Ok so I have been hitting the gym hard for almost 3 weeks (6 days a week) and yet i havent lost a single thing! wtf??! so i adjusted my calculator on MFP to show me sugar and sodium and i have went over every day - I just realized today that you can change the columns so when i went back day after day after day to see that i royally F@#$ed up. ugh so im depressed and half of me wants to just give up like whatever i just dont care and the other half is like it was only 3 weeks and you can still make changes its gonna be a long battle. my goal is to loose 80 pounds by next spring because im getting married next summer but damn i wish i would just wake up one morning and be thin lol i know thats not reality - i know i need to get off my *kitten* and get to work but where do i find the motivation to work so hard if there arent any results? - i guess i need to keep my mind set on looking good in a wedding dress (i cant have my bridal party looking better than the bride) so i didnt go to the gym today i couldnt even talk myself into going - but tomorrow im gonna try to start again i guess im just venting and looking for some motivational thoughts!


  • laura__marie
    I'm sooooo sorry! The good thing is that now you know why you weren't loosing, and should be able to turn that around. I am impressed with your gym attendance! That is AwEsOmE!!! Keep it up, and I know it'll pick up for you!!!
  • chrisfnet
    chrisfnet Posts: 83
    There's no reason to give up. There's also no reason to think that your efforts so far have been fruitless. Even if you were eating "incorrectly", your time at the gym DID benefit you - whether it showed on the scales or not. Keep your chin up and keep chugging along!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    It can be frustrating, but you've laid a great foundation with the exercise and now you just need to change up the diet, and you'll start seeing results. On the plus side, often the first 1-3 weeks of starting a strenuous exercise routine can lead to the scale not moving just because your muscles hold water to repair themselves, and then there's a big drop when they adjust. But exercise alone is not enough... so onto the food - focus on eating lean meat (baked/broiled/steamed/grilled), lots of fresh veggies and fruits, some whole grains and healthy starches. Eliminate or severely limit white flours and sugars. Try to avoid processed foods when possible. If you eat out, make healthy selections. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You'll see positive results. You can do it!!!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I totally agree with Chris, even if the scale didn't show it, your time spent working out will prove a good investment as you have built lean muscle mass. Keep up the effort and you'll be on your way.
    Its hard work at times, but it can also be very enjoyable to discover how your body works and reacts to different things.

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    When doing a new exercise your muscles can hold onto water as they repair themselves. You may be losing just fine, just need to let your muscles adapt.

    As for sodium and sugar, neither will necessarily derail your efforts, I go over on sugar every day because of fruits and other natural sugars. I tend to ignore the value because I know where it's coming from. With sodium, you should be more careful. Excess sodium can affect your health and cause you to retain water. Decrease sodium intake by eating more fresh foods and drink more water to flush it out.
  • ditzee
    ditzee Posts: 49
    Don't give up. If you aren't losing weight take your measurements. Sometimes you are losing inches even if it's not showing a weight loss. This is a lifestyle change take it one day at a time and continue on. You have figured out what may be causing the problem so you took a big step. Hang in there it will get better!
  • RAHJustice
    RAHJustice Posts: 19
    So not a fail! Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so you still may be losing inches! Are you measuring yourself too? I highly recommend measuring. You can also change or add to the measurement area the parts of your body you want to keep track of measuring. Keep up the good work! You are doing awesomely to have continued with the gym regularly! It won't be long and you'll start seeing a huge difference! Even if the scale is talking ugly, let the measuring tape talk too! A lot of times it talks a lot sweeter than the scale does! Especially if you are really exercising and toning up too! Keep up the great work and don't be discouraged! Keep your eye on the finish line!
  • miisscandace
    thank you guys for all your supposrt - it really means more to me than you know!
  • RAHJustice
    RAHJustice Posts: 19
    That's one of the great things about MFP! You are never alone. There is so much great support out there and so many people that are going thru or have gone thru the same type of stuff - a great support group!
  • shonniegrl
    shonniegrl Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but here goes.... Maybe you should cut down on the exercise a little. Let me explain... I was doing the exact same thing. Working out HARD for 6 days a week and logging my food and eating back exercise cal etc. And (just like you) the scale wouldn't budge! I was trying not to get frustrated because I felt really good about my workouts (I would burn an average of 900 calories in one session). But, I really was tired of not seeing that scale move. I talked to my nutritionist and she looked at my food diary and said I wasn't eating BAD, but I was eating a little too much and too much processed food. She told me to cut down my workouts to 3x's a week. She cleaned up my eating. For Breakfast I eat 2 eggs and a fruit or low sugar oatmeal and a fruit For lunch I eat tuna on whole wheat with light mayo and a piece of fruit or low sodium soup and whole grain crackers and a piece of fruit. For dinner I have a lean protein, salad and a vegetable. Then as a snack, I can have anything I want as long as it is around 100 calories (I like something sweet at night).
    Once I did this, I FINALLY saw the scale move and now I am 5 lbs lighter (it has been about 3 weeks of me doing this).

    I hope this helps in some way.