Post Workout Migraines?

Hey Guys,

Any advice on this one is welcome. I get gnarly post-workout migraines; almost debilitating. My workouts are usually running (3 - 8 miles) or a bootcamp style workout that I have been going to on and off for 3 years. I do not get migraines if I don't workout. I have never had them before. When I got my first one in January, I went to the ER because I really thought there was something wrong. They did a full work up; MRI, CT Scan, blood draw, spinal tap, etc. but found nothing wrong. So they assume these post-workout headaches are migraines.

I can make them stop, if I stop working out. But I finally got into a good routine and I am finally in good enough shape that I enjoy working out. Does anyone else get similar headaches? Any advice?

And just so you know, I am seeking medical advice still, just thought I would supplement that advice with all you smart people on here. I went to the neurologist again today and they put me on a higher dosage of Topomax and Imitrex to try and mediate these headaches.

Any one else ever had anything similar?

Thanks in advance!


  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    It may be dehydration. I would try to drink some gatorade during your workouts or immediately after. If you don't drink it during I would increase your water intake while working out.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    sorry didnt read entire post... Hope it gets better!
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I do have those... no fun at all! In fact, I kinda got scared once because I went litterally blind for a few minutes.

    I noticed that I tend to get migraines if I don't drink enough water during my workouts. I also push myself too hard sometimes... I'm now able to recognize the first signs, and I slow down a bit or even take a little break.

    My advice would be to stay hydrated as much as possible and take note of the things that might trigger your migraines. It's different for everybody...

    Good luck and be healthy! :-)
  • tje3875
    tje3875 Posts: 4

    These have happened to me before.. although not a frequent occurence. I am a spinning instructor and It's only happened probably like 6-7 x over a couple years. I mostly get the distorted vision (blurry) with alot of pressure. When asking health/medical professionals the only thing I can chalk it up to is my blood pressure or heart rate goes to high too fast. It also happened when I had not eaten enough to fuel my workout .. (I had been dieting to do figure competitions). The intensity of the workouts was really high...but it's weird because it only happened during spin. I run as well and do alot of weight training. But only happened during spin.

    Maybe try having some fruit with protein to fuel you before a workout.. like 30 min before. A luna bar is even a good alternative for something simple and quick.... try eating closer to workout time and see if that helps.

    Do you wear a heart rate monitor ever? Checking in on that could be helpful as to see how high it gets during your workouts.

    also... are you drinking a lot of caffeine throughout the day? if so, i'd try eliminating or decreasing the amount and see if that helps.

    good luck!!

    It's really just trial and error.. but it stinks and def puts a damper on a good workout.. you may just have to lower the intensity a little and see if that helps too..

  • pcvalentine
    pcvalentine Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I do not wear a heart rate monitor. I will try getting one of those to see if maybe I am pushing just a little too hard. I stay pretty hydrated at all times. No coffee, I cut it out a little over a month ago because I thought that may have something to do with it, but no change it headaches. Appreciate the input, thanks again.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I've had migraines since I was 4 years old - I'm now 34.
    I sometimes get them post workout but like others have said mine are almost always due to lack of water before, during and after the workout.
    I sometimes wonder if it is due to working upper body muscles in the shoulders and neck which cause tension which - at least in myself, can trigger a migraine.

    I hope you get sorted out.
