Fibromyagia and motivation

I am 29 years old, 5 foot 2 inches, started at 303, weighed in today at 295. I have lost what i have by just changing what im eating. I haven't been doing much working out due to a medical issue i was having that has now seemed to work itself out. I am getting a little bit of work out done here and there but i am finding it very hard.

I have always struggled with my weight but my biggest was 350 when i was 22. I hit the gym because i love the gym. I always have loved the gym. I melted off that pounds in no time. Then i started having kids and gained a lot of weight. Then 2 years a go I was diagnosed with Fibromyagia. I was determined not to get it stop me but i find that i literally cant get out of bed in the morning.

I work a full time warehouse job and have 2 boys under the age of 5 to keep up with. I already get to bed late most nights and even later is i get a work out in. I try to wake up early to get a work out in before the kids get up but i find that my body is lead and i can barely even get out of bed. And that is even worse when I get a work out in the night before. I need advice and friends to help push me. My husband trys but we are on complete opposite shifts and really barely see each other any more.


  • jennyf55
    jennyf55 Posts: 24 Member
    I have fibromyalgia too. I can't believe you can work full time first of all and can still can manage to care for your family and be able to care for yourself. I wouldn't be able to do it. Kudos to you for getting through that. While having FMS, I think we have to accept smaller achievements in weight loss simply because working out is so difficult. I would think if you get some activities in with your kids, that would be more important than going to the gym. Playing with them would get you moving and they would love it. You would be accomplishing two tasks at once. Moms always have to multi-task, especially when you have FMS.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I have fibromyalgia, too.

    I jog and lift. It took a while to get there since I had to take things slow.

    The good news is, a calorie deficit is the most important thing for weight loss. Exercise for fitness, calorie deficit for weight loss. I find exercise helps with the pain flare ups... not so much the depression and insomnia.
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    jennyf55 wrote: »
    I have fibromyalgia too. I can't believe you can work full time first of all and can still can manage to care for your family and be able to care for yourself. I wouldn't be able to do it. Kudos to you for getting through that. While having FMS, I think we have to accept smaller achievements in weight loss simply because working out is so difficult. I would think if you get some activities in with your kids, that would be more important than going to the gym. Playing with them would get you moving and they would love it. You would be accomplishing two tasks at once. Moms always have to multi-task, especially when you have FMS.

    it is very hard. i have little to no energy by the end of the day. and really i just run on no energy because there is no other option. my kids are 2 and 4 so it is actually cute i will put on a dance fitness dvd and they will do it with me but it is so hard to have the energy to even do that. I love going to the gym but i am just not willing to give up what time i do have with me kids and what very little i get with my husband to go any more. but my couch is so comfortable when im home lol
  • mjtaylor87
    mjtaylor87 Posts: 242 Member
    I have fibromyalgia, too.

    I jog and lift. It took a while to get there since I had to take things slow.

    The good news is, a calorie deficit is the most important thing for weight loss. Exercise for fitness, calorie deficit for weight loss. I find exercise helps with the pain flare ups... not so much the depression and insomnia.

    I have found that exercise helps with my insomnia. or i guess it may just wear me out to the point i crash lol. but im finding since ive started the dieting i am more sensory sensitive. I have to wear ear plugs at work and my warehouse isnt even that load and the feel of the fans dont cool me as much as irritate and hurt me.
  • vickieringoodwin
    vickieringoodwin Posts: 2 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and last summer it was the worst it had ever been, I was only getting in 1 workout a week if that, eating horrible because i felt horrible and in a lot of pain. In desperation i went to a Naturopath who took me off gluten and dairy. It CHANGED MY LIFE!!! within days i could walk down the stairs like a normal person (not an 80year old 1 step 2 feet at a time). I lost 15 lbs in a few months and feel amazing. I have added small amounts of dairy (upsets my digestive system) but i cannot have any gluten. I will never get tested for celiac because you have to be eating it for the test but i feel like i have a whole new body. The brain fog is gone, my muscles no longer ache.
  • meganw2020
    meganw2020 Posts: 107 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have fibro too and I am just over one week in to cutting out gluten from my diet and it has made a huge difference. I knew it could be a factor in how I was feeling but I was too stubborn to try it before. I have more energy then I have had in years and a lot less pain. Not in my wildest dreams did I think it could make this big of a difference. I would encourage anyone suffering with fibro to try cutting it, it may not work for you but it is worth a try!!