Need to lose 20 kgs and need motivation

FitYoungMom Posts: 12 Member

A couple months ago I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl.
somehow along the way i've lost myself..i mean, i used to be interested in many things. One of those things were living a healthy lifestyle and staying fit.
While I was pregnant I've given into my cravings..each and every one of them. And this was a mistake that i only realized when it was too late. Ive gained 30 kgs throughout my pregnancy, and lost 12 post delivery..the weird part is, i'm still giving into most of my cravings even after ive given birth!
I remember when i used to gain 2 kgs id feel terrible! And id instantly lose them by eating very healthy and exercising vigorously.
But now i just feel helpless! As if there is nothing i can do ! I need to get my self back. Everytime i look in the mirror i feel so angry and non of my clothes fit anymore! I need motivation as i tried twice already to start dieting but keep going back.. i need to know and believe that i can do this.


  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Well, firstly you do need to love yourself and speak kindly.

    Are you breastfeeding?

    Start by just tracking what you are eating. You don't need to have a big deficit, i.e. maybe a 250-500 calorie reduction (depending on if you are breastfeeding or not). A smaller deficit will be easier to stick to.
  • FitYoungMom
    FitYoungMom Posts: 12 Member
    Exactly, i need to love myself again :smile: and part of being kind to myself is getting it back to the happy confident person i used to be.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Exactly, i need to love myself again :smile: and part of being kind to myself is getting it back to the happy confident person i used to be.

    No, I agree.

    You didn't answer my other questions.
  • FitYoungMom
    FitYoungMom Posts: 12 Member
    No im not breaatfeeding
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    well that makes it easier. Maybe start by entering maintain weight and track everything. Or a .5 pounds lost a week.

    Just an idea. I really struggled losing weight after my last baby. I'd go back and forth between eating low calorie and eating whatever I want. After 3 1/2 or 4 years of that I took an entire year off of dieting. I ate 2400 calories but tracked every single one. I focused on lifting weights and I gained 20-25 pounds. But when I was ready, I started a deficit again, a small one that I could stick to and not binge. I slowly lowered it to something I could lose a pound a week on in a deficit I could not have maintained before.
  • sak20011
    sak20011 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi and congratulations on your baby girl! You mention losing yourself and interest in many things....having a new baby can be overwhelming (not to mention exhausting). Sometimes it can present as post-partum depression--just want to make sure you are aware and will get screened for it if the feelings you are having are more than just being frustrated at weight gain. The hormones can be pretty intense.

    when my kids were infants I found exercise to be the hardest thing to do--because who has the time or energy etc-and yet also the best, because it lifted my spirits, gave me energy and helped strengthen me after tough delivery. i also craved lots of carbs and sugar during this period as I was not sleeping much--are you getting enough rest?
  • FitYoungMom
    FitYoungMom Posts: 12 Member
    I am getting rest and yes i was screened but no i dont have PPD. I am planning to start working out, my fitness is greatly decreased now ofcourse so ill start and take it step by step from there.