I want to lose weight but how????

I am 29 old mother of two kids
I am 5'3 and 100Kg weight
How I reduce my weight????
I am a beginner so want to know how much time should I spend on treadmill /walking at what speed???
Kindly please help


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Plug in your stats into the MFP setup, and the rate of loss you want to try for. Choose sedentary or lightly active for your activity level, unless you are reasonably sure you are more active than that. It will give you a calorie target for your daily meals.

    Log your food and eat to that target. Weigh your food and use database entries that are reasonably accurate.

    If you engage in purposeful exercise such as walking on a treadmill, log that and MFP will give you extra calories. Be careful that the exercise calories can be overestimated.

  • UmmeFabeha
    UmmeFabeha Posts: 3 Member
    Any rough idea how many calories burn in 20 mint at a speedof 4 and 5
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    UmmeFabeha wrote: »
    Any rough idea how many calories burn in 20 mint at a speedof 4 and 5

    Lot's of calculators online...this one is ok.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    UmmeFabeha wrote: »
    Any rough idea how many calories burn in 20 mint at a speedof 4 and 5

    There are websites that can give you an estimate considering your weight, age and sex, but you can't really take their numbers as gospel.
  • franklin505
    franklin505 Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe get a tracker with a HR monitor they can estimate how many calories you are burning, but as th other guys say enter your stats and food is a good start.
  • BurgerLovinBulker
    BurgerLovinBulker Posts: 38 Member
    The biggest contributor to weight loss is food consumption.

    Track what you eat using MyFitnessPal & a food scale for 3 days. Average the calories, and reduce that number by a number of your choosing 100-300 is a good place to start.

    Eat no more than that number or calories. You will lose weight.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    Tracking your calorie intake is really important.
    In the past, whenever I'd try to lose weight by just adding exercise, without closely monitoring what I'd eat, I'd end up gaining weight. Why? Because exercise would make me hungrier, and I'd end up eating a bit more, over and above the few calories I'd use up exercising.

    This doesn't mean you have to drastically cut your calories (all those people going straight for 1200 cal!), as the poster above explained, just cut a couple of hundred calories per day over a long time, and the weight will slowly come off.

    Good luck.
  • HealthyGoalie1
    HealthyGoalie1 Posts: 74 Member
    edited July 2017
    Taking Your Measurements

    It's possible to take measurements (aside weight) and add in mfp:


    Credit to the authors of the website

    Determine your current body fat percentage

    Based on the measurements, if not having a scale which measures body fat, it's possible to calculate your overall body fat based on the measurements taken:


    Credit to the authors of the website

    * Possible adding a additional measurement in mfp to track body fat %..


    * Click on the 'Track Additional Measurements' Link on the measurements page, afterwards a option is given to 'Add Another Measurement', by adding the description in the text field & clicking the 'Add Measurement' button.


    Determine Your Weight Goal (based on body fat & current weight)

    When having your current body fat %, possible to determine which weight range you wish to be:


    Credit to authors of the website

    Enter your current weight / body fat (on above site mentioned), enter goal body fat percentage to determine goal weight (range) or leave empty and calculate to see how much you weight at every body fat zone (minimum and max weight in the specific zone)..

    Body fat zones for women:

    ATHLETE (14% TO 20%)

    FITNESS (21% TO 24%)

    AVERAGE (25% TO 31%)

    * Weight can be higher when gaining more muscle mass when working out over time.

    Set your food plan to achieve your goals

    Set your food plan on mfp (current weight should be entered), possible to change goal weight, activity level.. how much weight you want to loose a week.



    Have Fun reaching your goals.

    * Use the scale as guidance (not focusing on the number but on the trend), in addition to measurements, taking pictures (in the phone app).. to track progress.

    Always be Happy & Stay Positive
