat whatever I wanted (and probably drink a good bit, too), since hey, I already am over for the day, why try to salvage a lost cause?

    The angel on my shoulder would see if there's something fun that me and my (hypothetical) daughter could do together that would burn *some* calories - go for a walk, take a Zumba class, whatever, then try to eat lean but filling things for the rest of the day (a giant, veggie-filled salad, greek yogurt, a high-fiber snack bar, whatever). I would end the day over calories, but not beat myself up for it, and be glad I still made some good, healthy choices throughout the day.

    The real me vacillates somewhat between that angel and that devil, depending on the day and my mindset. But don't we all?
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I would drink about a gallon of water, eat a light but filling dinner, and not worry about it. <3
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Have a normal dinner - nothing huge, just what you would normally have :) Like you said, what's done is done. The best thing you can do is get back on track with your next meal. One splurge meal with your daughter won't throw you off track. As far as exercise goes, just keep on with your normal schedule.

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